Launch instances with On-Demand Capacity Reservations (ODCR) - Amazon ParallelCluster
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Launch instances with On-Demand Capacity Reservations (ODCR)

With On-Demand Capacity Reservations (ODCR), you can reserve capacity for your cluster Amazon EC2 instances in a specific Availability Zone. This way, you can create and manage Capacity Reservations independently from the billing accounts that Savings Plans or regional Reserved Instances offer.

You can configure open or targeted ODCR. Open ODCR cover any instances that match the ODCR attributes. These attributes are instance type, platform, and Availability Zone. You must explicitly define Targeted ODCR in the cluster configuration. To determine whether an ODCR is open or targeted, run the Amazon CLI Amazon EC2 describe-capacity-reservation command.

You can also create an ODCR in a cluster placement group that's called a cluster placement group on-demand capacity reservation (CPG ODCR).

Multiple ODCRs can be grouped in a resource group. This can be defined in the cluster configuration file. For more information about resource groups, see What are resource groups? in the Resource Groups and Tags User Guide.

Using ODCR with Amazon ParallelCluster

Amazon ParallelCluster supports open ODCR. When using an open ODCR, you don’t need to specify anything in Amazon ParallelCluster. Instances are automatically selected for the cluster. You can specify an existing placement group or have Amazon ParallelCluster create a new one for you.

ODCR in the cluster configuration

Starting with Amazon ParallelCluster version 3.3.0, you can define ODCRs in the cluster configuration file, with no need to specify Amazon EC2 run-instances overrides.

You start by creating capacity reservations and resource groups using the methods described in the linked documentation for each. You must use the Amazon CLI methods to create capacity reservation groups. If you use the Amazon Web Services Management Console, you can only create Tag based or Stack based resource groups. Tag based and Stack based resource groups aren't supported by Amazon ParallelCluster or the Amazon CLI when launching instances with capacity reservations.

After the capacity reservations and resource groups are created, specify them in SlurmQueues / CapacityReservationTarget or SlurmQueues / ComputeResources / CapacityReservationTarget as shown in the following example cluster configuration. Replace values high-lighted in red with your valid values.

Image: Os: os HeadNode: InstanceType: head_node_instance Networking: SubnetId: public_subnet_id Ssh: KeyName: key_name Scheduling: Scheduler: scheduler SlurmQueues: - Name: queue1 Networking: SubnetIds: - private_subnet_id ComputeResources: - Name: cr1 Instances: - InstanceType: instance MaxCount: max_queue_size MinCount: max_queue_size Efa: Enabled: true CapacityReservationTarget: CapacityReservationResourceGroupArn: capacity_reservation_arn
  • Starting with Amazon ParallelCluster version 3.3.0, we don't recommend this method. This section remains as a reference for implementations using prior versions.

  • This method is not compatible with Multiple instance type allocation with Slurm.

Support for targeted ODCRs is added in Amazon ParallelCluster 3.1.1. In this release, a mechanism was introduced that overrides EC2 RunInstances parameters and passes information about the reservation to use for each configured compute resource in Amazon ParallelCluster. This mechanism is compatible with targeted ODCR. However, when you use targeted ODCR, you must specify the run-instances override configuration. Targeted ODCRs must be explicitly defined in the Amazon CLI Amazon EC2 run-instances command. To determine whether an ODCR is open or targeted run the Amazon CLI Amazon EC2 command describe-capacity-reservation.

Multiple ODCRs can be grouped in a resource group. This can be used in the run-instances override to target multiple ODCRs at the same time.

If you’re using a targeted ODCR, you can specify a placement group. However, you also need to specify a run-instances override configuration.

Suppose that Amazon created a targeted ODCR for you or you have a specific set of Reserved Instances. Then, you can't specify a placement group. The rules that are configured by Amazon might conflict with the placement group setting. So, if a placement group is required for your application, use a CPG ODCR. In either case, you must also specify the run-instances override configuration.

If you’re using a CPG ODCR, you must specify the run-instances override configuration and you must specify the same placement group in the cluster configuration.

Using Reserved Instances with Amazon ParallelCluster

Reserved instances are different than Capacity Reservations (ODCR). There are 2 types of reserved instances. A Regional Reserved Instance doesn't reserve capacity. A zonal Reserved Instance reserves capacity in the specified Availability Zone.

