Restore a deleted table using Amazon Keyspaces PITR - Amazon Keyspaces (for Apache Cassandra)
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Restore a deleted table using Amazon Keyspaces PITR

The following procedure shows how to restore a deleted table from backup to the time of deletion. You can do this using CQL or the Amazon CLI.


This procedure assumes that PITR was enabled on the deleted table.

Cassandra Query Language (CQL)
Restore a deleted table using CQL
  1. To confirm that point-in-time recovery is enabled for a deleted table, query the system table. Only tables with point-in-time recovery enabled are shown.

    SELECT custom_properties FROM system_schema_mcs.tables_history WHERE keyspace_name = 'mykeyspace' AND table_name = 'my_table';

    The query shows the following output.

    custom_properties ------------------ { ..., "point_in_time_recovery":{ "restorable_until_time":"2020-08-04T00:48:58.381Z", "status":"enabled" } }
  2. Restore the table to the time of deletion with the following sample statement.

    RESTORE TABLE mykeyspace.mytable_restored FROM TABLE mykeyspace.mytable;
Restore a deleted table using the Amazon CLI
  1. Delete a table that you created previously that has PITR enabled. The following command is an example.

    aws keyspaces delete-table --keyspace-name 'myKeyspace' --table-name 'myTable'
  2. Restore the deleted table to the time of deletion with the following command.

    aws keyspaces restore-table --source-keyspace-name 'myKeyspace' --source-table-name 'myTable' --target-keyspace-name 'myKeyspace' --target-table-name 'myTable_restored2'

    The output of this command returns the ARN of the restored table.

    { "restoredTableARN": "arn:aws:cassandra:us-east-1:111222333444:/keyspace/myKeyspace/table/myTable_restored2" }