Services or capabilities described in Amazon Web Services documentation might vary by Region. To see the differences applicable to the China Regions,
see Getting Started with Amazon Web Services in China
Add tags to a table
You can add tags to an existing table in Amazon Keyspaces using the console, CQL or the Amazon CLI.
- Console
Add tags to a table using the Amazon Keyspaces console
Sign in to the Amazon Web Services Management Console, and open the Amazon Keyspaces console at
In the navigation pane, choose Tables.
Choose a table from the list and choose the Tags tab.
Choose Manage
tags to add tags to the table.
Choose Save changes.
- Cassandra Query Language (CQL)
Add tags to a table using CQL
The following statement shows how to add tags to an existing table.
ALTER TABLE mykeyspace.mytable
ADD TAGS {'key1':'val1', 'key2':'val2'}
Add tags to a table using the Amazon CLI
The following example shows how to add new tags to an existing table.
aws keyspaces tag-resource --resource-arn 'arn:aws:cassandra:us-east-1:111222333444:/keyspace/myKeyspace/table/myTable
' --tags 'key=key3,value=val3' 'key=key4,value=val4'