Anomaly detection with Amazon OpenSearch Ingestion - Amazon OpenSearch Service
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Anomaly detection with Amazon OpenSearch Ingestion

You can use Amazon OpenSearch Ingestion to train models and generate anomalies in near real-time on timeseries aggregated events. You can generate anomalies either on events generated within the pipeline, or on events coming directly into the pipeline, like OpenTelemetry metrics.

You can feed these tumbling window aggregated timeseries events to the Anomaly detector processor, which trains a model and generate anomalies with a grade score. Then, write the anomalies to a separate index to create document monitors and trigger fast alerting.

In addition to these examples, you can also use the Log to metric anomaly pipeline and Trace to metric anomaly pipeline blueprints. For more information about blueprints, see Using blueprints to create a pipeline.

Metrics from logs

The following pipeline receives logs via an HTTP source like FluentBit, extracts important values from the logs by matching the value in the log key against the grok common Apache log pattern, and then forwards the grokked logs to both the log-to-metrics-pipeline sub-pipeline, as well as to an OpenSearch index named logs.

The log-to-metrics-pipeline sub-pipeline receives the grokked logs from the apache-log-pipeline-with-metrics sub-pipeline, aggregates them, and derives histogram metrics based on the values in the clientip and request keys. It then sends the histogram metrics to an OpenSearch index named histogram_metrics, as well as to the log-to-metrics-anomaly-detector sub-pipeline.

The log-to-metrics-anomaly-detector-pipeline sub-pipeline receives the aggregated histogram metrics from the log-to-metrics-pipeline sub-pipeline and sends them to the Anomaly detector processor to detect anomalies using the Random Cut Forest algorithm. If it detects anomalies, it sends them to an OpenSearch index named log-metric-anomalies.

version: "2" apache-log-pipeline-with-metrics: source: http: # Provide the path for ingestion. ${pipelineName} will be replaced with pipeline name configured for this pipeline. # In this case it would be "/apache-log-pipeline-with-metrics/logs". This will be the FluentBit output URI value. path: "/${pipelineName}/logs" processor: - grok: match: log: [ "%{COMMONAPACHELOG_DATATYPED}" ] sink: - opensearch: ... index: "logs" - pipeline: name: "log-to-metrics-pipeline" log-to-metrics-pipeline: source: pipeline: name: "apache-log-pipeline-with-metrics" processor: - aggregate: # Specify the required identification keys identification_keys: ["clientip", "request"] action: histogram: # Specify the appropriate values for each the following fields key: "bytes" record_minmax: true units: "bytes" buckets: [0, 25000000, 50000000, 75000000, 100000000] # Pick the required aggregation period group_duration: "30s" sink: - opensearch: ... index: "histogram_metrics" - pipeline: name: "log-to-metrics-anomaly-detector-pipeline" log-to-metrics-anomaly-detector-pipeline: source: pipeline: name: "log-to-metrics-pipeline" processor: - anomaly_detector: # Specify the key on which to run anomaly detection keys: [ "bytes" ] mode: random_cut_forest: sink: - opensearch: ... index: "log-metric-anomalies"

Metrics from traces

You can derive metrics from traces and find anomalies in these generated metrics. In this example, the entry-pipeline sub-pipeline receives trace data from the OpenTelemetry Collector and forwards it to the following sub-pipelines:

  • span-pipeline – Extracts the raw spans from the traces. It sends the raw spans to any indexes OpenSearch prefixed with otel-v1-apm-span.

  • service-map-pipeline – Aggregates and analyzes it to create documents that represent connections between services. It sends these documents to an OpenSearch index named otel-v1-apm-service-map. You can then see a visualization of the service map through the Trace Analytics plugin for OpenSearch Dashboards.

  • trace-to-metrics-pipeline -–Aggregates and derives histogram metrics from the traces based on the value of the serviceName. It then sends the derived metrics to an OpenSearch index named metrics_for_traces, as well as to the trace-to-metrics-anomaly-detector-pipeline sub-pipeline.

The trace-to-metrics-anomaly-detector-pipeline sub-pipeline receives the aggregated histogram metrics from the trace-to-metrics-pipeline and sends them to the Anomaly detector processor to detect anomalies using the Random Cut Forest algorithm. If it detects any anomalies, it sends them to an OpenSearch index named trace-metric-anomalies.

version: "2" entry-pipeline: source: otel_trace_source: # Provide the path for ingestion. ${pipelineName} will be replaced with pipeline name configured for this pipeline. # In this case it would be "/entry-pipeline/v1/traces". This will be endpoint URI path in OpenTelemetry Exporter # configuration. # path: "/${pipelineName}/v1/traces" processor: - trace_peer_forwarder: sink: - pipeline: name: "span-pipeline" - pipeline: name: "service-map-pipeline" - pipeline: name: "trace-to-metrics-pipeline" span-pipeline: source: pipeline: name: "entry-pipeline" processor: - otel_trace_raw: sink: - opensearch: ... index_type: "trace-analytics-raw" service-map-pipeline: source: pipeline: name: "entry-pipeline" processor: - service_map: sink: - opensearch: ... index_type: "trace-analytics-service-map" trace-to-metrics-pipeline: source: pipeline: name: "entry-pipeline" processor: - aggregate: # Pick the required identification keys identification_keys: ["serviceName"] action: histogram: # Pick the appropriate values for each the following fields key: "durationInNanos" record_minmax: true units: "seconds" buckets: [0, 10000000, 50000000, 100000000] # Pick the required aggregation period group_duration: "30s" sink: - opensearch: ... index: "metrics_for_traces" - pipeline: name: "trace-to-metrics-anomaly-detector-pipeline" trace-to-metrics-anomaly-detector-pipeline: source: pipeline: name: "trace-to-metrics-pipeline" processor: - anomaly_detector: # Below Key will find anomalies in the max value of histogram generated for durationInNanos. keys: [ "max" ] mode: random_cut_forest: sink: - opensearch: ... index: "trace-metric-anomalies"

OpenTelemetry metrics

You can create a pipeline that receives OpenTelemetry metrics and detects anomalies in these metrics. In this example, entry-pipeline receives metrics data from the OpenTelemetry Collector. If a metric is of type GAUGE and the name of the metric is totalApiBytesSent, the processor sends it to the ad-pipeline sub-pipeline.

The ad-pipeline sub-pipeline receives the metrics data from the entry pipeline and performs anomaly detection on the value of the metric using the Anomaly detector processor.

entry-pipeline: source: otel_metrics_source: processor: - otel_metrics: route: - gauge_route: '/kind = "GAUGE" and /name = "totalApiBytesSent"' sink: - pipeline: name: "ad-pipeline" routes: - gauge_route - opensearch: ... index: "otel-metrics" ad-pipeline: source: pipeline: name: "entry-pipeline" processor: - anomaly_detector: # Use "value" as the key on which anomaly detector needs to be run keys: [ "value" ] mode: random_cut_forest: sink: - opensearch: ... index: otel-metrics-anomalies

In addition to this example, you can also use the Trace to metric anomaly pipeline blueprint. For more information about blueprints, see Using blueprints to create a pipeline.