i686 Packages in Amazon Linux 2 not in Amazon Linux 2023 - Amazon Linux 2023
AL2 Core i686 packages not in Amazon Linux 2023BCC AL2 Extra i686 packages not in Amazon Linux 2023rust1 AL2 Extra i686 packages not in Amazon Linux 2023kernel-5.10 AL2 Extra i686 packages not in Amazon Linux 2023kernel-5.15 AL2 Extra i686 packages not in Amazon Linux 2023kernel-5.4 AL2 Extra i686 packages not in Amazon Linux 2023kernel-ng AL2 Extra i686 packages not in Amazon Linux 2023mate-desktop1.x AL2 Extra i686 packages not in Amazon Linux 2023selinux-ng AL2 Extra i686 packages not in Amazon Linux 2023lamp-mariadb10.2-php7.2 AL2 Extra i686 packages not in Amazon Linux 2023mariadb10.5 AL2 Extra i686 packages not in Amazon Linux 2023php7.2 AL2 Extra i686 packages not in Amazon Linux 2023php7.3 AL2 Extra i686 packages not in Amazon Linux 2023php7.4 AL2 Extra i686 packages not in Amazon Linux 2023postgresql10 AL2 Extra i686 packages not in Amazon Linux 2023postgresql11 AL2 Extra i686 packages not in Amazon Linux 2023postgresql12 AL2 Extra i686 packages not in Amazon Linux 2023postgresql13 AL2 Extra i686 packages not in Amazon Linux 2023postgresql9.6 AL2 Extra i686 packages not in Amazon Linux 2023awscli1 AL2 Extra i686 packages not in Amazon Linux 2023mock2 AL2 Extra i686 packages not in Amazon Linux 2023ruby2.4 AL2 Extra i686 packages not in Amazon Linux 2023ruby2.6 AL2 Extra i686 packages not in Amazon Linux 2023ruby3.0 AL2 Extra i686 packages not in Amazon Linux 2023tomcat8.5 AL2 Extra i686 packages not in Amazon Linux 2023tomcat9 AL2 Extra i686 packages not in Amazon Linux 2023unbound1.13 AL2 Extra i686 packages not in Amazon Linux 2023unbound1.17 AL2 Extra i686 packages not in Amazon Linux 2023vim AL2 Extra i686 packages not in Amazon Linux 2023ansible2 AL2 Extra i686 packages not in Amazon Linux 2023httpd_modules AL2 Extra i686 packages not in Amazon Linux 2023redis4.0 AL2 Extra i686 packages not in Amazon Linux 2023R3.4 AL2 Extra i686 packages not in Amazon Linux 2023R4 AL2 Extra i686 packages not in Amazon Linux 2023GraphicsMagick1.3 AL2 Extra i686 packages not in Amazon Linux 2023nginx1 AL2 Extra i686 packages not in Amazon Linux 2023python3.8 AL2 Extra i686 packages not in Amazon Linux 2023collectd AL2 Extra i686 packages not in Amazon Linux 2023collectd-python3 AL2 Extra i686 packages not in Amazon Linux 2023
Services or capabilities described in Amazon Web Services documentation might vary by Region. To see the differences applicable to the China Regions, see Getting Started with Amazon Web Services in China (PDF).

i686 Packages in Amazon Linux 2 not in Amazon Linux 2023

There are 1153 binary packages for the i686 architecure in Amazon Linux 2 no longer in Amazon Linux 2023 as Amazon Linux 2023 no longer ships any i686 user space.

AL2 Core i686 packages not in Amazon Linux 2023

These i686 packages in the AL2 Core repository of Amazon Linux 2 are not present in Amazon Linux 2023 as Amazon Linux 2023 no longer ships any i686 user space.

