DDL statements (data definition language) in Amazon Keyspaces - Amazon Keyspaces (for Apache Cassandra)
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DDL statements (data definition language) in Amazon Keyspaces

Data definition language (DDL) is the set of Cassandra Query Language (CQL) statements that you use to manage data structures in Amazon Keyspaces (for Apache Cassandra), such as keyspaces and tables. You use DDL to create these data structures, modify them after they are created, and remove them when they're no longer in use. Amazon Keyspaces performs DDL operations asynchronously. For more information about how to confirm that an asynchronous operation has completed, see Asynchronous creation and deletion of keyspaces and tables.

The following DDL statements are supported:


A keyspace groups related tables that are relevant for one or more applications. In terms of a relational database management system (RDBMS), keyspaces are roughly similar to databases, tablespaces, or similar constructs.


In Apache Cassandra, keyspaces determine how data is replicated among multiple storage nodes. However, Amazon Keyspaces is a fully managed service: The details of its storage layer are managed on your behalf. For this reason, keyspaces in Amazon Keyspaces are logical constructs only, and aren't related to the underlying physical storage.

For information about quota limits and constraints for Amazon Keyspaces keyspaces, see Quotas for Amazon Keyspaces (for Apache Cassandra).


Use the CREATE KEYSPACE statement to create a new keyspace.


create_keyspace_statement ::= CREATE KEYSPACE [ IF NOT EXISTS ] keyspace_name WITH options


  • keyspace_name is the name of the keyspace to be created.

  • options are one or more of the following:

    • REPLICATION – A map that indicates the replication strategy for the keyspace:

      • SingleRegionStrategy – For a single-Region keyspace. (Required)

      • NetworkTopologyStrategy – Specify at least two and up to six Amazon Web Services Regions. The replication factor for each Region is three. (Optional)

    • DURABLE_WRITES – Writes to Amazon Keyspaces are always durable, so this option isn't required. However, if specified, the value must be true.

    • TAGS – A list of key-value pair tags to be attached to the resource when you create it. (Optional)


Create a keyspace as follows.

CREATE KEYSPACE my_keyspace WITH REPLICATION = {'class': 'SingleRegionStrategy'} and TAGS ={'key1':'val1', 'key2':'val2'} ;

To create a multi-Region keyspace, specify NetworkTopologyStrategy and include at least two and up to six Amazon Web Services Regions. The replication factor for each Region is three.

CREATE KEYSPACE my_keyspace WITH REPLICATION = {'class':'NetworkTopologyStrategy', 'us-east-1':'3', 'ap-southeast-1':'3','eu-west-1':'3'};


You can use ALTER KEYSPACE to add or remove tags from a keyspace.

To add or remove tags, you can use the following syntax.


alter_keyspace_statement ::= ALTER KEYSPACE keyspace_name [[ADD | DROP] TAGS


  • keyspace_name is the name of the keyspace to be altered.

  • TAGS – A list of key-value pair tags to be added or removed from the keyspace.


Alter a keyspace as follows.

ALTER KEYSPACE my_keyspace ADD TAGS {'key1':'val1', 'key2':'val2'};


Use the DROP KEYSPACE statement to remove a keyspace—including all of its contents, such as tables.


drop_keyspace_statement ::= DROP KEYSPACE [ IF EXISTS ] keyspace_name


  • keyspace_name is the name of the keyspace to be dropped.




Tables are the primary data structures in Amazon Keyspaces. Data in a table is organized into rows and columns. A subset of those columns is used to determine partitioning (and ultimately data placement) through the specification of a partition key.

Another set of columns can be defined into clustering columns, which means that they can participate as predicates in query execution.

By default, new tables are created with on-demand throughput capacity. You can change the capacity mode for new and existing tables. For more information about read/write capacity throughput modes, see Configure read/write capacity modes in Amazon Keyspaces.

For tables in provisioned mode, you can configure optional AUTOSCALING_SETTINGS. For more information about Amazon Keyspaces auto scaling and the available options, see Configure automatic scaling on an existing table.

For information about quota limits and constraints for Amazon Keyspaces tables, see Quotas for Amazon Keyspaces (for Apache Cassandra).


