Gets an OTA update.
Requires permission to access the GetOTAUpdate action.
Request Syntax
GET /otaUpdates/otaUpdateId
URI Request Parameters
The request uses the following URI parameters.
- otaUpdateId
The OTA update ID.
Length Constraints: Minimum length of 1. Maximum length of 128.
Required: Yes
Request Body
The request does not have a request body.
Response Syntax
HTTP/1.1 200
Content-type: application/json
"otaUpdateInfo": {
"additionalParameters": {
"string" : "string"
"awsIotJobArn": "string",
"awsIotJobId": "string",
"awsJobExecutionsRolloutConfig": {
"exponentialRate": {
"baseRatePerMinute": number,
"incrementFactor": number,
"rateIncreaseCriteria": {
"numberOfNotifiedThings": number,
"numberOfSucceededThings": number
"maximumPerMinute": number
"awsJobPresignedUrlConfig": {
"expiresInSec": number
"creationDate": number,
"description": "string",
"errorInfo": {
"code": "string",
"message": "string"
"lastModifiedDate": number,
"otaUpdateArn": "string",
"otaUpdateFiles": [
"attributes": {
"string" : "string"
"codeSigning": {
"awsSignerJobId": "string",
"customCodeSigning": {
"certificateChain": {
"certificateName": "string",
"inlineDocument": "string"
"hashAlgorithm": "string",
"signature": {
"inlineDocument": blob
"signatureAlgorithm": "string"
"startSigningJobParameter": {
"destination": {
"s3Destination": {
"bucket": "string",
"prefix": "string"
"signingProfileName": "string",
"signingProfileParameter": {
"certificateArn": "string",
"certificatePathOnDevice": "string",
"platform": "string"
"fileLocation": {
"s3Location": {
"bucket": "string",
"key": "string",
"version": "string"
"stream": {
"fileId": number,
"streamId": "string"
"fileName": "string",
"fileType": number,
"fileVersion": "string"
"otaUpdateId": "string",
"otaUpdateStatus": "string",
"protocols": [ "string" ],
"targets": [ "string" ],
"targetSelection": "string"
Response Elements
If the action is successful, the service sends back an HTTP 200 response.
The following data is returned in JSON format by the service.
- otaUpdateInfo
The OTA update info.
Type: OTAUpdateInfo object
- InternalFailureException
An unexpected error has occurred.
HTTP Status Code: 500
- InvalidRequestException
The request is not valid.
HTTP Status Code: 400
- ResourceNotFoundException
The specified resource does not exist.
HTTP Status Code: 404
- ServiceUnavailableException
The service is temporarily unavailable.
HTTP Status Code: 503
- ThrottlingException
The rate exceeds the limit.
HTTP Status Code: 400
- UnauthorizedException
You are not authorized to perform this operation.
HTTP Status Code: 401
See Also
For more information about using this API in one of the language-specific Amazon SDKs, see the following: