Amazon Linux 2023 version 2022.0.20220817 release notes - Amazon Linux 2023
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Amazon Linux 2023 version 2022.0.20220817 release notes


These release notes are for a version of the Tech Preview of Amazon Linux 2023. This is an old Tech Preview and should no longer be used.

The Generally Available Amazon Linux 2023 is the successor to the Amazon Linux 2022 Tech Preview releases. For information about AL2023 and keeping up to date with Amazon Linux releases, see the Amazon Linux 2023 User Guide.

Major updates

Amazon Linux 2022 includes the following major update.

Upcoming Changes in future releases.

  • The legacy pcre package is deprecated and will be removed in a future Amazon Linux release. The pcre2 package is the successor, and the few remaining packages in Amazon Linux 2022 that depend on the deprecated pcre library will be migrated to pcre2 in future updates.

  • The kernel package will see changes to improve aspects of security and performance, and, while core functionality will be maintained, some unused or deprecated features may be removed in future Release Candidates.

Java Ecosystem
  • The maven, xmvn, and javapackages-tools should function as expected, but the versions present in this release have not yet been rebuilt after a bootstrap phase. These packages will be re-built without the use of javapackages-bootstrap before General Availability.

Known Issues
  • All known issues are resolved.

Security Updates

Major changes since the first Tech Preview

  • Kernel updated from 5.10 to 5.15

  • OpenSSL updated from 1.1 to 3.0

  • Amazon CLI updated to Amazon CLI v2

  • Amazon Tools found in AL2 have been added to the repositories like ecs-agent, aws-cfn-bootstrap, aws-kinesis-agent, ec2-instance-connect, and other tools.

  • rsyslog is no longer installed by default, and thus the system-journald is the way syslog works, with journalctl as the client that can look at logs.

  • The default curl is part of the curl-minimal package, which supports the most popular protocols. You can switch to the full-featured curl if needed by running dnf install --allowerasing curl-full libcurl-full

  • The default gnupg is a minimal one, which is limited in functionality, but has the minimal code needed to GPG verify RPMs, and brings a minimal number of packages into AMIs and container images. If you need full gnupg functionality, you can get the full gnupg by running dnf install --allowerasing gnupg2-full

  • Curation of packages - As part of the development cycle, we have curated the list of packages available in the repositories. This involved removing a number of packages that were no longer needed due to dependencies. Some package may be re-added to the repository as we work through customer requests.

  • Language run-times were updated and some runtimes like Ruby were name-spaced allowing newer versions to be added in the future without removing the current ones from the repositories.

This update Amazon Linux 2022 repository and AMI includes the following new packages.


  • cereal-devel-1.3.2-1.amzn2022

  • ec2-hibinit-agent-1.0.4-0.amzn2022

The repository includes the following packages that were removed since the last release.

The repository includes the following packages that were updated since the last release.

  • cloud-init-22.2.2-1.amzn2022.1.1

  • ecs-init-1.62.1-1.amzn2022

  • meson-0.62.2-203.amzn2022

  • system-release-2022.0.20220817-0.amzn2022


Default AMI

  • acpid-2.0.32-4.amzn2022.x86_64

  • cloud-init-22.2.2-1.amzn2022.1.1.noarch

  • ec2-hibinit-agent-1.0.4-0.amzn2022.noarch

  • python3-netifaces-0.10.6-13.amzn2022.aarch64

  • python3-netifaces-0.10.6-13.amzn2022.x86_64

  • system-release-2022.0.20220817-0.amzn2022.noarch

Minimal AMI

  • cloud-init-22.2.2-1.amzn2022.1.1.noarch

  • python3-netifaces-0.10.6-13.amzn2022.aarch64

  • python3-netifaces-0.10.6-13.amzn2022.x86_64

  • system-release-2022.0.20220817-0.amzn2022.noarch