Use the CREATE TABLE statement to create a new table.


create_table_statement ::= CREATE TABLE [ IF NOT EXISTS ] table_name '(' column_definition ( ',' column_definition )* [ ',' PRIMARY KEY '(' primary_key ')' ] ')' [ WITH table_options ] column_definition ::= column_name cql_type [ FROZEN ][ STATIC ][ PRIMARY KEY] primary_key ::= partition_key [ ',' clustering_columns ] partition_key ::= column_name | '(' column_name ( ',' column_name )* ')' clustering_columns ::= column_name ( ',' column_name )* table_options ::= [table_options] | CLUSTERING ORDER BY '(' clustering_order ')' [ AND table_options ] | options | CUSTOM_PROPERTIES | AUTOSCALING_SETTINGS | default_time_to_live | TAGS clustering_order ::= column_name (ASC | DESC) ( ',' column_name (ASC | DESC) )*


  • table_name is the name of the table to be created.

  • column_definition consists of the following:

    • column_name – The name of the column.

    • cql_type – An Amazon Keyspaces data type (see Data types).

    • FROZEN – Designates this column of type collection (for example, LIST, SET, or MAP) as frozen. A frozen collection is serialized into a single immutable value and treated like a BLOB. For more information, see Collection types.

    • STATIC – Designates this column as static. Static columns store values that are shared by all rows in the same partition.

    • PRIMARY KEY – Designates this column as the table's primary key.

  • primary_key consists of the following:

    • partition_key

    • clustering_columns

  • partition_key:

    • The partition key can be a single column, or it can be a compound value composed of two or more columns. The partition key portion of the primary key is required and determines how Amazon Keyspaces stores your data.

  • clustering_columns:

    • The optional clustering column portion of your primary key determines how the data is clustered and sorted within each partition.

  • table_options consist of the following:

    • CLUSTERING ORDER BY – The default CLUSTERING ORDER on a table is composed of your clustering keys in the ASC (ascending) sort direction. Specify it to override the default sort behavior.

    • CUSTOM_PROPERTIES – A map of settings that are specific to Amazon Keyspaces.

      • capacity_mode: Specifies the read/write throughput capacity mode for the table. The options are throughput_mode:PAY_PER_REQUEST and throughput_mode:PROVISIONED. The provisioned capacity mode requires read_capacity_units and write_capacity_units as inputs. The default is throughput_mode:PAY_PER_REQUEST.

      • client_side_timestamps: Specifies if client-side timestamps are enabled or disabled for the table. The options are {'status': 'enabled'} and {'status': 'disabled'}. If it's not specified, the default is status:disabled. After client-side timestamps are enabled for a table, this setting cannot be disabled.

      • encryption_specification: Specifies the encryption options for encryption at rest. If it's not specified, the default is encryption_type:AWS_OWNED_KMS_KEY. The encryption option customer managed key requires the Amazon KMS key in Amazon Resource Name (ARN) format as input: kms_key_identifier:ARN: kms_key_identifier:ARN.

      • point_in_time_recovery: Specifies if point-in-time restore is enabled or disabled for the table. The options are status:enabled and status:disabled. If it's not specified, the default is status:disabled.

      • replica_updates: Specifies the settings of a multi-Region table that are specific to an Amazon Web Services Region. For a multi-Region table, you can configure the table's read capacity differently per Amazon Web Services Region. You can do this by configuring the following parameters. For more information and examples, see Create a multi-Region table in provisioned mode with auto scaling in Amazon Keyspaces.

        • region – The Amazon Web Services Region of the table replica with the following settings:

          • read_capacity_units

      • TTL: Enables Time to Live custom settings for the table. To enable, use status:enabled. The default is status:disabled. After TTL is enabled, you can't disable it for the table.

    • AUTOSCALING_SETTINGS includes the following optional settings for tables in provisioned mode. For more information and examples, see Create a new table with automatic scaling.

      • provisioned_write_capacity_autoscaling_update:

        • autoscaling_disabled – To enable auto scaling for write capacity, set the value to false. The default is true. (Optional)

        • minimum_units – The minimum level of write throughput that the table should always be ready to support. The value must be between 1 and the max throughput per second quota for your account (40,000 by default).

        • maximum_units – The maximum level of write throughput that the table should always be ready to support. The value must be between 1 and the max throughput per second quota for your account (40,000 by default).

        • scaling_policy – Amazon Keyspaces supports the target tracking policy. The auto scaling target is the provisioned write capacity of the table.

          • target_tracking_scaling_policy_configuration – To define the target tracking policy, you must define the target value. For more information about target tracking and cooldown periods, see Target Tracking Scaling Policies in the Application Auto Scaling User Guide.

