Creates a rule. Creating rules is an administrator-level action. Any user who has permission to create rules will be able to access data processed by the rule.
Requires permission to access the CreateTopicRule action.
Request Syntax
POST /rules/ruleName
x-amz-tagging: tags
Content-type: application/json
"actions": [
"cloudwatchAlarm": {
"alarmName": "string
"roleArn": "string
"stateReason": "string
"stateValue": "string
"cloudwatchLogs": {
"batchMode": boolean
"logGroupName": "string
"roleArn": "string
"cloudwatchMetric": {
"metricName": "string
"metricNamespace": "string
"metricTimestamp": "string
"metricUnit": "string
"metricValue": "string
"roleArn": "string
"dynamoDB": {
"hashKeyField": "string
"hashKeyType": "string
"hashKeyValue": "string
"operation": "string
"payloadField": "string
"rangeKeyField": "string
"rangeKeyType": "string
"rangeKeyValue": "string
"roleArn": "string
"tableName": "string
"dynamoDBv2": {
"putItem": {
"tableName": "string
"roleArn": "string
"elasticsearch": {
"endpoint": "string
"id": "string
"index": "string
"roleArn": "string
"type": "string
"firehose": {
"batchMode": boolean
"deliveryStreamName": "string
"roleArn": "string
"separator": "string
"http": {
"auth": {
"sigv4": {
"roleArn": "string
"serviceName": "string
"signingRegion": "string
"confirmationUrl": "string
"headers": [
"key": "string
"value": "string
"url": "string
"iotAnalytics": {
"batchMode": boolean
"channelArn": "string
"channelName": "string
"roleArn": "string
"iotEvents": {
"batchMode": boolean
"inputName": "string
"messageId": "string
"roleArn": "string
"iotSiteWise": {
"putAssetPropertyValueEntries": [
"assetId": "string
"entryId": "string
"propertyAlias": "string
"propertyId": "string
"propertyValues": [
"quality": "string
"timestamp": {
"offsetInNanos": "string
"timeInSeconds": "string
"value": {
"booleanValue": "string
"doubleValue": "string
"integerValue": "string
"stringValue": "string
"roleArn": "string
"kafka": {
"clientProperties": {
" : "string
"destinationArn": "string
"headers": [
"key": "string
"value": "string
"key": "string
"partition": "string
"topic": "string
"kinesis": {
"partitionKey": "string
"roleArn": "string
"streamName": "string
"lambda": {
"functionArn": "string
"location": {
"deviceId": "string
"latitude": "string
"longitude": "string
"roleArn": "string
"timestamp": {
"unit": "string
"value": "string
"trackerName": "string
"openSearch": {
"endpoint": "string
"id": "string
"index": "string
"roleArn": "string
"type": "string
"republish": {
"headers": {
"contentType": "string
"correlationData": "string
"messageExpiry": "string
"payloadFormatIndicator": "string
"responseTopic": "string
"userProperties": [
"key": "string
"value": "string
"qos": number
"roleArn": "string
"topic": "string
"s3": {
"bucketName": "string
"cannedAcl": "string
"key": "string
"roleArn": "string
"salesforce": {
"token": "string
"url": "string
"sns": {
"messageFormat": "string
"roleArn": "string
"targetArn": "string
"sqs": {
"queueUrl": "string
"roleArn": "string
"useBase64": boolean
"stepFunctions": {
"executionNamePrefix": "string
"roleArn": "string
"stateMachineName": "string
"timestream": {
"databaseName": "string
"dimensions": [
"name": "string
"value": "string
"roleArn": "string
"tableName": "string
"timestamp": {
"unit": "string
"value": "string
"awsIotSqlVersion": "string
"description": "string
"errorAction": {
"cloudwatchAlarm": {
"alarmName": "string
"roleArn": "string
"stateReason": "string
"stateValue": "string
"cloudwatchLogs": {
"batchMode": boolean
"logGroupName": "string
"roleArn": "string
"cloudwatchMetric": {
"metricName": "string
"metricNamespace": "string
"metricTimestamp": "string
"metricUnit": "string
"metricValue": "string
"roleArn": "string
"dynamoDB": {
"hashKeyField": "string
"hashKeyType": "string
"hashKeyValue": "string
"operation": "string
"payloadField": "string
"rangeKeyField": "string
"rangeKeyType": "string
"rangeKeyValue": "string
"roleArn": "string
"tableName": "string
"dynamoDBv2": {
"putItem": {
"tableName": "string
"roleArn": "string
"elasticsearch": {
"endpoint": "string
"id": "string
"index": "string
"roleArn": "string
"type": "string
"firehose": {
"batchMode": boolean
"deliveryStreamName": "string
"roleArn": "string
