Step 3: Create the application image and upload the Docker file to your Amazon ECR repository
In this step, you compile the example application, build a Docker image, and push the image to your Amazon ECR repository.
Build your application, build a Docker image, and submit it to Amazon Elastic Container Registry
Set environment variables for the build that define your Amazon Web Services Region. Replace the Regions in the examples with your own.
export CASSANDRA_HOST=cassandra. export CASSANDRA_DC=aws-region
Compile your application with Apache Maven version 3.6.3 or higher using the following command.
mvn clean install
This creates a
file with all dependencies included in thetarget
directory.Retrieve your ECR repository URI that's needed for the next step with the following command. Make sure to update the Region to the one you've been using.
aws ecr describe-repositories --region
The output should look like in the following example.
"repositories": [ { "repositoryArn": "arn:aws:ecr:
:111122223333:repository/my-ecr-repository", "registryId": "111122223333", "repositoryName": "my-ecr-repository", "repositoryUri": "", "createdAt": "2023-11-02T03:46:34+00:00", "imageTagMutability": "MUTABLE", "imageScanningConfiguration": { "scanOnPush": false }, "encryptionConfiguration": { "encryptionType": "AES256" } },From the application's root directory build the Docker image using the repository URI from the last step. Modify the Docker file as needed. In the build command, make sure to replace your account ID and set the Amazon Web Services Region to the Region where the Amazon ECR repository
is located.docker build -t
:latest .Retrieve an authentication token to push the Docker image to Amazon ECR. You can do so with the following command.
aws ecr get-login-password --region
| docker login --username AWS --password-stdin111122223333
.amazonaws.comFirst, check for existing images in your Amazon ECR repository. You can use the following command.
aws ecr describe-images --repository-name
Then, push the Docker image to the repo. You can use the following command.
docker push 111122223333.dkr.ecr.