            • target_value – The target utilization rate of the table. Amazon Keyspaces auto scaling ensures that the ratio of consumed capacity to provisioned capacity stays at or near this value. You define target_value as a percentage. A double between 20 and 90. (Required)

            • scale_in_cooldown – A cooldown period in seconds between scaling activities that lets the table stabilize before another scale in activity starts. If no value is provided, the default is 0. (Optional)

            • scale_out_cooldown – A cooldown period in seconds between scaling activities that lets the table stabilize before another scale out activity starts. If no value is provided, the default is 0. (Optional)

            • disable_scale_in: A boolean that specifies if scale-in is disabled or enabled for the table. This parameter is disabled by default. To turn on scale-in, set the boolean value to FALSE. This means that capacity is automatically scaled down for a table on your behalf. (Optional)

      • provisioned_read_capacity_autoscaling_update:

        • autoscaling_disabled – To enable auto scaling for read capacity, set the value to false. The default is true. (Optional)

        • minimum_units – The minimum level of throughput that the table should always be ready to support. The value must be between 1 and the max throughput per second quota for your account (40,000 by default).

        • maximum_units – The maximum level of throughput that the table should always be ready to support. The value must be between 1 and the max throughput per second quota for your account (40,000 by default).

        • scaling_policy – Amazon Keyspaces supports the target tracking policy. The auto scaling target is the provisioned read capacity of the table.

          • target_tracking_scaling_policy_configuration – To define the target tracking policy, you must define the target value. For more information about target tracking and cooldown periods, see Target Tracking Scaling Policies in the Application Auto Scaling User Guide.

            • target_value – The target utilization rate of the table. Amazon Keyspaces auto scaling ensures that the ratio of consumed capacity to provisioned capacity stays at or near this value. You define target_value as a percentage. A double between 20 and 90. (Required)

            • scale_in_cooldown – A cooldown period in seconds between scaling activities that lets the table stabilize before another scale in activity starts. If no value is provided, the default is 0. (Optional)

            • scale_out_cooldown – A cooldown period in seconds between scaling activities that lets the table stabilize before another scale out activity starts. If no value is provided, the default is 0. (Optional)

            • disable_scale_in: A boolean that specifies if scale-in is disabled or enabled for the table. This parameter is disabled by default. To turn on scale-in, set the boolean value to FALSE. This means that capacity is automatically scaled down for a table on your behalf. (Optional)

      • replica_updates: Specifies the Amazon Web Services Region specific auto scaling settings of a multi-Region table. For a multi-Region table, you can configure the table's read capacity differently per Amazon Web Services Region. You can do this by configuring the following parameters. For more information and examples, see Update the provisioned capacity and auto scaling settings for a multi-Region table in Amazon Keyspaces.

        • region – The Amazon Web Services Region of the table replica with the following settings:

          • provisioned_read_capacity_autoscaling_update

            • autoscaling_disabled – To enable auto scaling for the table's read capacity, set the value to false. The default is true. (Optional)


              Auto scaling for a multi-Region table has to be either enabled or disabled for all replicas of the table.

            • minimum_units – The minimum level of read throughput that the table should always be ready to support. The value must be between 1 and the max throughput per second quota for your account (40,000 by default).

            • maximum_units – The maximum level of read throughput that the table should always be ready to support. The value must be between 1 and the max throughput per second quota for your account (40,000 by default).

            • scaling_policy – Amazon Keyspaces supports the target tracking policy. The auto scaling target is the provisioned read capacity of the table.

              • target_tracking_scaling_policy_configuration – To define the target tracking policy, you must define the target value. For more information about target tracking and cooldown periods, see Target Tracking Scaling Policies in the Application Auto Scaling User Guide.

                • target_value – The target utilization rate of the table. Amazon Keyspaces auto scaling ensures that the ratio of consumed read capacity to provisioned read capacity stays at or near this value. You define target_value as a percentage. A double between 20 and 90. (Required)

                • scale_in_cooldown – A cooldown period in seconds between scaling activities that lets the table stabilize before another scale in activity starts. If no value is provided, the default is 0. (Optional)

                • scale_out_cooldown – A cooldown period in seconds between scaling activities that lets the table stabilize before another scale out activity starts. If no value is provided, the default is 0. (Optional)

                • disable_scale_in: A boolean that specifies if scale-in is disabled or enabled for the table. This parameter is disabled by default. To turn on scale-in, set the boolean value to FALSE. This means that read capacity is automatically scaled down for a table on your behalf. (Optional)

    • default_time_to_live – The default Time to Live setting in seconds for the table.

