Sampling with Amazon OpenSearch Ingestion - Amazon OpenSearch Service
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Sampling with Amazon OpenSearch Ingestion

Amazon OpenSearch Ingestion provides the following sampling capabilities. In addition to these examples, you can also use the Apache log sampling blueprint. For more information about blueprints, see Using blueprints to create a pipeline.

Time sampling

You can use the rate_limiter action within the Aggregate processor to limit the number of events that can be processed per second. You can choose to either drop excess events or carry them forward to the next time period.

In this example, only 100 events per second with a status code of 200 are sent to the sink from a given IP address. It drops all excess events from the configured time window.

... processor: - aggregate: identification_keys: ["clientip"] action: rate_limiter: events_per_second: 100 when_exceeds: drop when: "/status == 200" ...

If you instead set the when_exceeds option to block, the processor will process excess events in the next time window.

Percentage sampling

Use the percent_sampler action within the Aggregate processor to limit the number of events that are sent to a sink. All excess events will be dropped.

In this example, only 20 percent of events with a status code of 200 are sent to the sink from a given IP address:

... processor: - aggregate: identification_keys: ["clientip"] duration : action: percent_sampler: percent: 20 when: "/status == 200" ...

Tail sampling

Use the tail_sampler action within the Aggregate processor to sample events based on a set of defined policies. This action waits for an aggregation to complete across different aggregation periods based on the configured wait period. When an aggregation is complete, and if it matches the specific error condition, it's sent to the sink. Otherwise, only a configured percentage of events are sent to the sink.

The following example pipeline sends all OpenTelemetry traces with an error condition status of 2 to the sink. It only sends 20% of the traces that don't match this error condition to the sink.

... processor: - aggregate: identification_keys: ["traceId"] action: tail_sampler: percent: 20 wait_period: "10s" condition: "/status == 2" ...

If you set the error condition to false or don't include it, only a the configured percentage of events is allowed to pass through, determined by a probabilistic outcome.

Because it's difficult to determine exactly when tail sampling should occur, you can use the wait_period option to measure the idle time after the last event was received.