pcluster build-image - Amazon ParallelCluster
Services or capabilities described in Amazon Web Services documentation might vary by Region. To see the differences applicable to the China Regions, see Getting Started with Amazon Web Services in China (PDF).

pcluster build-image

Create a custom Amazon ParallelCluster image in the specified Region.

pcluster build-image [-h] --image-configuration IMAGE_CONFIGURATION --image-id IMAGE_ID [--debug] [--dryrun DRYRUN] [--query QUERY] [--region REGION] [--rollback-on-failure ROLLBACK_ON_FAILURE] [--suppress-validators SUPPRESS_VALIDATORS [SUPPRESS_VALIDATORS ...]] [--validation-failure-level {INFO,WARNING,ERROR}]

Named arguments

-h, --help

Shows the help text for pcluster build-image.

--image-configuration, -c IMAGE_CONFIGURATION

Specifies the image configuration file as a YAML document.

--image-id, -i IMAGE_ID

Specifies the id of the image that will be built.


Turn on debug logging.

--dryrun DRYRUN

When true, the command performs validation without creating any resources. You can use this to validate the image configuration. (Defaults to false.)

--query QUERY

JMESPath query to perform on output.

--region, -r REGION

Specifies the Amazon Web Services Region to use. The Amazon Web Services Region must be specified, using the Region setting in the image configuration file, the AWS_DEFAULT_REGION environment variable, the region setting in the [default] section of the ~/.aws/config file, or the --region parameter.

--rollback-on-failure ROLLBACK_ON_FAILURE

When true, automatically initiates an image stack rollback on failure. (Defaults to false.)


Identifies one or more config validators to suppress.

Format: (ALL|type:[A-Za-z0-9]+)

--validation-failure-level {INFO,WARNING,ERROR}

Specifies the minimum validation level that will cause the creation to fail. (Defaults to ERROR.)

Example using Amazon ParallelCluster version 3.1.2:

$ pcluster build-image --image-configuration image-config.yaml --image-id custom-alinux2-image { "image": { "imageId": "custom-alinux2-image", "imageBuildStatus": "BUILD_IN_PROGRESS", "cloudformationStackStatus": "CREATE_IN_PROGRESS", "cloudformationStackArn": "arn:aws:cloudformation:us-east-1:123456789012:stack/custom-alinux2-image/1234abcd-56ef-78gh-90ij-abcd1234efgh", "region": "us-east-1", "version": "3.1.2" } }

pcluster build-image uses the default VPC. If the default VPC has been deleted, perhaps by using Amazon Control Tower or Amazon Landing Zone, then the subnet ID must be specified in the image configuration file. For more information, see SubnetId.