If you have Regional Reserved Instances, there's no capacity reservation and you can get Insufficient Capacity Errors. If you have zonal Reserved Instances, you have capacity reservation, but there are no run-instances API parameters that you can use to specify them.

Reserved instances are supported by any Amazon ParallelCluster version. You don't have to specify anything in Amazon ParallelCluster and the instances are automatically selected.

When using zonal Reserved Instances, you can avoid potential Insufficient Capacity Errors by omitting the placement group specification in the cluster configuration.

  • Starting with Amazon ParallelCluster version 3.3.0, we don't recommend this method. This section remains as a reference for implementations using prior versions.

  • This method is not compatible with Multiple instance type allocation with Slurm.

You can override Amazon EC2 RunInstances parameters for each compute resource that's configured in a cluster queue. To do so, create the /opt/slurm/etc/pcluster/run_instances_overrides.json file on the head node of the cluster with the following code snippet content:

  • ${queue_name} is the name of the queue that you want to apply overrides to.

  • ${compute_resource_name} is the compute resource that you want to apply overrides to.

  • ${overrides} is an arbitrary JSON object that contains a list of RunInstances overrides to use for the specific combination of queue and instance-type. The overrides syntax needs to follow the same specifications that are documented in a run_instances boto3 call.

{     "${queue_name}": {         "${compute_resource_name}": {             ${overrides}         },         ...     },     ... }

For example, the following JSON configures the ODCR group group_arn to be used for p4d.24xlarge instances that are configured in my-queue and my-compute-resource.

{     "my-queue": {         "my-compute-resource": {             "CapacityReservationSpecification": {                 "CapacityReservationTarget": {                     "CapacityReservationResourceGroupArn": "group_arn"                 }             }         }     } }

After this JSON file is generated, the Amazon ParallelCluster daemons that are responsible for cluster scaling automatically use the override configuration for instance launches. To confirm that the specified parameters are being used for instance provisioning, look at the following log files:

  • /var/log/parallelcluster/clustermgtd (for static capacity)

  • /var/log/parallelcluster/slurm_resume.log (for dynamic capacity)

If the parameters are correct, you'll find a log entry that contains the following:

Found RunInstances parameters override. Launching instances with: <parameters_list>
  • Starting with Amazon ParallelCluster version 3.3.0, we don't recommend this method. This section remains as a reference for implementations using prior versions.

  • This method is not compatible with Multiple instance type allocation with Slurm.

  1. Create a resource group, to group capacity.

    $ aws resource-groups create-group --name EC2CRGroup \   --configuration '{"Type":"Amazon::EC2::CapacityReservationPool"}' '{"Type":"Amazon::ResourceGroups::Generic", "Parameters": [{"Name": "allowed-resource-types", "Values": ["Amazon::EC2::CapacityReservation"]}]}'

    A resource group doesn't support resources that are shared by other accounts.

    If the target ODCR is shared by another account, you don't need to create a resource group. Use CapacityReservationId instead of a resource group in step 3.

    #!/bin/bash set -e # Override run_instance attributes cat > /opt/slurm/etc/pcluster/run_instances_overrides.json << EOF {     "my-queue": {         "my-compute-resource": {             "CapacityReservationSpecification": {                 "CapacityReservationTarget": {                     "CapacityReservationId": "cr-abcdef01234567890"                 }             }         }     } } EOF

    Add capacity reservations to the resource group. Every time that you create a new ODCR, add it to the Group Reservation. Replace ACCOUNT_ID with your account ID, PLACEHOLDER_CAPACITY_RESERVATION with your capacity reservation ID, and REGION_ID with your Amazon Web Services Region ID (for example, us-east-1).

    $ aws resource-groups group-resources --region REGION_ID --group EC2CRGroup \   --resource-arns arn:aws:ec2:REGION_ID:ACCOUNT_ID:capacity-reservation/PLACEHOLDER_CAPACITY_RESERVATION

    Create a policy document on your local computer. Replace ACCOUNT_ID with your account ID and REGION_ID with your Amazon Web Services Region ID (for example, us-east-1).

    cat > policy.json << EOF {     "Version": "2012-10-17",     "Statement": [         {             "Sid": "RunInstancesInCapacityReservation",             "Effect": "Allow",             "Action": "ec2:RunInstances",             "Resource": [                 "arn:aws:ec2:REGION_ID:ACCOUNT_ID:capacity-reservation/*",                 "arn:aws:resource-groups:REGION_ID:ACCOUNT_ID:group/*"             ]         }     ] } EOF
  2. Create the IAM policy on your Amazon Web Services account using the json file that you created.

