Creating a custom AMI with Terraform - Amazon ParallelCluster
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Creating a custom AMI with Terraform

When using Amazon ParallelCluster, you only pay for the Amazon resources that are created when you create or update Amazon ParallelCluster images and clusters. For more information, see Amazon services used by Amazon ParallelCluster.


Define a Terraform project

In this tutorial, you will define a simple Terraform project to deploy a ParallelCluster custom AMI.

  1. Create a directory called my-amis.

    All files that you create will be within this directory.

  2. Create the file to import the ParallelCluster provider.

    terraform { required_version = ">= 1.5.7" required_providers { aws-parallelcluster = { source = "aws-tf/aws-parallelcluster" version = "1.0.0" } } }
  3. Create the file to configure the ParallelCluster and Amazon providers.

    provider "aws" { region = var.region profile = var.profile } provider "aws-parallelcluster" { region = var.region profile = var.profile api_stack_name = var.api_stack_name use_user_role = true }
  4. Create the file to define the resources using the ParallelCluster module.

    To review the image properties that you can set within the image_configuration element, see Build image configuration files.

    To review the options that you can set for image creation, for example image_id and rollback_on_failure, see pcluster build-image.

    data "aws-parallelcluster_list_official_images" "parent_image" { region = var.region os = var.os architecture = var.architecture } resource "aws-parallelcluster_image" "demo01" { image_id = "demo01" image_configuration = yamlencode({ "Build":{ "InstanceType": "c5.2xlarge", "ParentImage":[0].amiId, "UpdateOsPackages": {"Enabled": false} } }) rollback_on_failure = false }
  5. Create the file to define the variables that can be injected for this project.

    variable "region" { description = "The region the ParallelCluster API is deployed in." type = string default = "us-east-1" } variable "profile" { type = string description = "The AWS profile used to deploy the clusters." default = null } variable "api_stack_name" { type = string description = "The name of the CloudFormation stack used to deploy the ParallelCluster API." default = "ParallelCluster" } variable "api_version" { type = string description = "The version of the ParallelCluster API." } variable "os" { type = string description = "The OS of the ParallelCluster image." } variable "architecture" { type = string description = "The architecture of the ParallelCluster image." }
  6. Create the file terraform.tfvars to set you arbitrary values for the variables.

    With the file below deploys the custom AMI in us-east-1 based on Amazon Linux 2 for x86_64 architecture, using the existing ParallelCluster API 3.10.0 which is already deployed in us-east-1 with stack name MyParallelClusterAPI-310.

    region = "us-east-1" api_stack_name = "MyParallelClusterAPI-310" api_version = "3.10.0" os = "alinux2" architecture = "x86_64"
  7. Create the file to define the outputs returned by this project.

    output "parent_image" { value =[0] } output "custom_image" { value = aws-parallelcluster_image.demo01 }

    The project directory is:

    my-amis ├── - Terraform entrypoint where the ParallelCluster module is configured. ├── - Defines the cluster as a Terraform output. ├── - Configures the providers: ParallelCluster and AWS. ├── - Import the ParallelCluster provider. ├── terraform.tfvars - Defines values for variables, e.g. region, PCAPI stack name. └── - Defines the variables, e.g. region, PCAPI stack name.

Deploy the AMI

To deploy the AMI, run the standard Terraform commands in order.

  1. Build the project:

    terraform init
  2. Define the deployment plan:

    terraform plan -out tfplan
  3. Deploy the plan:

    terraform apply tfplan

Required permissions

You need the following permissions to deploy a custom AMI with Terraform:

  • assume the ParallelCluster API role, which is in charge of interacting with the ParallelCluster API

  • describe the Amazon CloudFormation stack of the ParallelCluster API, to verify it exists and retrieve its parameters and outputs

{ "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Action": "sts:AssumeRole", "Resource": "arn:PARTITION:iam::ACCOUNT:role/PCAPIUserRole-*", "Effect": "Allow", "Sid": "AssumePCAPIUserRole" }, { "Action": [ "cloudformation:DescribeStacks" ], "Resource": "arn:PARTITION:cloudformation:REGION:ACCOUNT:stack/*", "Effect": "Allow", "Sid": "CloudFormation" } ] }