Listing LF-Tag expressions - Amazon Lake Formation
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Listing LF-Tag expressions

You can list the LF-Tag expressions that you have the Describe permissions on. Data lake administrators, LF-Tag expression creators, and Read-only administrators implicitly can see all tag expressions in their account.

You can list LF-Tag expressions by using the Amazon Lake Formation console, the API, or the Amazon Command Line Interface (Amazon CLI).

To list LF-Tag expressions (console)
  1. Open the Lake Formation console at

    Sign in as the LF-Tag expression creator, as a data lake administrator, or as a principal that has been granted permissions on LF-Tag expressions and that has the lakeformation:ListLFTagExpressions IAM permission.

  2. In the navigation pane, under Permissions, LF-Tags and permissions.

  3. Choose LF-Tag expressions tab to see the expressions. This section shows the information about the existing LF-Tag expressions, including the expression name, the expression itself with links to the included tags, and options to create, edit, or delete expressions.

Amazon CLI
To list LF-Tags (Amazon CLI)
  • To list LF-Tag expressions using the Amazon CLI, you can use the list-lf-tag-expressions command. The request syntax is:

    aws lakeformation list-lf-tag-expressions \ -- catalog-id "123456789012" \ -- max-items "100" \ -- next-token "next-token"


    • catalog-id is the Amazon account ID of the Data Catalog you want to list tag expressions for .

    • max-items specifies the maximum number of tag expressions to return. If this parameter is not used, the default value is 100.

    • next-token is a continuation token if the results were truncated in a previous request.

    The response will include a list of LF-Tag expressions and a next token if applicable.