Monitoring MediaConvert job progress - MediaConvert
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Monitoring MediaConvert job progress

MediaConvert provides status information for each job that you create. You can monitor a job's status to determine what is happening with your job, track its progress, or toubleshoot issues.

Job statuses

Each job you submit will progress through a number of different possible statuses. Successful jobs end with a COMPLETE status, and unsuccessful jobs end with an ERROR or CANCELED status.

Successful jobs

A successful job results in all of its outputs being written to your Amazon S3 bucket. The following list contains details about the different statuses successful jobs go through:

  1. SUBMITTED: Jobs that you created in the MediaConvert console or through a CreateJob operation that MediaConvert hasn't started processing.

  2. INPUT_INFORMATION: MediaConvert read details about your input or inputs.

  3. PROGRESSING: MediaConvert began processing your job.

  4. STATUS_UPDATE: MediaConvert has been processing your job for at least a minute or longer. Jobs with this status go through three different job phases. For more information, see Job phases.

  5. COMPLETE: MediaConvert completed your job and all of your outputs were saved to your Amazon S3 bucket.

Successful jobs may also include NEW_WARNING or QUEUE_HOP statuses.

Unsuccessful jobs

An unsuccessful job results in no outputs being written to your Amazon S3 bucket, although it may initially progress similar to a successful job. Unsuccessful jobs have one of the the following two statuses:

  • ERROR: MediaConvert had an issue processing your job. For more information, see Error codes.

  • CANCELED: You canceled a job in the MediaConvert console or through a CancelJob operation.

How to find a job's status

To view a list of all job statuses in the current Region, open the Jobs page in the MediaConvert console. Or submit a GetJob or ListJobs operation.

Amazon CloudTrail records details about each create job request you make. CloudTrail only emits an EventBridge event for SUBMITTED jobs if you also create a CloudTrail trail. For more information, see Working with CloudTrail trails and Accessing Amazon service events via Amazon CloudTrail.

MediaConvert emits an EventBridge event when a job begins processing and then whenever its status changes, for example if it changes from PROGRESSING to COMPLETE or ERROR. For list of EventBridge events, see List of MediaConvert EventBridge events.

Job phases

If a job's status is PROGRESSING for over a minute, MediaConvert emits a STATUS_UPDATE event with the current job phase. A job phase provides details about what is happening with a job. Job phases progress through the following order:

  1. PROBING: When your job is in the PROBING phase, MediaConvert reads the information from your input files that the service needs for transcoding.

  2. TRANSCODING: When your job is in the TRANSCODING phase, the service demuxes, decodes, encodes, and remuxes your content. In some jobs, the service begins uploading outputs to your output Amazon S3 bucket during this phase. The phase ends when all transcoding is complete.

  3. UPLOADING: When your job is in the UPLOADING phase, the service uploads your transcoded outputs to your output Amazon S3 bucket. In the case of outputs that the service begins to upload during the TRANSCODING phase, the UPLOADING phase begins when the transcoding is done. It continues until all uploads are finished.

To view a job's phase, open the Jobs page in the MediaConvert console, check the STATUS_UPDATE EventBridge event, or submit a GetJob or ListJobs operation.