    • TAGS – A list of key-value pair tags to be attached to the resource when it's created.

  • clustering_order consists of the following:

    • column_name – The name of the column.

    • ASC | DESC – Sets the ascendant (ASC) or descendant (DESC) order modifier. If it's not specified, the default order is ASC.


CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "my_keyspace".my_table ( id text, name text, region text, division text, project text, role text, pay_scale int, vacation_hrs float, manager_id text, PRIMARY KEY (id,division)) WITH CUSTOM_PROPERTIES={ 'capacity_mode':{ 'throughput_mode': 'PROVISIONED', 'read_capacity_units': 10, 'write_capacity_units': 20 }, 'point_in_time_recovery':{'status': 'enabled'}, 'encryption_specification':{ 'encryption_type': 'CUSTOMER_MANAGED_KMS_KEY', 'kms_key_identifier':'arn:aws:kms:eu-west-1:5555555555555:key/11111111-1111-111-1111-111111111111' } } AND CLUSTERING ORDER BY (division ASC) AND TAGS={'key1':'val1', 'key2':'val2'} AND default_time_to_live = 3024000;

In a table that uses clustering columns, non-clustering columns can be declared as static in the table definition. For more information about static columns, see Estimate capacity consumption for static columns in Amazon Keyspaces.


CREATE TABLE "my_keyspace".my_table ( id int, name text, region text, division text, project text STATIC, PRIMARY KEY (id,division));


Use the ALTER TABLE statement to add new columns, add tags, or change the table's custom properties.


alter_table_statement ::= ALTER TABLE table_name [ ADD ( column_definition | column_definition_list) ] [[ADD | DROP] TAGS {'key1':'val1', 'key2':'val2'}] [ WITH table_options [ , ... ] ] ; column_definition ::= column_name cql_type


  • table_name is the name of the table to be altered.

  • column_definition is the name of the column and data type to be added.

  • column_definition_list is a comma-separated list of columns placed inside parentheses.

  • table_options consist of the following:

    • CUSTOM_PROPERTIES – A map of settings specific to Amazon Keyspaces.

      • capacity_mode: Specifies the read/write throughput capacity mode for the table. The options are throughput_mode:PAY_PER_REQUEST and throughput_mode:PROVISIONED. The provisioned capacity mode requires read_capacity_units and write_capacity_units as inputs. The default is throughput_mode:PAY_PER_REQUEST.

      • client_side_timestamps: Specifies if client-side timestamps are enabled or disabled for the table. The options are {'status': 'enabled'} and {'status': 'disabled'}. If it's not specified, the default is status:disabled. After client-side timestamps are enabled for a table, this setting cannot be disabled.

      • encryption_specification: Specifies the encryption option for encryption at rest. The options are encryption_type:AWS_OWNED_KMS_KEY and encryption_type:CUSTOMER_MANAGED_KMS_KEY. The encryption option customer managed key requires the Amazon KMS key in Amazon Resource Name (ARN) format as input: kms_key_identifier:ARN.

      • point_in_time_recovery: Specifies if point-in-time restore is enabled or disabled for the table. The options are status:enabled and status:disabled. The default is status:disabled.

      • replica_updates: Specifies the Amazon Web Services Region specific settings of a multi-Region table. For a multi-Region table, you can configure the table's read capacity differently per Amazon Web Services Region. You can do this by configuring the following parameters. For more information and examples, see Update the provisioned capacity and auto scaling settings for a multi-Region table in Amazon Keyspaces.

        • region – The Amazon Web Services Region of the table replica with the following settings:

          • read_capacity_units

      • ttl: Enables Time to Live custom settings for the table. To enable, use status:enabled. The default is status:disabled. After ttlis enabled, you can't disable it for the table.

    • AUTOSCALING_SETTINGS includes the optional auto scaling settings for provisioned tables. For syntax and detailed descriptions, see CREATE TABLE. For examples, see Configure automatic scaling on an existing table.

  • default_time_to_live: The default Time to Live setting in seconds for the table.

  • TAGS is a list of key-value pair tags to be attached to the resource.


With ALTER TABLE, you can only change a single custom property. You can't combine more than one ALTER TABLE command in the same statement.


The following statement shows how to add a column to an existing table.

ALTER TABLE mykeyspace.mytable ADD (ID int);

This statement shows how to add two collection columns to an existing table:

  • A frozen collection column col_frozen_list that contains a nested frozen collection

  • A non-frozen collection column col_map that contains a nested frozen collection

ALTER TABLE my_Table ADD(col_frozen_list FROZEN<LIST<FROZEN<SET<TEXT>>>>, col_map MAP<INT, FROZEN<SET<INT>>>);

To change a table's capacity mode and specify read and write capacity units, you can use the following statement.

ALTER TABLE mykeyspace.mytable WITH CUSTOM_PROPERTIES={'capacity_mode':{'throughput_mode': 'PROVISIONED', 'read_capacity_units': 10, 'write_capacity_units': 20}};

The following statement specifies a customer managed KMS key for the table.

ALTER TABLE mykeyspace.mytable WITH CUSTOM_PROPERTIES={ 'encryption_specification':{ 'encryption_type': 'CUSTOMER_MANAGED_KMS_KEY', 'kms_key_identifier':'arn:aws:kms:eu-west-1:5555555555555:key/11111111-1111-111-1111-111111111111' } };

To enable point-in-time restore for a table, you can use the following statement.

ALTER TABLE mykeyspace.mytable WITH CUSTOM_PROPERTIES={'point_in_time_recovery': {'status': 'enabled'}};

To set a default Time to Live value in seconds for a table, you can use the following statement.

ALTER TABLE my_table WITH default_time_to_live = 2592000;

This statement enables custom Time to Live settings for a table.

ALTER TABLE mytable WITH CUSTOM_PROPERTIES={'ttl':{'status': 'enabled'}};


Use the RESTORE TABLE statement to restore a table to a point in time. This statement requires point-in-time recovery to be enabled on a table. For more information, see Backup and restore data with point-in-time recovery for Amazon Keyspaces.


restore_table_statement ::= RESTORE TABLE restored_table_name FROM TABLE source_table_name [ WITH table_options [ , ... ] ];


  • restored_table_name is the name of the restored table.

  • source_table_name is the name of the source table.

  • table_options consists of the following:

    • restore_timestamp is the restore point time in ISO 8601 format. If it's not specified, the current timestamp is used.

    • CUSTOM_PROPERTIES – A map of settings specific to Amazon Keyspaces.

      • capacity_mode: Specifies the read/write throughput capacity mode for the table. The options are throughput_mode:PAY_PER_REQUEST and throughput_mode:PROVISIONED. The provisioned capacity mode requires read_capacity_units and write_capacity_units as inputs. The default is the current setting from the source table.

      • encryption_specification: Specifies the encryption option for encryption at rest. The options are encryption_type:AWS_OWNED_KMS_KEY and encryption_type:CUSTOMER_MANAGED_KMS_KEY. The encryption option customer managed key requires the Amazon KMS key in Amazon Resource Name (ARN) format as input: kms_key_identifier:ARN. To restore a table encrypted with a customer managed key to a table encrypted with an Amazon owned key, Amazon Keyspaces requires access to the Amazon KMS key of the source table.

      • point_in_time_recovery: Specifies if point-in-time restore is enabled or disabled for the table. The options are status:enabled and status:disabled. Unlike when you create new tables, the default status for restored tables is status:enabled because the setting is inherited from the source table. To disable PITR for restored tables, you must set status:disabled explicitly.

      • replica_updates: Specifies the Amazon Web Services Region specific settings of a multi-Region table. For a multi-Region table, you can configure the table's read capacity differently per Amazon Web Services Region. You can do this by configuring the following parameters.

        • region – The Amazon Web Services Region of the table replica with the following settings:

          • read_capacity_units

    • AUTOSCALING_SETTINGS includes the optional auto scaling settings for provisioned tables. For detailed syntax and descriptions, see CREATE TABLE.

    • TAGS is a list of key-value pair tags to be attached to the resource.


Deleted tables can only be restored to the time of deletion.


RESTORE TABLE mykeyspace.mytable_restored from table mykeyspace.my_table WITH restore_timestamp = '2020-06-30T04:05:00+0000' AND custom_properties = {'point_in_time_recovery':{'status':'disabled'}, 'capacity_mode':{'throughput_mode': 'PROVISIONED', 'read_capacity_units': 10, 'write_capacity_units': 20}} AND TAGS={'key1':'val1', 'key2':'val2'};


Use the DROP TABLE statement to remove a table from the keyspace.


drop_table_statement ::= DROP TABLE [ IF EXISTS ] table_name


  • IF EXISTS prevents DROP TABLE from failing if the table doesn't exist. (Optional)

  • table_name is the name of the table to be dropped.


DROP TABLE "myGSGKeyspace".employees_tbl;