Estimate capacity consumption for static columns in Amazon Keyspaces - Amazon Keyspaces (for Apache Cassandra)
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Estimate capacity consumption for static columns in Amazon Keyspaces

In an Amazon Keyspaces table with clustering columns, you can use the STATIC keyword to create a static column. The value stored in a static column is shared between all rows in a logical partition. When you update the value of this column, Amazon Keyspaces applies the change automatically to all rows in the partition.

This section describes how to calculate the encoded size of data when you're writing to static columns. This process is handled separately from the process that writes data to the nonstatic columns of a row. In addition to size quotas for static data, read and write operations on static columns also affect metering and throughput capacity for tables independently. For functional differences with Apache Cassandra when using static columns and paginated range read results, see Pagination.