RPM Architectures
a2ps i686
accountsservice-libs src, i686
libacl i686
adwaita-qt4 src, i686
adwaita-qt5 src, i686
agg src, i686
alsa-lib i686
alsa-plugins-arcamav i686
alsa-plugins-maemo i686
alsa-plugins-oss i686
alsa-plugins-pulseaudio i686
alsa-plugins-samplerate i686
alsa-plugins-speex i686
alsa-plugins-upmix i686
alsa-plugins-usbstream i686
alsa-plugins-vdownmix i686
apr i686
apr-util i686
apr-util-bdb i686
aspell i686
atk i686
atkmm i686
atlas i686
atlas-sse2 i686
atlas-sse3 i686
at-spi src, i686
at-spi2-atk i686
at-spi2-core i686
attica src, i686
libattr i686
audiofile src, i686
audit-libs i686
augeas-libs i686
autogen-libopts src, i686
autotrace i686
avahi i686
avahi-compat-howl i686
avahi-compat-libdns_sd i686
avahi-glib i686
avahi-gobject i686
avahi-libs i686
avahi-qt3 i686
avahi-qt4 i686
avahi-ui i686
avahi-ui-gtk3 i686
babl src, i686
bind-export-libs i686
bind-libs i686
bind-libs-lite i686
bind-pkcs11-libs i686
bluez-libs i686
boost-atomic i686
boost-chrono i686
boost-context i686
boost-date-time i686
boost-filesystem i686
boost-graph i686
boost-iostreams i686
boost-locale i686
boost-math i686
boost-program-options i686
boost-python i686
boost-random i686
boost-regex i686
boost-serialization i686
boost-signals i686
boost-system i686
boost-test i686
boost-thread i686
boost-timer i686
boost-wave i686
brasero-libs src, i686
brlapi src, i686
btrfs-progs src, i686
bzip2-libs i686
cairo i686
cairo-gobject i686
cairomm i686
capstone i686
c-ares i686
caribou src, i686
caribou-gtk2-module src, i686
cdparanoia-libs src, i686
libusal src, i686
celt051 src, i686
librados2 src, i686
librbd1 src, i686
check i686
cheese-libs src, i686
clamav-lib i686
clamav-update i686
clang-libs i686
clang-resource-filesystem i686
clucene-contribs-lib src, i686
clucene-core src, i686
clutter src, i686
clutter-gst2 src, i686
clutter-gst3 src, i686
clutter-gtk src, i686
libcmocka i686
cogl src, i686
colord-libs i686
colord-gtk src, i686
compat-cheese314 src, i686
compat-gcc-48-libgfortran src, i686
compat-gcc-48-libmudflap src, i686
compat-gnome-desktop314 src, i686
compat-libgfortran-41 src, i686
compat-libgweather3 src, i686
compat-libtiff3 src, i686
compat-readline5 src, i686
coolkey src, i686
corosynclib src, i686
cpptest src, i686
cppunit i686
cracklib i686
createrepo_c-libs i686
cryptsetup-libs i686
CUnit i686
cups-libs i686
cups-filters-libs i686
libcurl i686
cyrus-sasl-gs2 i686
cyrus-sasl-gssapi i686
cyrus-sasl-ldap i686
cyrus-sasl-lib i686
cyrus-sasl-md5 i686
cyrus-sasl-ntlm i686
cyrus-sasl-plain i686
cyrus-sasl-scram i686
cyrus-sasl-sql i686
dbus-libs i686
dbus-glib i686
dbusmenu-qt src, i686
dconf i686
devhelp-libs src, i686
device-mapper-multipath-libs i686
libdmmp i686
dhcp-libs src, i686
dialog i686
libbasicobjects i686
libcollection i686
libdhash i686
libini_config i686
libpath_utils i686
libref_array i686
dleyna-core src, i686
dlm-lib src, i686
dmraid i686
dotconf i686
libfdt i686
libdwarves1 i686
dyninst i686
e2fsprogs-libs i686
libcom_err i686
libss i686
edac-utils src, i686
efivar-libs i686
ElectricFence src, i686
elfutils-libelf i686
elfutils-libs i686
enchant i686
espeak src, i686
evince-libs src, i686
evolution src, i686
evolution-data-server src, i686
evolution-data-server-tests src, i686
evolution-mapi src, i686
exempi src, i686
exiv2-libs src, i686
expat i686
farstream src, i686
farstream02 src, i686
fedfs-utils-lib src, i686
fedfs-utils-nsdbparams src, i686
fftw-libs-double i686
fftw-libs-long i686
fftw-libs-single i686
file-libs i686
fipscheck-lib src, i686
flac-libs i686
flite src, i686
fltk i686
folks src, i686
fontconfig i686
fontforge i686
fprintd-pam src, i686
freeglut i686
freeipmi src, i686
freerdp-libs i686
libwinpr i686
freetype i686
fribidi i686
fuse-libs i686
gamin src, i686
gavl src, i686
gc i686
libgcab1 src, i686
gcc-gdb-plugin i686
libatomic i686
libcilkrts i686
libgcc i686
libgccjit i686
libgfortran i686
libgo i686
libgomp i686
libitm i686
libmpx i686
libobjc i686
libquadmath i686
libsanitizer i686
libstdc++ i686
libasan10 src, i686
libgfortran10 src, i686
gcc10-binutils src, i686
GConf2 src, i686
gcr i686
gd i686
gdbm i686
gdk-pixbuf2 i686
gdm src, i686
