Lambda code signing with Amazon Signer - Amazon Lambda
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Lambda code signing with Amazon Signer

Amazon Signer is a fully managed code-signing service that allows you to validate your code against a digital signature to confirm that code is unaltered and from a trusted publisher. Amazon Signer can be used in conjunction with Amazon Lambda to verify that functions and layers are unaltered prior to deployment into your Amazon environments. This protects your organization from malicious actors who might have gained credentials to create new or update existing functions.

To set up code signing for your Lambda functions, start by creating an S3 bucket with versioning enabled. After that, create a signing profile with Amazon Signer, specify Lambda as the platform and then specify a period of days in which the signing profile is valid. Example:

Signer: Type: AWS::Signer::SigningProfile Properties: PlatformId: AWSLambda-SHA384-ECDSA SignatureValidityPeriod: Type: DAYS Value: !Ref pValidDays

Then use the signing profile and create a signing configuration with Lambda. You have to specify what to do when the signing configuration sees an artifact that does not match a digital signature that it expected: warn (but allow the deployment) or enforce (and block the deployment). The example below is configured to enforce and block deployments.

SigningConfig: Type: AWS::Lambda::CodeSigningConfig Properties: AllowedPublishers: SigningProfileVersionArns: - !GetAtt Signer.ProfileVersionArn CodeSigningPolicies: UntrustedArtifactOnDeployment: Enforce

You now have Amazon Signer configured with Lambda to block untrusted deployments. Let's assume you've finished coding a feature request and are now ready to deploy the function. The first step is to zip the code up with the appropriate dependencies and then sign the artifact using the signing profile that you created. You can do this by uploading the zip artifact to the S3 bucket and then starting a signing job.

aws signer start-signing-job \ --source 's3={bucketName=your-versioned-bucket,key=your-prefix/,version=QyaJ3c4qa50LXV.9VaZgXHlsGbvCXxpT}' \ --destination 's3={bucketName=your-versioned-bucket,prefix=your-prefix/}' \ --profile-name your-signer-id

You get an output as follows, where the jobId is the object that is created in the destination bucket and prefix and jobOwner is the 12-digit Amazon Web Services account ID where the job was run.

{ "jobId": "87a3522b-5c0b-4d7d-b4e0-4255a8e05388", "jobOwner": "111122223333" }

And now you can deploy your function using the signed S3 object and the code signing configuration that you created.

Fn: Type: AWS::Serverless::Function Properties: CodeUri: s3://your-versioned-bucket/your-prefix/ Handler: fn.handler Role: !GetAtt FnRole.Arn CodeSigningConfigArn: !Ref pSigningConfigArn

You can alternatively test a function deployment with the original unsigned source zip artifact. The deployment should fail with the following message:

Lambda cannot deploy the function. The function or layer might be signed using a signature that the client is not configured to accept. Check the provided signature for unsigned.

If you are building and deploying your functions using the Amazon Serverless Application Model (Amazon SAM), the package command handles uploading the zip artifact to S3 and also starts the signing job and gets the signed artifact. You can do this with the following command and parameters:

sam package -t your-template.yaml \ --output-template-file your-output.yaml \ --s3-bucket your-versioned-bucket \ --s3-prefix your-prefix \ --signing-profiles your-signer-id

Amazon Signer helps you verify that zip artifacts that are deployed into your accounts are trusted for deployment. You can include the process above in your CI/CD pipelines and require that all functions have a code signing configuration attached using the techniques outlined in previous topics. By using code signing with your Lambda function deployments, you prevent malicious actors who might have gotten credentials to create or update functions from injecting malicious code in your functions.