Seeing errors in compute node initializations - Amazon ParallelCluster
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Seeing errors in compute node initializations

Seeing Node bootstrap error in clustermgtd.log

The problem is related to compute nodes failing to bootstrap. For information on how to debug a cluster protected mode issue, see How to debug protected mode.

I configured on demand capacity reservations (ODCRs) or zonal Reserved Instances

ODCRs that include instances that have multiple network interfaces, such as P4d, P4de, and Amazon Trainium (Trn)

In the cluster configuration file, check that the HeadNode is in a public subnet and that the compute nodes are in a private subnet.

ODCRs are targeted ODCRS

Seeing Unable to read file '/opt/slurm/etc/pcluster/run_instances_overrides.json'. even though I already have /opt/slurm/etc/pcluster/run_instances_overrides.json in place by following the instructions given in Launch instances with On-Demand Capacity Reservations (ODCR)

If you are using Amazon ParallelCluster versions 3.1.1 to 3.2.1 with targeted ODCRs, and you are also using the run instances override JSON file, it's possible that you don’t have the JSON file formatted correctly. You could see an error in clustermgtd.log, such as the following:

Unable to read file '/opt/slurm/etc/pcluster/run_instances_overrides.json'. Using default: {} in /var/log/parallelcluster/clustermgtd.

Validate that the JSON file format is correct by running the following:

$ echo /opt/slurm/etc/pcluster/run_instances_overrides.json | jq

Seeing Found RunInstances parameters override. in clustermgtd.log when cluster creation failed, or in slurm_resume.log when run job failed

If you are using run instances override JSON file, check that you correctly set the queue name and the compute resources name in the /opt/slurm/etc/pcluster/run_instances_overrides.json file.

Seeing An error occurred (InsufficientInstanceCapacity) in slurm_resume.log when I fail to a run job, or in clustermgtd.log when I fail to create a cluster

Using PG-ODCR (Placement Group ODCR)

When creating an ODCR with an associated placement group, the same placement group name must be used in the configuration file. Set the corresponding placement group name in the cluster configuration.

Using zonal Reserved Instances

If you are using zonal Reserved Instances with PlacementGroup / Enabled to true in the cluster configuration, you might see an error, such as the following:

We currently do not have sufficient trn1.32xlarge capacity in the Availability Zone you requested (us-east-1d). Our system will be working on provisioning additional capacity. You can currently get trn1.32xlarge capacity by not specifying an Availability Zone in your request or choosing us-east-1a, us-east-1b, us-east-1c, us-east-1e, us-east-1f.

You might see this because the zonal Reserved Instances aren't placed in the same UC (or spine), which can cause insufficient capacity errors (ICEs) when using placement groups. You can check this case by disabling the PlacementGroupGroup setting in the cluster configuration to determine if the cluster can allocate the instances.

Seeing An error occurred (VcpuLimitExceeded) in slurm_resume.log when I fail to run a job, or in clustermgtd.log, when I fail to create a cluster

Check the vCPU limits on your account for the specific Amazon EC2 instance type that you are using. If you see zero or fewer vCPUs than you are requesting, request an increase for your limits. For information about how to view current limits and request new limits, see Amazon EC2 service quotas in the Amazon EC2 User Guide.

Seeing An error occurred (InsufficientInstanceCapacity) in slurm_resume.log when I fail to run a job, or in clustermgtd.log, when I fail to create a cluster

You are experiencing an insufficient capacity issue. Follow to troubleshoot the issue.

Seeing nodes are in DOWN state with Reason (Code:InsufficientInstanceCapacity)...

You are experiencing an insufficient capacity issue. Follow to troubleshoot the issue. For more information about Amazon ParallelCluster's fast insufficient capacity fail-over mode, see Slurm cluster fast insufficient capacity fail-over.

Seeing cannot change locale (en_US.utf-8) because it has an invalid name in slurm_resume.log

This can occur if you have an unsuccessful yum installation process that left the locale settings in an inconsistent state. For example, this can be caused when a user terminates the install process.

To verify the cause, take the following actions:
  • Run su - pcluster-admin.

    The shell shows an error, such as, cannot change such file or directory.

  • Run localedef --list.

    Returns an empty list or doesn't contain the default locale.

  • Check the last yum command with yum history and yum history info #ID. Does the last ID have Return-Code: Success?

    If the last ID doesn't have Return-Code: Success, the post-install scripts might not have run successfully.

To fix the issue, try rebuilding the locale with yum reinstall glibc-all-langpacks. After the rebuild, su - pcluster-admin doesn't show an error or warning if the issue is fixed.

None of the previous scenarios apply to my situation

To troubleshoot compute node initialization issues, see Troubleshooting node initialization issues.

Check to see if your scenario is covered in GitHub Known Issues at Amazon ParallelCluster on GitHub.

For additional support, see Additional support.