Producer SDK callbacks - Amazon Kinesis Video Streams
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Producer SDK callbacks

The classes and methods in the Amazon Kinesis Video Streams Producer SDK don't maintain their own processes. Instead, they use the incoming function calls and events to schedule callbacks to communicate with the application.

There are two callback patterns that the application can use to interact with the SDK:

  • CallbackProvider – This object exposes every callback from the platform-independent code (PIC) component to the application. This pattern allows full functionality, but it also means that the implementation must handle all of the public API methods and signatures in the C++ layer.

  • StreamCallbackProvider and ClientCallbackProvider – These objects expose the stream-specific and client-specific callbacks, and the C++ layer of the SDK exposes the rest of the callbacks. This is the preferred callback pattern for interacting with the Producer SDK.

The following diagram illustrates the object model of the callback objects:

Diagram showing interaction of producers and consumers in Kinesis Video Streams.

In the preceding diagram, DefaultCallbackProvider derives from CallbackProvider (which exposes all of the callbacks in the PIC) and contains StreamCallbackProvider and ClientCallbackProvider.


The ClientCallbackProvider object exposes client-level callback functions. The details of the functions are described in the ClientCallbacks section.

Callback methods:

  • getClientReadyCallback – Reports a ready state for the client.

  • getStorageOverflowPressureCallback – Reports storage overflow or pressure. This callback is called when the storage utilization drops below the STORAGE_PRESSURE_NOTIFICATION_THRESHOLD value, which is 5 percent of the overall storage size. For more information, see StorageInfo.


The StreamCallbackProvider object exposes stream-level callback functions.

Callback methods:

  • getDroppedFragmentReportCallback: Reports a dropped fragment.

  • getDroppedFrameReportCallback – Reports a dropped frame.

  • getFragmentAckReceivedCallback – Reports that a fragment ACK is received for the stream.

  • getStreamClosedCallback – Reports a stream closed condition.

  • getStreamConnectionStaleCallback – Reports a stale connection condition. In this condition, the producer is sending data to the service but isn't receiving acknowledgements.

  • getStreamDataAvailableCallback – Reports that data is available in the stream.

  • getStreamErrorReportCallback – Reports a stream error condition.

  • getStreamLatencyPressureCallback – Reports a stream latency condition, which is when the accumulated buffer size is larger than the max_latency value. For more information, see StreamDefinition/StreamInfo.

  • getStreamReadyCallback: –Reports a stream ready condition.

  • getStreamUnderflowReportCallback – Reports a stream underflow condition. This function isn't currently used and is reserved for future use.

For the source code for StreamCallbackProvider, see StreamCallbackProvider.h.

ClientCallbacks structure

The ClientCallbacks structure contains the callback function entry points that the PIC calls when specific events occur. The structure also contains version information in the CALLBACKS_CURRENT_VERSION field, and a customData field for user-defined data that is returned with the individual callback functions.

The client application can use a this pointer for the custom_data field to map member functions to the static ClientCallback functions at runtime, as shown in the following code example:

