Amazon managed policies for Amazon License Manager - Amazon License Manager
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Amazon managed policies for Amazon License Manager

To add permissions to users, groups, and roles, it is easier to use Amazon managed policies than to write policies yourself. It takes time and expertise to create IAM customer managed policies that provide your team with only the permissions they need. To get started quickly, you can use our Amazon managed policies. These policies cover common use cases and are available in your Amazon account. For more information about Amazon managed policies, see Amazon managed policies in the IAM User Guide.

Amazon services maintain and update Amazon managed policies. You can't change the permissions in Amazon managed policies. Services occasionally add additional permissions to an Amazon managed policy to support new features. This type of update affects all identities (users, groups, and roles) where the policy is attached. Services are most likely to update an Amazon managed policy when a new feature is launched or when new operations become available. Services do not remove permissions from an Amazon managed policy, so policy updates won't break your existing permissions.

Additionally, Amazon supports managed policies for job functions that span multiple services. For example, the ReadOnlyAccess Amazon managed policy provides read-only access to all Amazon services and resources. When a service launches a new feature, Amazon adds read-only permissions for new operations and resources. For a list and descriptions of job function policies, see Amazon managed policies for job functions in the IAM User Guide.

Amazon managed policy: AWSLicenseManagerServiceRolePolicy

This policy is attached to the service-linked role named AWSServiceRoleForAWSLicenseManagerRole to allow License Manager to call API actions to manage licenses on your behalf. For more information about the service-linked role, see Permissions for the core role.

The role permissions policy allows License Manager to complete the following actions on the specified resources.

Action Resource ARN
iam:CreateServiceLinkedRole arn:aws-cn:iam::*:role/aws-service-role/
iam:CreateServiceLinkedRole arn:aws-cn:iam::*:role/aws-service-role/
s3:GetBucketLocation arn:aws-cn:s3:::aws-license-manager-service-*
s3:ListBucket arn:aws-cn:s3:::aws-license-manager-service-*
s3:ListAllMyBuckets *
s3:PutObject arn:aws-cn:s3:::aws-license-manager-service-*
sns:Publish arn:aws-cn::sns:*:*:aws-license-manager-service-*
sns:ListTopics *
ec2:DescribeInstances *
ec2:DescribeImages *
ec2:DescribeHosts *
ssm:ListInventoryEntries *
ssm:GetInventory *
ssm:CreateAssociation *
organizations:ListAWSServiceAccessForOrganization *
organizations:DescribeOrganization *
organizations:ListDelegatedAdministrators *
license-manager:GetServiceSettings *
license-manager:GetLicense* *
license-manager:UpdateLicenseSpecificationsForResource *
license-manager:List* *

To view the permissions for this policy in the Amazon Web Services Management Console, see AWSLicenseManagerServiceRolePolicy.

Amazon managed policy: AWSLicenseManagerMasterAccountRolePolicy

This policy is attached to the service-linked role named AWSServiceRoleForAWSLicenseManagerMasterAccountRole to allow License Manager to call API actions that perform license management for a central management account on your behalf. For more information about the service-linked role, see License Manager – Management account role.

The role permissions policy allows License Manager to complete the following actions on the specified resources.

Action Resource ARN
s3:GetBucketLocation arn:aws-cn:s3:::aws-license-manager-service-*
s3:ListBucket arn:aws-cn:s3:::aws-license-manager-service-*
s3:GetLifecycleConfiguration arn:aws-cn:s3:::aws-license-manager-service-*
s3:PutLifecycleConfiguration arn:aws-cn:s3:::aws-license-manager-service-*
s3:GetBucketPolicy arn:aws-cn:s3:::aws-license-manager-service-*
s3:PutBucketPolicy arn:aws-cn:s3:::aws-license-manager-service-*
s3:AbortMultipartUpload arn:aws-cn:s3:::aws-license-manager-service-*
s3:PutObject arn:aws-cn:s3:::aws-license-manager-service-*
s3:GetObject arn:aws-cn:s3:::aws-license-manager-service-*
s3:ListBucketMultipartUploads arn:aws-cn:s3:::aws-license-manager-service-*
s3:ListMultipartUploadParts arn:aws-cn:s3:::aws-license-manager-service-*
s3:DeleteObject arn:aws-cn:s3:::aws-license-manager-service-*/resource-sync/*
athena:GetQueryExecution *
athena:GetQueryResults *
athena:StartQueryExecution *
glue:GetTable *
glue:GetPartition *
glue:GetPartitions *
glue:CreateTable See footnote ¹
glue:UpdateTable See footnote ¹
glue:DeleteTable See footnote ¹
glue:UpdateJob See footnote ¹
glue:UpdateCrawler See footnote ¹
organizations:DescribeOrganization *
organizations:ListAccounts *
organizations:DescribeAccount *
organizations:ListChildren *
organizations:ListParents *
organizations:ListAccountsForParent *
organizations:ListRoots *
organizations:ListAWSServiceAccessForOrganization *
ram:GetResourceShares *
ram:GetResourceShareAssociations *
ram:TagResource *
ram:CreateResourceShare *
ram:AssociateResourceShare *
ram:DisassociateResourceShare *
ram:UpdateResourceShare *
ram:DeleteResourceShare *
resource-groups:PutGroupPolicy *
iam:GetRole *
iam:PassRole arn:aws-cn:iam::*:role/LicenseManagerServiceResourceDataSyncRole*
cloudformation:UpdateStack arn:aws-cn:cloudformation:*:*:stack/LicenseManagerCrossAccountCloudDiscoveryStack/*
cloudformation:CreateStack arn:aws-cn:cloudformation:*:*:stack/LicenseManagerCrossAccountCloudDiscoveryStack/*
cloudformation:DeleteStack arn:aws-cn:cloudformation:*:*:stack/LicenseManagerCrossAccountCloudDiscoveryStack/*
cloudformation:DescribeStacks arn:aws-cn:cloudformation:*:*:stack/LicenseManagerCrossAccountCloudDiscoveryStack/*

