Including IAM Identity Center user context in CloudTrail logs - Amazon Lake Formation
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Including IAM Identity Center user context in CloudTrail logs

Lake Formation uses credential vending functionality to provide temporary access to Amazon S3 data. By default, when an IAM Identity Center user submits a query to an integrated analytics service, the CloudTrail logs only include the IAM role assumed by the service to provide short term access. If you use a user-defined role to register the Amazon S3 data location with Lake Formation, you can opt in to include the IAM Identity Center user's context in the CloudTrail events, and then track the users that access your resources.


To include object-level Amazon S3 API requests in the CloudTrail, you need to enable CloudTrail event logging for Amazon S3 bucket and objects. For more inormation, see Enabling CloudTrail event logging for Amazon S3 buckets and objects in the Amazon S3 User Guide.

To enable credential vending auditing on data lake locations registered with user-defined roles
  1. Sign in to the Lake Formation console at

  2. In the left-side navigation, expand Administration, and choose Data Catalog settings.

  3. Under Enhanced auditing, choose Propagate provided context.

  4. Choose Save.

You can also enable the enhanced auditing option by setting the Parameters attribute in the PutDataLakeSettings operation. By default, the SET_CONTEXT" parameter value is set to "true".

{ "DataLakeSettings": { "Parameters": {"SET_CONTEXT": "true"}, } }

The following is an excerpt from a CloudTrail event with the enhanced auditing option. This log includes both the IAM Identity Center user's session context and the user-defined IAM role assumed by Lake Formation to access the Amazon S3 data location. See the onBehalfOf parameter in the following excerpt.

{ "eventVersion":"1.09", "userIdentity":{ "type":"AssumedRole", "principalId":"AROAW7F7MOX4OYE6FLIFN:access-grants-e653760c-4e8b-44fd-94d9-309e035b75ab", "arn":"arn:aws:sts::123456789012:assumed-role/accessGrantsTestRole/access-grants-e653760c-4e8b-44fd-94d9-309e035b75ab", "accountId":"123456789012", "accessKeyId":"ASIAW7F7MOX4CQLD4JIZN", "sessionContext":{ "sessionIssuer":{ "type":"Role", "principalId":"AROAW7F7MOX4OYE6FLIFN", "arn":"arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/accessGrantsTestRole", "accountId":"123456789012", "userName":"accessGrantsTestRole" }, "attributes":{ "creationDate":"2023-08-09T17:24:02Z", "mfaAuthenticated":"false" } }, "onBehalfOf":{ "userId": "<identityStoreUserId>", "identityStoreArn": "arn:aws:identitystore::<restOfIdentityStoreArn>" } }, "eventTime":"2023-08-09T17:25:43Z", "eventSource":"", "eventName":"GetObject", ....