Using on-demand queues in AWS Elemental MediaConvert - MediaConvert
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Using on-demand queues in AWS Elemental MediaConvert

Your default queue is an on-demand queue. On-demand queues differ from reserved queues in how AWS Elemental MediaConvert allocates transcoding resources for jobs and in how you pay. For more information, see MediaConvert Pricing. This section describes using multiple queues, creating additional queues, viewing queues, pausing or activating queues, and deleting queues.

Managing resources and testing performance

Manage resources to process even more jobs in parallel. Perform testing to optimize performance.

Resource allocation and job prioritization

By default, your account has one on-demand queue. You can create additional on-demand queues. The Service quotas documentation lists the maximum number of queues available to your account in an Amazon Web Services Region.

Each queue can simultaneously process a number of jobs up to the maximum listed in the Service quotas documentation. For example, if you have five queues in us-east-1, you can process a total of 1000 jobs simultaneously. (In this example, you can process up to 200 jobs in any individual queue.)

When a job in an on-demand queue finishes, MediaConvert selects the next job to process based on the job's priority. You set the priority of a job when you create it. If more than one job has the highest priority, MediaConvert begins the one that you submitted first. For more information, see Job priority.

You can also organize your jobs with multiple on-demand queues. For example, you might run jobs for different workflows in separate queues. MediaConvert processes these jobs across multiple queues in parallel. You can use Tags to keep track of jobs with different workflows as well.


If you need to process more jobs in parallel, instead of creating additional queues we recommend that you first request an increase to the number of jobs your queues can run. To do so, open the Service Quotas console, choose Concurrent jobs per on-demand queue, and select Request quota increase.

Performance testing

We recommend that you test any workflow with specific performance requirements. By default, MediaConvert optimizes the performance of your queue for the most common job types. If your workflow primarily includes a large number of jobs that complete quickly, or if you have a question about your queue's performance, contact Amazon support.

How you pay for transcoding with on-demand queues

With on-demand queues, you pay based on usage. For pricing details, see AWS Elemental MediaConvert pricing.

Create an on-demand queue

AWS Elemental MediaConvert provides a default on-demand queue. A default queue is available in all Amazon Web Services Regions. Other queues appear only in the Amazon Web Services Region where they are created. To add additional resources to your account, you can create your own on-demand queues.

To learn how queues affect the way that MediaConvert allocates the processing of resources, see Managing resources and testing performance. The following tabs show different options for creating an on-demand queue.


To create an on-demand queue by using the MediaConvert console:

  1. Open the Queues page in the MediaConvert console.

  2. Choose Create queue.

  3. Enter a Name. Then optionally enter a Description and any Tags.

  4. Choose Create queue.

Amazon CLI

The following create-queue example creates a new on-demand queue.

aws mediaconvert create-queue \ --region region-name-1 \ --name Queue1 \ --description "Example queue description." \ --tags "KeyName1=string1,KeyName2=string2"

For more information about how to create an on-demand queue by using the Amazon CLI, see the Amazon CLI Command Reference.

Pause and reactivate on-demand queues

New queues default to an Active status and are available to process jobs immediately. You can optionally Pause a queue to stop processing any additional jobs. When you pause jobs, MediaConvert finishes processing jobs that are already running. If you submit a job to a paused queue, its status will remain in SUBMITTED until you change the queue's status back to Active or cancel the job.

The following tabs show how to change the status of an on-demand queue.


To change the status of an on-demand queue by using the MediaConvert console:

  1. Open the Queues page in the MediaConvert console.

  2. In the On-demand queues section, select the queue.

  3. Choose Edit queue.

  4. Under Status, choose Pause or Active.

  5. Choose Save queue.

Amazon CLI

The following update-queue example pauses an active on-demand queue.

aws mediaconvert update-queue \ --name Queue1 \ --status PAUSED

The following update-queue example activates a paused on-demand queue.

aws mediaconvert update-queue \ --name Queue1 \ --status ACTIVE

For more information about how to change the status of an on-demand queue by using the Amazon CLI, see the Amazon CLI Command Reference.

Listing on-demand queues

You can list the queues that are associated with your Amazon Web Services account and get details about those queues. The following tabs show different options for listing queues.


To list your on-demand queues by using the MediaConvert console, open the Queues page. Select a queue to view its ARN.

Amazon CLI

The following list-queues example lists all of your queues.

aws mediaconvert list-queues

The following JSON is an example list-queues response.

{ "Queues": [ { "Arn": "arn:aws:mediaconvert:us-west-2:111122223333:queues/Example", "CreatedAt": "2023-06-19T09:34:25-07:00", "LastUpdated": "2023-06-19T09:34:25-07:00", "Name": "Example", "PricingPlan": "ON_DEMAND", "ProgressingJobsCount": 0, "Status": "ACTIVE", "SubmittedJobsCount": 0, "Type": "CUSTOM" }, { "Arn": "arn:aws:mediaconvert:us-west-2:111122223333:queues/Default", "CreatedAt": "2018-05-16T09:13:08-07:00", "LastUpdated": "2021-05-14T15:39:23-07:00", "Name": "Default", "PricingPlan": "ON_DEMAND", "ProgressingJobsCount": 0, "Status": "ACTIVE", "SubmittedJobsCount": 0, "Type": "SYSTEM" } ] }

For more information about how to list queues by using the Amazon CLI, see the Amazon CLI Command Reference.

Delete an on-demand queue

You can delete any queue other than the default queue. You can't delete a queue that contains unprocessed jobs. The following tabs show how to delete an on-demand queue.


To delete an on-demand queue by using the MediaConvert console:

  1. Open the Queues page in the MediaConvert console.

  2. Select the queue.

  3. Choose Delete queue.

Amazon CLI

The following delete-queue example deletes on-demand queue.

aws mediaconvert delete-queue \ --name Queue1

For more information about how to delete an on-demand queue by using the Amazon CLI, see the Amazon CLI Command Reference.