Reference: API operations by account
This page lists all Amazon Organizations API operations, grouped by the account that can call them. Choose any API operation to learn more about using it.
Operations you can call from only the organization's management account
CreateGovCloudAccount (only under specific conditions)
CreateOrganization (the Amazon account that calls this operation becomes the management account of the organization after the operation completes)
Operations you can call from only the organization's management account or a member account designated as a delegated administrator
Operations you can call from only a member account in the organization
AcceptHandshake (can be called from only the account that received the handshake/invitation)
DeclineHandshake (can be called from only the account that received the handshake/invitation)
Operations you can call from any account in the organization
These operations can be called from any account in the organization.
DescribeEffectivePolicy (A member account can call this operation only if the
parameter is set to the member account's own ID - it can't target another account.)