¹ The following are the resources defined for the Amazon Glue actions:

  • arn:aws:glue:*:*:catalog

  • arn:aws:glue:*:*:crawler/LicenseManagerResourceSynDataCrawler

  • arn:aws:glue:*:*:job/LicenseManagerResourceSynDataProcessJob

  • arn:aws:glue:*:*:table/license_manager_resource_inventory_db/*

  • arn:aws:glue:*:*:table/license_manager_resource_sync/*

  • arn:aws:glue:*:*:database/license_manager_resource_inventory_db

  • arn:aws:glue:*:*:database/license_manager_resource_sync

To view the permissions for this policy in the Amazon Web Services Management Console, see AWSLicenseManagerMasterAccountRolePolicy.

Amazon managed policy: AWSLicenseManagerMemberAccountRolePolicy

This policy is attached to the service-linked role named AWSServiceRoleForAWSLicenseManagerMemberAccountRole to allow License Manager to call API actions for license management from a configured management account on your behalf. For more information, see License Manager – Member account role.

The role permissions policy allows License Manager to complete the following actions on the specified resources.

Action Resource ARN
license-manager:UpdateLicenseSpecificationsForResource *
license-manager:GetLicenseConfiguration *
ssm:ListInventoryEntries *
ssm:GetInventory *
ssm:CreateAssociation *
ssm:CreateResourceDataSync *
ssm:DeleteResourceDataSync *
ssm:ListResourceDataSync *
ssm:ListAssociations *
ram:AcceptResourceShareInvitation *
ram:GetResourceShareInvitations *

To view the permissions for this policy in the Amazon Web Services Management Console, see AWSLicenseManagerMemberAccountRolePolicy.

Amazon managed policy: AWSLicenseManagerConsumptionPolicy

You can attach the AWSLicenseManagerConsumptionPolicy policy to your IAM identities. This policy grants permissions that allow access to the License Manager API actions required to consume licenses. For more information, see License usage.

To view the permissions for this policy, see AWSLicenseManagerConsumptionPolicy in the Amazon Web Services Management Console.

License Manager updates to Amazon managed policies

View details about updates to Amazon managed policies for License Manager since this service began tracking these changes.

Change Description Date
AWSLicenseManagerMasterAccountRolePolicy – Update to an existing policy License Manager added the resource-groups:PutGroupPolicy permission for resource groups managed by Amazon Resource Access Manager. June 27, 2022
AWSLicenseManagerMasterAccountRolePolicy – Update to an existing policy License Manager changed the Amazon managed policy AWSLicenseManagerMasterAccountRolePolicy condition key for Amazon Resource Access Manager from using ram:ResourceTag to aws:ResourceTag. November 16, 2021
AWSLicenseManagerConsumptionPolicy – New policy License Manager added a new policy that grants permissions to consume licenses. August 11, 2021
AWSLicenseManagerServiceRolePolicy – Update to an existing policy License Manager added a permission to list delegated administrators and a permission to create the service-linked role named AWSServiceRoleForAWSLicenseManagerMemberAccountRole. June 16, 2021
AWSLicenseManagerServiceRolePolicy – Update to an existing policy License Manager added a permission to list all License Manager resources, such as license configurations, licenses, and grants. June 15, 2021
AWSLicenseManagerServiceRolePolicy – Update to an existing policy License Manager added a permission to create the service-linked role named AWSServiceRoleForMarketplaceLicenseManagement. This role provides Amazon Web Services Marketplace with permissions to create and manage licenses in License Manager. For more information, see Service-linked roles for Amazon Web Services Marketplace in the Amazon Web Services Marketplace Buyer Guide. March 9, 2021
License Manager started tracking changes License Manager started tracking changes to its Amazon managed policies. March 9, 2021