Selective download with Amazon OpenSearch Ingestion - Amazon OpenSearch Service
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Selective download with Amazon OpenSearch Ingestion

If your pipeline uses an S3 source, you can use SQL expressions to perform filtering and computations on the contents of S3 objects before ingesting them into a pipeline.

The s3_select option supports objects in Parquet format. It also works with objects that are compressed with GZIP or BZIP2 (for CSV and JSON objects only), and supports columnar compression for Parquet using GZIP and Snappy.

The following example pipeline downloads data in incoming S3 objects, encoded in Parquet format:

pipeline: source: s3: s3_select: expression: "select * from s3object s" input_serialization: parquet notification_type: "sqs" ...

The following example downloads only the first 10,000 records in the objects:

pipeline: source: s3: s3_select: expression: "select * from s3object s LIMIT 10000" input_serialization: parquet notification_type: "sqs" ...

The following example checks for the minimum and maximum value of data_value before ingesting events into the pipeline:

pipeline: source: s3: s3_select: expression: "select s.* from s3object s where s.data_value > 200 and s.data_value < 500 " input_serialization: parquet notification_type: "sqs" ...

In addition to these examples, you can also use the S3 select pipeline blueprint. For more information about blueprints, see Using blueprints to create a pipeline.

For more information, see the following resources: