Create a multi-Region table in provisioned mode with auto scaling in Amazon Keyspaces - Amazon Keyspaces (for Apache Cassandra)
Services or capabilities described in Amazon Web Services documentation might vary by Region. To see the differences applicable to the China Regions, see Getting Started with Amazon Web Services in China (PDF).

Create a multi-Region table in provisioned mode with auto scaling in Amazon Keyspaces

This section provides examples of how to create a multi-Region table in provisioned mode with auto scaling. You can do this on the Amazon Keyspaces console, using CQL or the Amazon CLI.

For more information about supported configurations and multi-Region replication features, see Amazon Keyspaces multi-Region replication usage notes.

To create a multi-Region keyspace, see Create a multi-Region keyspace in Amazon Keyspaces.

When you create a new multi-Region table in provisioned mode with auto scaling settings, you can specify the general settings for the table that are valid for all Amazon Web Services Regions that the table is replicated in. You can then overwrite read capacity settings and read auto scaling settings for each replica. The write capacity, however, remains synchronized between all replicas to ensure that there's enough capacity to replicate writes across all Regions.


Amazon Keyspaces automatic scaling requires the presence of a service-linked role (AWSServiceRoleForApplicationAutoScaling_CassandraTable) that performs automatic scaling actions on your behalf. This role is created automatically for you. For more information, see Using service-linked roles for Amazon Keyspaces.

Create a new multi-Region table with automatic scaling enabled
  1. Sign in to the Amazon Web Services Management Console, and open the Amazon Keyspaces console at

  2. Choose a multi-Region keyspace.

  3. On the Tables tab, choose Create table.

  4. On the Create table page in the Table details section, select a keyspace and provide a name for the new table.

  5. In the Columns section, create the schema for your table.

  6. In the Primary key section, define the primary key of the table and select optional clustering columns.

  7. In the Table settings section, choose Customize settings.

  8. Continue to Read/write capacity settings.

  9. For Capacity mode, choose Provisioned.

  10. In the Read capacity section, confirm that Scale automatically is selected.

    You can select to configure the same read capacity units for all Amazon Web Services Regions that the table is replicated in. Alternatively, you can clear the check box and configure the read capacity for each Region differently.

    If you choose to configure each Region differently, you select the minimum and maximum read capacity units for each table replica, as well as the target utilization.

    • Minimum capacity units – Enter the value for the minimum level of throughput that the table should always be ready to support. The value must be between 1 and the maximum throughput per second quota for your account (40,000 by default).

    • Maximum capacity units – Enter the maximum amount of throughput that you want to provision for the table. The value must be between 1 and the maximum throughput per second quota for your account (40,000 by default).

    • Target utilization – Enter a target utilization rate between 20% and 90%. When traffic exceeds the defined target utilization rate, capacity is automatically scaled up. When traffic falls below the defined target, it is automatically scaled down again.

    • Clear the Scale automatically check box if you want to provision the table's read capacity manually. This setting applies to all replicas of the table.


      To ensure that there's enough read capacity for all replicas, we recommend Amazon Keyspaces automatic scaling for provisioned multi-Region tables.


    To learn more about default quotas for your account and how to increase them, see Quotas for Amazon Keyspaces (for Apache Cassandra).

  11. In the Write capacity section, confirm that Scale automatically is selected. Then configure the capacity units for the table. The write capacity units stay synced across all Amazon Web Services Regions to ensure that there is enough capacity to replicate write events across the Regions.

    • Clear Scale automatically if you want to provision the table's write capacity manually. This setting applies to all replicas of the table.


      To ensure that there's enough write capacity for all replicas, we recommend Amazon Keyspaces automatic scaling for provisioned multi-Region tables.

  12. Choose Create table. Your table is created with the specified automatic scaling parameters.

Cassandra Query Language (CQL)
Create a multi-Region table with provisioned capacity mode and auto scaling using CQL
  • To create a multi-Region table in provisioned mode with auto scaling, you must first specify the capacity mode by defining CUSTOM_PROPERTIES for the table. After specifying provisioned capacity mode, you can configure the auto scaling settings for the table using AUTOSCALING_SETTINGS.

    For detailed information about auto scaling settings, the target tracking policy, target value, and optional settings, see Create a new table with automatic scaling.

    To define the read capacity for a table replica in a specific Region, you can configure the following parameters as part of the table's replica_updates:

    • The Region

    • The provisioned read capacity units (optional)

    • Auto scaling settings for read capacity (optional)

    The following example shows a CREATE TABLE statement for a multi-Region table in provisioned mode. The general write and read capacity auto scaling settings are the same. However, the read auto scaling settings specify additional cooldown periods of 60 seconds before scaling the table's read capacity up or down. In addition, the read capacity auto scaling settings for the Region US East (N. Virginia) are higher than those for other replicas. Also, the target value is set to 70% instead of 50%.

    CREATE TABLE mykeyspace.mytable(pk int, ck int, PRIMARY KEY (pk, ck)) WITH CUSTOM_PROPERTIES = { 'capacity_mode': { 'throughput_mode': 'PROVISIONED', 'read_capacity_units': 5, 'write_capacity_units': 5 } } AND AUTOSCALING_SETTINGS = { 'provisioned_write_capacity_autoscaling_update': { 'maximum_units': 10, 'minimum_units': 5, 'scaling_policy': { 'target_tracking_scaling_policy_configuration': { 'target_value': 50 } } }, 'provisioned_read_capacity_autoscaling_update': { 'maximum_units': 10, 'minimum_units': 5, 'scaling_policy': { 'target_tracking_scaling_policy_configuration': { 'target_value': 50, 'scale_in_cooldown': 60, 'scale_out_cooldown': 60 } } }, 'replica_updates': { 'us-east-1': { 'provisioned_read_capacity_autoscaling_update': { 'maximum_units': 20, 'minimum_units': 5, 'scaling_policy': { 'target_tracking_scaling_policy_configuration': { 'target_value': 70 } } } } } };
Create a new multi-Region table in provisioned mode with auto scaling using the Amazon CLI
  • To create a multi-Region table in provisioned mode with auto scaling configuration, you can use the Amazon CLI. Note that you must use the Amazon Keyspaces CLI create-table command to configure multi-Region auto scaling settings. This is because Application Auto Scaling, the service that Amazon Keyspaces uses to perform auto scaling on your behalf, doesn't support multiple Regions.

    For more information about auto scaling settings, the target tracking policy, target value, and optional settings, see Create a new table with automatic scaling.

    To define the read capacity for a table replica in a specific Region, you can configure the following parameters as part of the table's replicaSpecifications:

    • The Region

    • The provisioned read capacity units (optional)

    • Auto scaling settings for read capacity (optional)

    When you're creating provisioned multi-Region tables with complex auto scaling settings and different configurations for table replicas, it's helpful to load the table's auto scaling settings and replica configurations from JSON files.

    To use the following code example, you can download the example JSON files from, and extract auto-scaling.json and replication.json. Take note of the path to the files.

    In this example, the JSON files are located in the current directory. For different file path options, see How to load parameters from a file.

    aws keyspaces create-table --keyspace-name mykeyspace --table-name mytable \ --schema-definition 'allColumns=[{name=pk,type=int},{name=ck,type=int}],partitionKeys=[{name=pk},{name=ck}]' \ --capacity-specification throughputMode=PROVISIONED,readCapacityUnits=1,writeCapacityUnits=1 \ --auto-scaling-specification file://auto-scaling.json \ --replica-specifications file://replication.json