pcluster3-config-converter - Amazon ParallelCluster
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Reads a Amazon ParallelCluster version 2 configuration file and writes a Amazon ParallelCluster version 3 configuration file.

pcluster3-config-converter [-h] [-t CLUSTER_TEMPLATE] [-c CONFIG_FILE] [--force-convert] [-o OUTPUT_FILE]

Named arguments

-h, --help

Shows the help text for pcluster3-config-converter.


Specifies the [cluster] section of the configuration file to convert. If not specified the script will look for the cluster-template parameter in the [global] section or will search for [cluster default].

-c CONFIG_FILE, --config-file CONFIG_FILE

Specifies the Amazon ParallelCluster version 2 configuration file to be read.


Enables a conversion even if one or more settings is not supported and not recommended.

-o OUTPUT_FILE, --output-file OUTPUT_FILE

Specifies the Amazon ParallelCluster version 3 configuration file to be written. If this parameter is not specified, the configuration is written to stdout.


The pcluster3-config-converter command was added in Amazon ParallelCluster version 3.0.1.