gegl src, i686
geoclue src, i686
geoclue2 src, i686
geoclue2-libs src, i686
geocode-glib src, i686
GeoIP src, i686
gettext-libs i686
ghostscript i686
libgs i686
giflib i686
gjs src, i686
glade-libs src, i686
libGLEW i686
libGLEWmx i686
glib2 i686
glibc i686
libcrypt i686
libcrypt-nss i686
nss_db i686
nss_hesiod i686
nss_nis i686
glibmm24 i686
glib-networking i686
glusterfs-libs src, i686
gmp i686
gnome-bluetooth-libs src, i686
gnome-desktop3 src, i686
gnome-dictionary-libs src, i686
gnome-menus src, i686
gnome-online-accounts src, i686
adwaita-gtk2-theme src, i686
gnome-vfs2 src, i686
gnote src, i686
gnutls i686
gnutls-c++ i686
gnutls-dane i686
gnutls-devel i686
gobject-introspection i686
gom src, i686
gperftools-libs i686
gpgme i686
gpm-libs i686
graphene src, i686
graphite2 i686
graphviz i686
grilo src, i686
gsettings-desktop-schemas i686
gsl i686
gsm i686
gsound src, i686
gspell src, i686
gssdp i686
gstreamer src, i686
gstreamer-devel src, i686
gstreamer1 src, i686
gstreamer1-plugins-bad-free src, i686
gstreamer1-plugins-bad-free-devel src, i686
gstreamer1-plugins-bad-free-gtk src, i686
gstreamer1-plugins-base src, i686
gstreamer1-plugins-base-devel src, i686
gstreamer1-plugins-good src, i686
gstreamer1-plugins-good-gtk src, i686
gstreamer1-plugins-ugly-free src, i686
gstreamer-plugins-bad-free src, i686
gstreamer-plugins-base src, i686
gstreamer-plugins-good src, i686
gstreamer-python src, i686
gtest i686
gtk2 src, i686
gtk2-immodules src, i686
gtk2-immodule-xim src, i686
gtk3 i686
gtkhtml3 src, i686
gtkmm24 src, i686
gtkmm30 src, i686
gtksourceview3 src, i686
gtkspell src, i686
gtkspell3 src, i686
gtk-vnc src, i686
gtk-vnc2 src, i686
gvnc src, i686
gvncpulse src, i686
gucharmap-libs src, i686
guile src, i686
gupnp src, i686
gupnp-av src, i686
gupnp-dlna src, i686
gupnp-igd src, i686
harfbuzz i686
harfbuzz-icu i686
hawkey src, i686
hesiod src, i686
hivex src, i686
http-parser src, i686
hunspell i686
hwloc-libs i686
hyphen src, i686
ibus i686
ibus-gtk2 i686
ibus-gtk3 i686
ibus-libs i686
ibus-qt src, i686
libicu i686
ilmbase src, i686
ImageMagick i686
ImageMagick-c++ i686
im-chooser-common src, i686
imsettings-libs src, i686
iniparser src, i686
iperf3 i686
ipset-libs i686
iptables i686
iptables-libs i686
iscsi-initiator-utils i686
isl i686
jansson i686
jasper-libs i686
jbigkit-libs i686
libjose src, i686
jq i686
js src, i686
json-c i686
jsoncpp i686
json-glib i686
keybinder3 src, i686
keyutils-libs i686
kmod-libs i686
krb5-libs i686
krb5-pkinit i686
krb5-server i686
libkadm5 i686
blas i686
lapack i686
lasso src, i686
latrace src, i686
lcms2 i686
ldns i686
lftp i686
libabigail i686
libabw src, i686
libaio i686
libao i686
libappindicator src, i686
libappindicator-gtk3 src, i686
libappstream-glib i686
libappstream-glib-builder i686
libarchive i686
libart_lgpl src, i686
libassuan i686
libasyncns i686
libatasmart i686
libatomic_ops i686
libavc1394 src, i686
libblockdev i686
libblockdev-btrfs i686
libblockdev-crypto i686
libblockdev-dm i686
libblockdev-fs i686
libblockdev-kbd i686
libblockdev-loop i686
libblockdev-lvm i686
libblockdev-mdraid i686
libblockdev-mpath i686
libblockdev-nvdimm i686
libblockdev-part i686
libblockdev-swap i686
libblockdev-utils i686
libbluedevil src, i686
libbluray src, i686
libbonobo src, i686
libbonoboui src, i686
libbpf src, i686
libburn i686
libbytesize i686
libcacard src, i686
libcanberra src, i686
libcanberra-gtk2 src, i686
libcanberra-gtk3 src, i686
libcap i686
libcap-ng i686
libcdio src, i686
libcdio-paranoia src, i686
libcdr src, i686
libcgroup i686
libchamplain src, i686
libchamplain-gtk src, i686
libchewing src, i686
libcmpiutil src, i686
libcomps i686
libconfig i686
libcroco src, i686
libcryptui src, i686
libdaemon i686
libdb i686
libdb-cxx i686
libdb-java i686
libdb-sql i686
libdb-tcl i686
libdbi i686
libdbusmenu i686
libdbusmenu-devel i686
libdbusmenu-gtk2 i686
libdbusmenu-gtk3 i686
libdbusmenu-jsonloader i686
libdmapsharing src, i686
libdmx i686
libdnet src, i686
libdrm i686
libdv src, i686
libdvdnav src, i686
libdvdread src, i686
libdwarf i686
libecap i686
libedit i686
libee src, i686
libepoxy i686
libesmtp i686
libestr i686
libetonyek src, i686
libev i686