STATUS TestStreamCallbackProvider::streamClosedHandler(UINT64 custom_data, STREAM_HANDLE stream_handle, UINT64 stream_upload_handle) { LOG_INFO("Reporting stream stopped."); TestStreamCallbackProvider* streamCallbackProvider = reinterpret_cast<TestStreamCallbackProvider*> (custom_data); streamCallbackProvider->streamClosedHandler(...);
Function Description Type
CreateDeviceFunc Not currently implemented on the backend. This call fails when called from Java or C++. Other clients perform platform-specific initialization. Backend API
CreateStreamFunc Called when the stream is created. Backend API
DescribeStreamFunc Called when DescribeStream is called. Backend API
GetStreamingEndpointFunc Called when GetStreamingEndpoint is called. Backend API
GetStreamingTokenFunc Called when GetStreamingToken is called. Backend API
PutStreamFunc Called when PutStream is called. Backend API
TagResourceFunc Called when TagResource is called. Backend API
CreateMutexFunc Creates a synchronization mutex. Synchronization
FreeMutexFunc Frees the mutex. Synchronization
LockMutexFunc Locks the synchronization mutex. Synchronization
TryLockMutexFunc Tries to lock the mutex. Not currently implemented. Synchronization
UnlockMutexFunc Unlocks the mutex. Synchronization
ClientReadyFunc Called when the client enters a ready state. Notification
DroppedFrameReportFunc Reports when a frame is dropped. Notification
DroppedFragmentReportFunc Reports when a fragment is dropped. This function isn't currently used and is reserved for future use. Notification
FragmentAckReceivedFunc Called when a fragment ACK (buffering, received, persisted, and error) is received. Notification
StorageOverflowPressureFunc Called when the storage utilization drops below the STORAGE_PRESSURE_NOTIFICATION_THRESHOLD value, which is defined as 5 percent of the overall storage size. Notification
StreamClosedFunc Called when the last bits of the remaining frames are streamed. Notification
StreamConnectionStaleFunc Called when the stream enters a stale connection state. In this condition, the producer is sending data to the service but is not receiving acknowledgements. Notification
StreamDataAvailableFunc Called when stream data is available. Notification
StreamErrorReportFunc Called when a stream error occurs. The PIC automatically closes the stream under this condition. Notification
StreamLatencyPressureFunc Called when the stream enters a latency condition, which is when the accumulated buffer size is larger than the max_latency value. For more information, see StreamDefinition/StreamInfo. Notification
StreamReadyFunc Called when the stream enters the ready state. Notification
StreamUnderflowReportFunc This function isn't currently used and is reserved for future use. Notification
DeviceCertToTokenFunc Returns the connection certificate as a token. Platform integration
GetCurrentTimeFunc Returns the current time. Platform integration
GetDeviceCertificateFunc Returns the device certificate. This function isn't currently used and is reserved for future use. Platform integration
GetDeviceFingerprintFunc Returns the device fingerprint. This function isn't currently used and is reserved for future use. Platform integration
GetRandomNumberFunc Returns a random number between 0 and RAND_MAX. Platform integration
GetSecurityTokenFunc Returns the security token that's passed to the functions that communicate with the backend API. The implementation can specify the serialized AccessKeyId, SecretKeyId, and the session token. Platform integration
LogPrintFunc Logs a line of text with the tag and the log level. For more information, see PlatformUtils.h. Platform integration

For the platform integration functions in the preceding table, the last parameter is a ServiceCallContext structure, which has the following fields:

  • version: The version of the struct.

  • callAfter: An absolute time after which to call the function.

  • timeout: The timeout of the operation in 100 nanosecond units.

  • customData: A user-defined value to be passed back to the client.

  • pAuthInfo: The credentials for the call. For more information, see the following (__AuthInfo) structure.

The authorization information is provided using the __AuthInfo structure, which can be either serialized credentials or a provider-specific authentication token. This structure has the following fields:

  • version: The version of the __AuthInfo structure.

  • type: An AUTH_INFO_TYPE value defining the type of the credential (certificate or security token).

  • data: A byte array containing the authentication information.

  • size: The size of the data parameter.

  • expiration: The expiration of the credentials in 100 nanosecond units.

Callback implementations to retry streaming

The Kinesis Video Producer SDK provides the status of streaming through callback functions. We recommend that you implement the following callback mechanisms to recover from any momentary network issues encountered during streaming.

  • Stream latency pressure callback - this callback mechanism gets initiated when the SDK encounters a stream latency condition. This happens when the accumulated buffer size is larger than the MAX_LATENCY value. When the stream is created, the streaming application sets MAX_LATENCY to the default value of 60 seconds. The typical implementation for this callback is to reset the connection. You can use the sample implementation at as needed. Note that there's no option to store the frames undelivered due to network outage into a secondary storage for back-fill.

  • Stream staleness callback - this callback gets initiated when the producer can send data to the Amazon Kinesis Data Streams service (uplink) but it’s not able to get the acknowledgements (buffered ACK) back in time (default is 60 seconds). Depending on the network settings, either the stream latency pressure callback or the stream staleness callback, or both can get initiated. Similar to the stream latency pressure callback retry implementation, the typical implementation is to reset the connection and start a new connection for streaming. You can use the sample implementation at as needed.

  • Stream error callback - this callback gets initiated when the SDK encounters a timeout on the network connection or other errors during the call to the KVS API service calls.

  • Dropped frame callback - this callback gets initiated when the storage size is full either because of slow network speed or a stream error. If the network speed results in dropped frames, you can either increase the storage size, reduce the video frame size, or frame rate to match the network speed.