Listing LF-Tags - Amazon Lake Formation
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Listing LF-Tags

You can list the LF-Tags that you have the Describe or Associate permissions on. The values listed with each LF-Tag key are the values that you have permissions on.

LF-Tag creator has implicit permissions to see the LF-Tags they have created.

Data lake administrators can see all LF-Tags that are defined in the local Amazon account and all LF-Tags for which the Describe and Associate permissions have been granted to the local account from external accounts. The data lake administrator can see all values for all LF-Tags.

You can list LF-Tags by using the Amazon Lake Formation console, the API, or the Amazon Command Line Interface (Amazon CLI).

To list LF-Tags (console)
  1. Open the Lake Formation console at

    Sign in as the LF-Tag creator, as a data lake administrator, or as a principal that has been granted permissions on LF-Tags and that has the lakeformation:ListLFTags IAM permission.

  2. In the navigation pane, under LF-Tags and permissions, choose LF-Tags.

    The LF-Tags page appears.

    The page has a 3-column table with column headings Key, Values, and Owner account ID. The table has 3 rows. Above the table are 4 buttons arranged horizontally: Reload page, Delete (dimmed), Edit (dimmed), and Add tag. The page also has a search field with the placeholder text "Find tag". To the right of the search field is a page selector, showing the value "1" between left and right buttons, and a Settings icon.

    Check the Owner account ID column to determine the LF-Tags that were shared with your account from an external account.

Amazon CLI
To list LF-Tags (Amazon CLI)
  • Run the following command as a data lake administrator or as a principal that has been granted permissions on LF-Tags and that has the lakeformation:ListLFTags IAM permission.

    aws lakeformation list-lf-tags

    The output is similar to the following.

        "LFTags": [
                "CatalogId": "111122223333",
                "TagKey": "level",
                "TagValues": [
                "CatalogId": "111122223333",
                "TagKey": "module",
                "TagValues": [

    To also see LF-Tags that were granted from external accounts, include the command option --resource-share-type ALL.

    aws lakeformation list-lf-tags --resource-share-type ALL

    The output is similar to the following. Note the NextToken key, which indicates that there is more to list.

        "LFTags": [
                "CatalogId": "111122223333",
                "TagKey": "level",
                "TagValues": [
                "CatalogId": "111122223333",
                "TagKey": "module",
                "TagValues": [
        "NextToken": "eyJleHBpcmF0aW...ZXh0Ijp0cnVlfQ=="

    Repeat the command, and add the --next-token argument to view any remaining local LF-Tags and LF-Tags that were granted from external accounts. LF-Tags from external accounts are always on a separate page.

    aws lakeformation list-lf-tags --resource-share-type ALL --next-token eyJleHBpcmF0aW...ZXh0Ijp0cnVlfQ==
        "LFTags": [
                "CatalogId": "123456789012",
                "TagKey": "region",
                "TagValues": [

You can use the SDKs available for Lake Formation to lists the tags that the requester has permission to view.

import boto3 client = boto3.client('lakeformation') ... response = client.list_lf_tags( CatalogId='string', ResourceShareType='ALL', MaxResults=50' )

This command returns a dict object with the following structure:

{ 'LFTags': [ { 'CatalogId': 'string', 'TagKey': 'string', 'TagValues': [ 'string', ] }, ], 'NextToken': 'string' }

For more information about the required permissions, see Lake Formation personas and IAM permissions reference.