libevdev i686
libevent i686
libexif i686
libexttextcat src, i686
libfabric i686
libfastjson i686
libffi i686
libfontenc i686
libfprint src, i686
libfreehand src, i686
libgcrypt i686
libgdata src, i686
libgdither src, i686
libgee src, i686
libgee06 src, i686
libgepub src, i686
libgexiv2 src, i686
libglade2 src, i686
libglvnd i686
libglvnd-egl i686
libglvnd-gles i686
libglvnd-glx i686
libglvnd-opengl i686
libgnome src, i686
libgnomecanvas src, i686
libgnomekbd src, i686
libgnome-keyring src, i686
libgnomeui src, i686
libgovirt src, i686
libgpg-error i686
libgphoto2 src, i686
libgpod src, i686
libgsf src, i686
libgtop2 src, i686
libgusb i686
libgweather src, i686
libgxim src, i686
libgxps src, i686
libhangul i686
libhbaapi src, i686
libhbalinux src, i686
libhif src, i686
libibcommon src, i686
libibmad src, i686
compat-libical1 i686
libical i686
libical-glib i686
libICE i686
libicns i686
libicu60 src, i686
libid3tag src, i686
libIDL src, i686
libidn i686
libidn2 i686
libiec61883 src, i686
libieee1284 src, i686
libimobiledevice src, i686
libindicator src, i686, i686
libindicator-gtk3 src, i686, i686
libinput i686
libiodbc src, i686
libiptcdata src, i686
libiscsi i686
libisofs i686
libjpeg-turbo i686
turbojpeg i686
libkkc src, i686
libksba i686
liblangtag src, i686
liblangtag-gobject src, i686
libldb i686
pyldb i686
liblockfile i686
liblognorm i686
liblouis src, i686
libmatchbox src, i686
libmbim i686
libmediaart src, i686
libmemcached src, i686
libmetalink i686
libmicrohttpd i686
libmng src, i686
libmnl i686
libmodman src, i686
compat-libmpc i686
libmpc i686
libmpcdec src, i686
libmpeg2 src, i686
libmsn src, i686
libmspack i686
libmspub src, i686
libmtp src, i686
libmusicbrainz src, i686
libmusicbrainz5 src, i686
libmwaw src, i686
libmx src, i686
libndp src, i686
libnet i686
libnetfilter_conntrack i686
libnetfilter_cthelper i686
libnetfilter_cttimeout i686
libnetfilter_queue i686
libnfnetlink i686
libnfs i686
libnfsidmap src, i686
libnftnl i686
libnice src, i686
libnl src, i686
libnl3 i686
libnl3-cli i686
libnotify i686
libntlm i686
liboauth src, i686
libodfgen src, i686
libofa src, i686
libogg i686
liboil src, i686
libopenraw src, i686
libopenraw-gnome src, i686
libopenraw-pixbuf-loader src, i686
libosinfo src, i686
libotf i686
libpagemaker src, i686
libpaper i686
libpcap i686
libpciaccess i686
libpeas i686
libpeas-gtk i686
libpfm i686
libpinyin i686
libpinyin-data i686
libpipeline i686
libplist i686
libpng i686
libpng12 src, i686
libproxy i686
libpsl i686
libpst-libs src, i686
libpwquality i686
libqb i686
libqmi src, i686
libquvi src, i686
LibRaw src, i686
libraw1394 src, i686
librdkafka src, i686
librelp src, i686
librepo i686
librevenge i686
librsvg2 i686
libsamplerate src, i686
libseccomp i686
libsecret i686
libselinux i686
libsemanage i686
libsepol i686
libsexy src, i686
libshout src, i686
libsigc++20 i686
libSM i686
libsmi i686
libsndfile i686
libsolv i686
libsoup i686
libspectre src, i686
libspiro i686
libsrtp src, i686
libssh2 i686
libstoragemgmt i686
libtalloc i686
pytalloc i686
libtar src, i686
libtasn1 i686
libtdb i686
python-tdb i686
libteam src, i686
teamd src, i686
libtevent i686
libthai i686
libtheora i686
libtiff i686
libtimezonemap src, i686
libtirpc i686
libtnc src, i686
libtool-ltdl i686
libtranslit src, i686
libuninameslist i686
libunistring i686
libunwind i686
libusb i686
libusbmuxd src, i686
libusbx i686
libuser i686
libutempter i686
libuv i686
libvdpau i686
libverto i686
libverto-glib i686
libverto-libevent i686
libverto-tevent i686
libvirt-libs src, i686
libvirt-nss src, i686
libvirt-cim src, i686
libvirt-gconfig src, i686
libvirt-glib src, i686
libvirt-gobject src, i686
libvisio src, i686
libvisual src, i686
libvncserver src, i686
libvoikko i686
libvorbis i686
libvpx i686
libwacom i686
libwebp i686
libwebp12 src, i686
libwmf src, i686
libwmf-lite src, i686
libwnck3 src, i686, i686
libwpd i686
libwpg src, i686
libwps src, i686
libwvstreams src, i686
libX11 i686
libXau i686
libXaw i686
libxcb i686
libXcomposite i686
libXcursor i686
libXdamage i686
libXdmcp i686
libXevie src, i686
libXext i686
libXfixes i686
libXfont src, i686
libXfont2 i686
libXft i686
libXi i686
