Set the provisioned capacity of a multi-Region table manually in Amazon Keyspaces - Amazon Keyspaces (for Apache Cassandra)
Services or capabilities described in Amazon Web Services documentation might vary by Region. To see the differences applicable to the China Regions, see Getting Started with Amazon Web Services in China (PDF).

Set the provisioned capacity of a multi-Region table manually in Amazon Keyspaces

If you have to turn off auto scaling for a multi-Region table, you can provision the table's read capacity for a replica table manually using CQL or the Amazon CLI.


We recommend using auto scaling for multi-Region tables that use provisioned capacity mode. For more information, see Estimate and provision capacity for a multi-Region table in Amazon Keyspaces.

Cassandra Query Language (CQL)
Setting the provisioned capacity of a multi-Region table manually using CQL
  • You can use ALTER TABLE to provision the table's read capacity for a replica table manually.

    ALTER TABLE mykeyspace.mytable WITH CUSTOM_PROPERTIES = { 'capacity_mode': { 'throughput_mode': 'PROVISIONED', 'read_capacity_units': 1, 'write_capacity_units': 1 }, 'replica_updates': { 'us-east-1': { 'read_capacity_units': 2 } } };
Set the provisioned capacity of a multi-Region table manually using the Amazon CLI
  • If you have to turn off auto scaling for a multi-Region table, you can use update-table to provision the table's read capacity for a replica table manually.

    aws keyspaces update-table --keyspace-name mykeyspace --table-name mytable \ --capacity-specification throughputMode=PROVISIONED,readCapacityUnits=1,writeCapacityUnits=1 \ --replica-specifications region="us-east-1",readCapacityUnits=5