FT.INFO - Amazon MemoryDB
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FT.INFO <index-name>

Output from the FT.INFO page is an array of key value pairs as described in the following table:

Key Value type Description
index_name string Name of the index
creation_timestamp integer Unix-style timestamp of creation time
key_type string HASH or JSON
key_prefixes array of strings Key prefixes for this index
fields array of field information Fields of this index
space_usage integer Memory bytes used by this index
fullext_space_usage integer Memory bytes used by non-vector fields
vector_space_usage integer Memory bytes used by vector fields
num_docs integer Number of keys currently contained in the index
num_indexed_vectors integer Number of vectors currently contained in the index
current_lag integer Recent delay of ingestion (milliSeconds)
backfill_status string One of: Completed, InProgres, Paused or Failed

The following table describes the information for each field:

Key Value type Description
identifier string name of field
field_name string Hash member name or JSON Path
type string one of: Numeric, Tag, Text or Vector
option string ignore

If the field is of type Vector, additional information will be present depending on the algorithm.

For the HNSW algorithm:

Key Value type Description
algorithm string HNSW
data_type string FLOAT32
distance_metric string one of: L2, IP or Cosine
initial_capacity integer Initial size of vector field index
current_capacity integer Current size of vector field index
maximum_edges integer M parameter at creation
ef_construction integer EF_CONSTRUCTION parameter at creation
ef_runtime integer EF_RUNTIME parameter at creation

For the FLAT algorithm:

Key Value type Description
algorithm string FLAT
data_type string FLOAT32
distance_metric string one of: L2, IP or Cosine
initial_capacity integer Initial size of vector field index
current_capacity integer Current size of vector field index