"separator": "string
"http": {
"auth": {
"sigv4": {
"roleArn": "string
"serviceName": "string
"signingRegion": "string
"confirmationUrl": "string
"headers": [
"key": "string
"value": "string
"url": "string
"iotAnalytics": {
"batchMode": boolean
"channelArn": "string
"channelName": "string
"roleArn": "string
"iotEvents": {
"batchMode": boolean
"inputName": "string
"messageId": "string
"roleArn": "string
"iotSiteWise": {
"putAssetPropertyValueEntries": [
"assetId": "string
"entryId": "string
"propertyAlias": "string
"propertyId": "string
"propertyValues": [
"quality": "string
"timestamp": {
"offsetInNanos": "string
"timeInSeconds": "string
"value": {
"booleanValue": "string
"doubleValue": "string
"integerValue": "string
"stringValue": "string
"roleArn": "string
"kafka": {
"clientProperties": {
" : "string
"destinationArn": "string
"headers": [
"key": "string
"value": "string
"key": "string
"partition": "string
"topic": "string
"kinesis": {
"partitionKey": "string
"roleArn": "string
"streamName": "string
"lambda": {
"functionArn": "string
"location": {
"deviceId": "string
"latitude": "string
"longitude": "string
"roleArn": "string
"timestamp": {
"unit": "string
"value": "string
"trackerName": "string
"openSearch": {
"endpoint": "string
"id": "string
"index": "string
"roleArn": "string
"type": "string
"republish": {
"headers": {
"contentType": "string
"correlationData": "string
"messageExpiry": "string
"payloadFormatIndicator": "string
"responseTopic": "string
"userProperties": [
"key": "string
"value": "string
"qos": number
"roleArn": "string
"topic": "string
"s3": {
"bucketName": "string
"cannedAcl": "string
"key": "string
"roleArn": "string
"salesforce": {
"token": "string
"url": "string
"sns": {
"messageFormat": "string
"roleArn": "string
"targetArn": "string
"sqs": {
"queueUrl": "string
"roleArn": "string
"useBase64": boolean
"stepFunctions": {
"executionNamePrefix": "string
"roleArn": "string
"stateMachineName": "string
"timestream": {
"databaseName": "string
"dimensions": [
"name": "string
"value": "string
"roleArn": "string
"tableName": "string
"timestamp": {
"unit": "string
"value": "string
"ruleDisabled": boolean
"sql": "string
URI Request Parameters
The request uses the following URI parameters.
- ruleName
The name of the rule.
Length Constraints: Minimum length of 1. Maximum length of 128.
Required: Yes
Metadata which can be used to manage the topic rule.
For URI Request parameters use format: ...key1=value1&key2=value2...
For the CLI command-line parameter use format: --tags "key1=value1&key2=value2..."
For the cli-input-json file use format: "tags": "key1=value1&key2=value2..."
Request Body
The request accepts the following data in JSON format.
- actions
The actions associated with the rule.
Type: Array of Action objects
Array Members: Minimum number of 0 items. Maximum number of 10 items.
Required: Yes
- awsIotSqlVersion
The version of the SQL rules engine to use when evaluating the rule.
Type: String
Required: No
- description
The description of the rule.
Type: String
Required: No
- errorAction
The action to take when an error occurs.
Type: Action object
Required: No
- ruleDisabled
Specifies whether the rule is disabled.
Type: Boolean
Required: No
- sql
The SQL statement used to query the topic. For more information, see Amazon IoT SQL Reference in the Amazon IoT Developer Guide.
Type: String
Required: Yes
Response Syntax
HTTP/1.1 200
Response Elements
If the action is successful, the service sends back an HTTP 200 response with an empty HTTP body.
- ConflictingResourceUpdateException
A conflicting resource update exception. This exception is thrown when two pending updates cause a conflict.
HTTP Status Code: 409
- InternalException
An unexpected error has occurred.
HTTP Status Code: 500
- InvalidRequestException
The request is not valid.
HTTP Status Code: 400
- ResourceAlreadyExistsException
The resource already exists.
HTTP Status Code: 409
- ServiceUnavailableException
The service is temporarily unavailable.
HTTP Status Code: 503
- SqlParseException
The Rule-SQL expression can't be parsed correctly.
HTTP Status Code: 400
See Also
For more information about using this API in one of the language-specific Amazon SDKs, see the following: