Update data in an Amazon Keyspaces table using CQL - Amazon Keyspaces (for Apache Cassandra)
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Update data in an Amazon Keyspaces table using CQL

To update the data in your book_awards table, use the UPDATE statement.

The general form of the UPDATE statement is as follows.

UPDATE table_name SET column_name=new_value WHERE primary_key=value ;
  • You can update multiple columns by using a comma-separated list of column_names and values, as in the following example.

    UPDATE my_table SET col1='new_value_1', col2='new_value2' WHERE col3='1' ;
  • If the primary key is composed of multiple columns, all primary key columns and their values must be included in the WHERE clause.

  • You cannot update any column in the primary key because that would change the primary key for the record.

To update a single cell

Using your book_awards table, change the name of a publisher the for winner of the non-fiction Wolf awards in 2020.

UPDATE book_awards SET publisher='new Books' WHERE year = 2020 AND award='Wolf' AND category='Non-Fiction' AND rank=1;

Verify that the publisher is now new Books.

SELECT * FROM book_awards WHERE year = 2020 AND award='Wolf' AND category='Non-Fiction' AND rank=1;

The statement should return the following output.

year | award | category | rank | author | book_title | publisher ------+-------+-------------+------+-------------+------------------+----------- 2020 | Wolf | Non-Fiction | 1 | Wang Xiulan | History of Ideas | new Books

Try it

Advanced: The winner of the 2020 fiction "Kwezi Manu Prize" has changed their name. Update this record to change the name to 'Akua Mansa-House'.