libXinerama i686
libxkbcommon i686
libxkbcommon-x11 i686
libxkbfile i686
libxklavier src, i686
libxml2 i686
libXmu i686
libXp src, i686
libXpm i686
libXrandr i686
libXrender i686
libXres i686
libXScrnSaver i686
libxshmfence i686
libxslt i686
libXt i686
libXtst i686
libXv i686
libXvMC src, i686
libXxf86dga i686
libXxf86misc src, i686
libXxf86vm i686
libyaml i686
libzapojit src, i686
libzip i686
libzip010-compat src, i686
lksctp-tools i686
lldpad src, i686
llvm-libs i686
llvm7.0-libs src, i686
llvm-private src, i686
lm_sensors-libs i686
lockdev i686
log4cxx src, i686
lua i686
libluksmeta src, i686
device-mapper-event-libs i686
device-mapper-libs i686
lvm2-libs i686
lz4 i686
lzo i686
lzo-minilzo i686
m17n-lib i686
m17n-lib-tools i686
libmalaga src, i686
mariadb-libs src, i686
marisa src, i686
meanwhile src, i686
mesa-dri-drivers i686
mesa-filesystem i686
mesa-libEGL i686
mesa-libgbm i686
mesa-libGL i686
mesa-libglapi i686
mesa-libOSMesa i686
mesa-libwayland-egl i686
mesa-libxatracker i686
mesa-vdpau-drivers i686
mesa-libGLU i686
mesa-libGLw src, i686
metacity src, i686
mod_revocator src, i686
ModemManager-glib src, i686
motif src, i686
mozjs17 src, i686
mozjs52 src, i686
mpfr i686
mpg123-libs src, i686
mtdev i686
mutter src, i686
mythes src, i686
nautilus-extensions src, i686
ncurses-c++-libs i686
ncurses-compat-libs i686
ncurses-libs i686
daxctl-libs i686
ndctl-libs i686
neon src, i686
netcf-libs src, i686
netpbm i686
net-snmp-agent-libs i686
net-snmp-libs i686
nettle i686
NetworkManager-glib src, i686
NetworkManager-libnm src, i686
libnma src, i686
libnm-gtk src, i686
newt i686
nftables i686
libnghttp2 i686
nspr src, i686
nss i686
nss_compat_ossl src, i686
nss_wrapper i686
nss-pam-ldapd i686
nss-pem i686
nss-softokn src, i686
nss-softokn-freebl src, i686
nss-util src, i686
numactl-libs i686
nuxwdog src, i686
oniguruma i686
opal src, i686
opencc src, i686
openchange src, i686
opencryptoki-libs src, i686
opencv src, i686
opencv-core src, i686
OpenEXR-libs src, i686
openhpi-libs src, i686
OpenIPMI src, i686
OpenIPMI-libs src, i686
openjade i686
openjpeg-libs src, i686
openjpeg2 i686
openldap i686
openobex src, i686
opensc i686
openscap i686
openscap-engine-sce i686
openslp src, i686
opensm-libs i686
opensp i686
openssl-libs i686
openssl098e src, i686
openssl11-libs src, i686
openssl11-pkcs11 src, i686
openssl-pkcs11 i686
libwsman1 src, i686
openwsman-client src, i686
openwsman-server src, i686
oprofile-jit src, i686
opus i686
ORBit2 src, i686
orc i686
ortp src, i686
oxygen-gtk2 src, i686
p11-kit i686
pacemaker-cluster-libs src, i686
pacemaker-libs src, i686
PackageKit-glib i686
PackageKit-gtk3-module i686
pakchois src, i686
pam i686
pam_radius src, i686
pango i686
pangomm i686
papi i686
paps-libs src, i686
parted i686
pciutils-libs i686
pcp-libs src, i686
pcre i686
pcre2 i686
pcre2-utf16 i686
pcre2-utf32 i686
pcsc-lite-devel i686
pcsc-lite-libs i686
perl-libs i686
phonon src, i686
phonon-backend-gstreamer src, i686
finch src, i686
libpurple src, i686
pixman i686
pkgconfig src, i686
plymouth-core-libs src, i686
plymouth-graphics-libs src, i686
polkit i686
polkit-qt src, i686
poppler i686
poppler-cpp i686
poppler-glib i686
poppler-qt i686
popt i686
postgresql-libs src, i686
procps-ng i686
protobuf i686
protobuf-compiler i686
protobuf-lite i686
protobuf-c i686
pth src, i686
ptlib src, i686
pulseaudio-libs i686
pulseaudio-libs-glib2 i686
pygobject2 src, i686
python-libs src, i686
python3 src, i686
python3-libs src, i686
qca2 src, i686
qca-ossl src, i686
qimageblitz src, i686
qjson src, i686
qpdf-libs i686
qrencode-libs i686
qt src, i686
qt-examples src, i686
qt-mysql src, i686
qt-odbc src, i686
qt-postgresql src, i686
qt-x11 src, i686
qt3 src, i686
qt3-MySQL src, i686
qt3-ODBC src, i686
qt3-PostgreSQL src, i686
qt5-qt3d src, i686
qt5-qtbase src, i686
qt5-qtbase-examples src, i686
qt5-qtbase-gui src, i686
qt5-qtbase-mysql src, i686
qt5-qtbase-odbc src, i686
qt5-qtbase-postgresql src, i686
qt5-qtcanvas3d src, i686
qt5-qtconnectivity src, i686
qt5-qtdeclarative src, i686
qt5-qtenginio src, i686
qt5-qtgraphicaleffects src, i686
qt5-qtimageformats src, i686
qt5-qtlocation src, i686
qt5-qtmultimedia src, i686
qt5-qtquickcontrols src, i686
qt5-qtscript src, i686
qt5-qtsensors src, i686
qt5-qtserialport src, i686
qt5-qtsvg src, i686
qt5-designer src, i686
qt5-qttools-examples src, i686
qt5-qttools-libs-designer src, i686
qt5-qttools-libs-designercomponents src, i686
qt5-qttools-libs-help src, i686
qt5-qtwebchannel src, i686
qt5-qtwebsockets src, i686
qt5-qtx11extras src, i686
qt5-qtxmlpatterns src, i686
raptor2 src, i686
rarian src, i686
rasqal src, i686
infiniband-diags i686
libibcm i686
libibumad i686
libibverbs i686
libibverbs-core i686
librdmacm i686
rdma-core i686
readline i686
recode i686
redland src, i686
rest i686
rhash i686
rpm-build-libs i686
rpm-libs i686
rrdtool i686
ruby-libs src, i686
libsmbclient i686
libwbclient i686
samba-client-libs i686
samba-common-libs i686
samba-dc-libs i686
samba-libs i686
samba-python i686
samba-test-libs i686
samba-winbind-modules i686
sane-backends-drivers-cameras src, i686
sane-backends-drivers-scanners src, i686
sane-backends-libs src, i686
satyr i686
sbc i686
sblim-cmpi-base src, i686
libcmpiCppImpl0 src, i686
sblim-cmpi-fsvol src, i686
sblim-cmpi-network src, i686
sblim-cmpi-nfsv3 src, i686
sblim-cmpi-nfsv4 src, i686
sblim-cmpi-sysfs src, i686
sblim-cmpi-syslog src, i686
sblim-gather src, i686
sblim-gather-provider src, i686
sblim-indication_helper src, i686
sblim-sfcc src, i686
SDL src, i686
SDL2 src, i686
sendmail-milter i686
setools-libs i686
sg3_utils-libs src, i686
shotwell src, i686
slang i686
snapper-libs src, i686
snappy i686
soprano src, i686
soundtouch src, i686
source-highlight i686
sox src, i686
speex i686
spice-glib src, i686
spice-gtk3 src, i686
sqlite i686
libipa_hbac i686
libsss_certmap i686
libsss_idmap i686
libsss_nss_idmap i686
libsss_simpleifp i686
sssd-client i686
startup-notification i686
strigi-libs src, i686
subversion i686
subversion-gnome i686
subversion-javahl i686
subversion-libs i686
subversion-perl i686
subversion-ruby i686
suitesparse i686
svrcore src, i686
libsysfs i686
libgudev1 i686
systemd-libs i686
systemd-resolved i686
system-lsb src, i686
system-lsb-core src, i686
system-lsb-cxx src, i686
system-lsb-desktop src, i686
system-lsb-languages src, i686
system-lsb-printing src, i686
system-lsb-submod-multimedia src, i686
system-lsb-submod-security src, i686
system-lsb-trialuse src, i686
t1lib i686
taglib i686
tbb i686
tcl i686
tclx i686
tcp_wrappers-libs src, i686
teckit i686
telepathy-farstream src, i686
telepathy-glib src, i686
telepathy-logger src, i686
telepathy-mission-control src, i686
texlive-kpathsea-lib i686
tix i686
tk i686
tn5250 src, i686
tncfhh src, i686
tncfhh-examples src, i686
tncfhh-libs src, i686
tncfhh-utils src, i686
tog-pegasus-libs src, i686
tokyocabinet i686
tomcat-native i686
totem-pl-parser src, i686
tpm2-abrmd src, i686
tpm2-abrmd3 src, i686
tpm2-tss i686
tpm2-tss-devel i686
tpm2-tss3 src, i686
tpm-tools src, i686
tracker i686
trousers i686
libudisks2 i686
unbound-libs i686
unique3 src, i686
unixODBC i686
upower i686
uriparser src, i686
usbguard i686
usbredir src, i686
userspace-rcu i686
ustr src, i686
ustr-debug src, i686
libblkid i686
libfdisk i686
libmount i686
libsmartcols i686
libuuid i686
util-linux i686
uuid i686
uuid-c++ i686
uuid-dce i686
libv4l src, i686
vala i686
valadoc i686
valgrind i686
vigra src, i686
virglrenderer src, i686
volume_key-libs i686
vte291 src, i686
vte3 src, i686
vulkan src, i686
wavpack src, i686
libwayland-client i686
libwayland-cursor i686
libwayland-egl i686
libwayland-server i686
webkitgtk3 src, i686
webkitgtk4 src, i686
webkitgtk4-jsc src, i686
webkitgtk4-plugin-process-gtk2 src, i686
webrtc-audio-processing i686
wireshark i686
wireshark-cli i686
wordnet src, i686
Xaw3d i686
xcb-util i686
xcb-util-image i686
xcb-util-keysyms i686
xcb-util-renderutil i686
xcb-util-wm i686
xerces-c src, i686
xfsprogs i686
xmlrpc-c i686
xmlrpc-c-c++ i686
xmlrpc-c-client i686
xmlrpc-c-client++ i686
xmlsec1 i686
xmlsec1-gcrypt i686
xmlsec1-gnutls i686
xmlsec1-nss i686
xmlsec1-openssl i686
xorg-x11-drv-intel src, i686
xorg-x11-drv-openchrome src, i686
xz-compat-libs i686
xz-libs i686
yajl i686
yelp-libs src, i686
minizip i686
zlib i686
libzstd i686
zziplib i686

BCC AL2 Extra i686 packages not in Amazon Linux 2023

These i686 packages in the BCC AL2 Extra repository of Amazon Linux 2 are not present in Amazon Linux 2023 as Amazon Linux 2023 no longer ships any i686 user space.

RPM Architectures
luajit i686

rust1 AL2 Extra i686 packages not in Amazon Linux 2023

These i686 packages in the rust1 AL2 Extra repository of Amazon Linux 2 are not present in Amazon Linux 2023 as Amazon Linux 2023 no longer ships any i686 user space.

RPM Architectures
jsoncpp i686
libgit2 i686
llvm3.9-libs src, i686
llvm5.0-libs src, i686

kernel-5.10 AL2 Extra i686 packages not in Amazon Linux 2023

There are no i686 packages in the kernel-5.10 AL2 Extra repository of Amazon Linux 2.

kernel-5.15 AL2 Extra i686 packages not in Amazon Linux 2023

There are no i686 packages in the kernel-5.15 AL2 Extra repository of Amazon Linux 2.

kernel-5.4 AL2 Extra i686 packages not in Amazon Linux 2023

There are no i686 packages in the kernel-5.4 AL2 Extra repository of Amazon Linux 2.

kernel-ng AL2 Extra i686 packages not in Amazon Linux 2023

There are no i686 packages in the kernel-ng AL2 Extra repository of Amazon Linux 2.

mate-desktop1.x AL2 Extra i686 packages not in Amazon Linux 2023

These i686 packages in the mate-desktop1.x AL2 Extra repository of Amazon Linux 2 are not present in Amazon Linux 2023 as Amazon Linux 2023 no longer ships any i686 user space.

RPM Architectures
libappindicator src, i686
libappindicator-gtk3 src, i686
libdbusmenu i686
libdbusmenu-devel i686
libdbusmenu-gtk2 i686
libdbusmenu-gtk3 i686
libdbusmenu-jsonloader i686
libindicator src, i686, i686
libindicator-gtk3 src, i686, i686
libwnck3 src, i686, i686
mate-dictionary src, i686

selinux-ng AL2 Extra i686 packages not in Amazon Linux 2023

These i686 packages in the selinux-ng AL2 Extra repository of Amazon Linux 2 are not present in Amazon Linux 2023 as Amazon Linux 2023 no longer ships any i686 user space.

RPM Architectures
libselinux i686
libsemanage i686
setools-libs i686

lamp-mariadb10.2-php7.2 AL2 Extra i686 packages not in Amazon Linux 2023

There are no i686 packages in the lamp-mariadb10.2-php7.2 AL2 Extra repository of Amazon Linux 2.

mariadb10.5 AL2 Extra i686 packages not in Amazon Linux 2023

There are no i686 packages in the mariadb10.5 AL2 Extra repository of Amazon Linux 2.

php7.2 AL2 Extra i686 packages not in Amazon Linux 2023

There are no i686 packages in the php7.2 AL2 Extra repository of Amazon Linux 2.

php7.3 AL2 Extra i686 packages not in Amazon Linux 2023

There are no i686 packages in the php7.3 AL2 Extra repository of Amazon Linux 2.

php7.4 AL2 Extra i686 packages not in Amazon Linux 2023

There are no i686 packages in the php7.4 AL2 Extra repository of Amazon Linux 2.

postgresql10 AL2 Extra i686 packages not in Amazon Linux 2023

These i686 packages in the postgresql10 AL2 Extra repository of Amazon Linux 2 are not present in Amazon Linux 2023 as Amazon Linux 2023 no longer ships any i686 user space.

RPM Architectures
postgresql-libs src, i686

postgresql11 AL2 Extra i686 packages not in Amazon Linux 2023

These i686 packages in the postgresql11 AL2 Extra repository of Amazon Linux 2 are not present in Amazon Linux 2023 as Amazon Linux 2023 no longer ships any i686 user space.

RPM Architectures
libecpg i686
libpgtypes i686
libpq i686

postgresql12 AL2 Extra i686 packages not in Amazon Linux 2023

These i686 packages in the postgresql12 AL2 Extra repository of Amazon Linux 2 are not present in Amazon Linux 2023 as Amazon Linux 2023 no longer ships any i686 user space.

RPM Architectures
libpq i686

postgresql13 AL2 Extra i686 packages not in Amazon Linux 2023

These i686 packages in the postgresql13 AL2 Extra repository of Amazon Linux 2 are not present in Amazon Linux 2023 as Amazon Linux 2023 no longer ships any i686 user space.

RPM Architectures
libpq i686
postgresql src, i686
postgresql-private-libs src, i686

postgresql9.6 AL2 Extra i686 packages not in Amazon Linux 2023

These i686 packages in the postgresql9.6 AL2 Extra repository of Amazon Linux 2 are not present in Amazon Linux 2023 as Amazon Linux 2023 no longer ships any i686 user space.

RPM Architectures
postgresql-libs src, i686

awscli1 AL2 Extra i686 packages not in Amazon Linux 2023

There are no i686 packages in the awscli1 AL2 Extra repository of Amazon Linux 2.

mock2 AL2 Extra i686 packages not in Amazon Linux 2023

These i686 packages in the mock2 AL2 Extra repository of Amazon Linux 2 are not present in Amazon Linux 2023 as Amazon Linux 2023 no longer ships any i686 user space.

RPM Architectures
compat-rpm-411 src, i686
libdnf i686
libmodulemd i686
rpm-build-libs i686
rpm-libs i686

ruby2.4 AL2 Extra i686 packages not in Amazon Linux 2023

There are no i686 packages in the ruby2.4 AL2 Extra repository of Amazon Linux 2.

ruby2.6 AL2 Extra i686 packages not in Amazon Linux 2023

These i686 packages in the ruby2.6 AL2 Extra repository of Amazon Linux 2 are not present in Amazon Linux 2023 as Amazon Linux 2023 no longer ships any i686 user space.

RPM Architectures
ruby-libs src, i686

ruby3.0 AL2 Extra i686 packages not in Amazon Linux 2023

There are no i686 packages in the ruby3.0 AL2 Extra repository of Amazon Linux 2.

tomcat8.5 AL2 Extra i686 packages not in Amazon Linux 2023

There are no i686 packages in the tomcat8.5 AL2 Extra repository of Amazon Linux 2.

tomcat9 AL2 Extra i686 packages not in Amazon Linux 2023

There are no i686 packages in the tomcat9 AL2 Extra repository of Amazon Linux 2.

unbound1.13 AL2 Extra i686 packages not in Amazon Linux 2023

These i686 packages in the unbound1.13 AL2 Extra repository of Amazon Linux 2 are not present in Amazon Linux 2023 as Amazon Linux 2023 no longer ships any i686 user space.

RPM Architectures
fstrm i686

unbound1.17 AL2 Extra i686 packages not in Amazon Linux 2023

There are no i686 packages in the unbound1.17 AL2 Extra repository of Amazon Linux 2.

vim AL2 Extra i686 packages not in Amazon Linux 2023

There are no i686 packages in the vim AL2 Extra repository of Amazon Linux 2.

ansible2 AL2 Extra i686 packages not in Amazon Linux 2023

These i686 packages in the ansible2 AL2 Extra repository of Amazon Linux 2 are not present in Amazon Linux 2023 as Amazon Linux 2023 no longer ships any i686 user space.

RPM Architectures
libtomcrypt i686
libtommath i686

httpd_modules AL2 Extra i686 packages not in Amazon Linux 2023

There are no i686 packages in the httpd_modules AL2 Extra repository of Amazon Linux 2.

redis4.0 AL2 Extra i686 packages not in Amazon Linux 2023

There are no i686 packages in the redis4.0 AL2 Extra repository of Amazon Linux 2.

R3.4 AL2 Extra i686 packages not in Amazon Linux 2023

These i686 packages in the R3.4 AL2 Extra repository of Amazon Linux 2 are not present in Amazon Linux 2023 as Amazon Linux 2023 no longer ships any i686 user space.

RPM Architectures
openblas i686
openblas-openmp i686
openblas-threads i686
R-core i686
tre i686

R4 AL2 Extra i686 packages not in Amazon Linux 2023

There are no i686 packages in the R4 AL2 Extra repository of Amazon Linux 2.

GraphicsMagick1.3 AL2 Extra i686 packages not in Amazon Linux 2023

There are no i686 packages in the GraphicsMagick1.3 AL2 Extra repository of Amazon Linux 2.

nginx1 AL2 Extra i686 packages not in Amazon Linux 2023

There are no i686 packages in the nginx1 AL2 Extra repository of Amazon Linux 2.

python3.8 AL2 Extra i686 packages not in Amazon Linux 2023

There are no i686 packages in the python3.8 AL2 Extra repository of Amazon Linux 2.

collectd AL2 Extra i686 packages not in Amazon Linux 2023

These i686 packages in the collectd AL2 Extra repository of Amazon Linux 2 are not present in Amazon Linux 2023 as Amazon Linux 2023 no longer ships any i686 user space.

RPM Architectures
collectd i686

collectd-python3 AL2 Extra i686 packages not in Amazon Linux 2023

There are no i686 packages in the collectd-python3 AL2 Extra repository of Amazon Linux 2.