    $ aws iam create-policy --policy-name RunInstancesCapacityReservation --policy-document file://policy.json
  3. Create the following post install script locally on the instance and name it

    Replace ACCOUNT_ID with your Amazon Web Services account ID, and REGION_ID with your Amazon Web Services Region ID (for example, us-east-1).

    #!/bin/bash set -e # Override run_instance attributes cat > /opt/slurm/etc/pcluster/run_instances_overrides.json << EOF {     "my-queue": {         "my-compute-resource": {             "CapacityReservationSpecification": {                 "CapacityReservationTarget": {                     "CapacityReservationResourceGroupArn": "arn:aws:resource-groups:REGION_ID:ACCOUNT_ID:group/EC2CRGroup"                 }             }         }     } } EOF

    Upload the file to an Amazon S3 bucket. Replace S3_NAME_BUCKET with your specific S3 bucket name.

    $ aws s3 mb s3://S3_NAME_BUCKET aws s3 cp s3://S3_NAME_BUCKET/
  4. Create the local cluster configuration, replacing the placeholders with your own values.

    Region: REGION_ID Image:   Os: alinux2 HeadNode:   InstanceType: c5.2xlarge   Ssh:     KeyName: YOUR_SSH_KEY   Iam:     S3Access:       - BucketName: S3_NAME_BUCKET     AdditionalIamPolicies:       - Policy: arn:aws:iam::ACCOUNT_ID:policy/RunInstancesCapacityReservation   ## This post-install script is executed after the node is configured.   ## It is used to install scripts at boot time and specific configurations   ## In the script below we are overriding the calls to RunInstance to force   ## the provisioning of our my-queue partition to go through   ## the On-Demand Capacity Reservation   CustomActions:     OnNodeConfigured:       Script: s3://S3_NAME_BUCKET/   Networking:     SubnetId: YOUR_PUBLIC_SUBNET_IN_TARGET_AZ Scheduling:   Scheduler: slurm   SlurmQueues:     - Name: my-queue       ComputeResources:         - MinCount: 0           MaxCount: 100           InstanceType: p4d.24xlarge           Name: my-compute-resource           Efa:             Enabled: true       Networking:         ## PlacementGroup:         ##   Enabled: true ## Keep PG disabled if using targeted ODCR         SubnetIds:           - YOUR_PRIVATE_SUBNET_IN_TARGET_AZ
  5. Create the cluster.

    Use the following command to create the cluster. Replace cluster-config.yaml with your configuration file name, cluster-dl with your cluster name, and REGION_ID with your Region ID (for example, us-east-1).

    $ pcluster create-cluster --cluster-configuration cluster-config.yaml --cluster-name cluster-dl --region REGION_ID

    After the cluster is created, the post-install script runs in the head node. The script creates the run_instances_overrides.json file and overrides the calls to RunInstances to force the provisioning of the partition to go through the On-Demand Capacity Reservation.

    The Amazon ParallelCluster daemons that are responsible for cluster scaling automatically use this configuration for new instances that are launched. To confirm that the specified parameters are being used to provision instances, you can look at the following log files:

    • /var/log/parallelcluster/clustermgtd (for static capacity - MinCount > 0)

    • /var/log/parallelcluster/slurm_resume.log (for dynamic capacity)

    If the parameters are correct, you'll find a log entry contains the following.

    Found RunInstances parameters override. Launching instances with: <parameters_list>

Updating RunInstances overrides

You can update the generated JSON configuration at any time without stopping the compute fleet. After the changes are applied, all new instances launch with the updated configuration. If you need to apply the updated configuration to running nodes, recycle the nodes by forcing an instance termination and wait for Amazon ParallelCluster to replace those nodes. You can do this by terminating the instance from the Amazon EC2 console or Amazon CLI, or by setting the Slurm nodes in a DOWN or DRAIN state.

Use the following command to set the Slurm node to DOWN or DRAIN.

$ scontrol update nodename=my-queue-dy-my-compute-resource-1 state=down reason=your_reason scontrol update nodename=my-queue-dy-my-compute-resource-1 state=drain reason=your_reason