Add tags when creating a new table - Amazon Keyspaces (for Apache Cassandra)
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Add tags when creating a new table

You can use the Amazon Keyspaces console, CQL or the Amazon CLI to add tags to new keyspaces and tables when you create them.

Add a tag when creating a new table using the (console)
  1. Sign in to the Amazon Web Services Management Console, and open the Amazon Keyspaces console at

  2. In the navigation pane, choose Tables, and then choose Create table.

  3. On the Create table page in the Table details section, select a keyspace and provide a name for the table.

  4. In the Schema section, create the schema for your table.

  5. In the Table settings section, choose Customize settings.

  6. Continue to the Table tags – optional section, and choose Add new tag to create new tags.

  7. Choose Create table.

Cassandra Query Language (CQL)
Add tags when creating a new table using CQL
  • The following example creates a new table with tags.

    CREATE TABLE mytable(...) WITH TAGS = {'key1':'val1', 'key2':'val2'};
Add tags when creating a new table using the Amazon CLI
  • The following example shows how to create a new table with tags. The command creates a table myTable in an already existing keyspace myKeyspace. Note that the command has been broken up into different lines to help with readability.

    aws keyspaces create-table --keyspace-name 'myKeyspace' --table-name 'myTable' --schema-definition 'allColumns=[{name=id,type=int},{name=name,type=text},{name=date,type=timestamp}],partitionKeys=[{name=id}]' --tags 'key=key1,value=val1' 'key=key2,value=val2'