Install Amazon ParallelCluster on Linux - Amazon ParallelCluster
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Install Amazon ParallelCluster on Linux

You can install Amazon ParallelCluster and its dependencies on most Linux distributions by using pip, a package manager for Python. First, determine if Python and pip are installed:

  1. To determine if your version of Linux includes Python and pip, run pip --version.

    $ pip --version

    If you have pip installed, go on to the Install Amazon ParallelCluster with pip topic. Otherwise, continue with Step 2.

  2. To determine if Python is installed, run python --version.

    $ python --version

    If you have Python 3 version 3.6+ or Python 2 version 2.7 installed, go on to the Install Amazon ParallelCluster with pip topic. Otherwise, install Python, and then return to this procedure to install pip.

  3. Install pip by using the script that the Python Packaging Authority provides.

  4. Use the curl command to download the installation script.

    $ curl -O
  5. Run the script with Python to download and install the latest version of pip and other required support packages.

    $ python --user


    $ python3 --user

    When you include the --user switch, the script installs pip to the path ~/.local/bin.

  6. To verify that the folder that contains pip is part of your PATH variable, do the following:

    1. Find your shell's profile script in your user folder. If you're not sure which shell you have, run basename $SHELL.

      $ ls -a ~ . .. .bash_logout .bash_profile .bashrc Desktop Documents Downloads
      • Bash.bash_profile, .profile, or .bash_login

      • Zsh.zshrc

      • Tcsh.tcshrc, .cshrc or .login

    2. Add an export command at the end of your profile script that's similar to the following example.

      export PATH=~/.local/bin:$PATH

      The export command inserts the path, which is ~/.local/bin in this example, at the front of the existing PATH variable.

    3. To put these changes into effect, reload the profile into your current session.

      $ source ~/.bash_profile
  7. Verify that pip is installed correctly.

    $ pip3 --version pip 21.3.1 from ~/.local/lib/python3.6/site-packages (python 3.6)

Install Amazon ParallelCluster with pip

Use pip to install Amazon ParallelCluster.

$ python3 -m pip install "aws-parallelcluster<3.0" --upgrade --user

When you use the --user switch, pip installs Amazon ParallelCluster to ~/.local/bin.

Verify that Amazon ParallelCluster installed correctly.

$ pcluster version 2.11.9

To upgrade to the latest version, run the installation command again.

$ python3 -m pip install "aws-parallelcluster<3.0" --upgrade --user

Add the Amazon ParallelCluster executable to your command line path

After installing with pip, you might need to add the pcluster executable to your operating system's PATH environment variable.

To verify the folder in which pip installed Amazon ParallelCluster, run the following command.

$ which pcluster /home/username/.local/bin/pcluster

If you omitted the --user switch when you installed Amazon ParallelCluster, the executable might be in the bin folder of your Python installation. If you don't know where Python is installed, run this command.

$ which python /usr/local/bin/python

Note that the output might be the path to a symlink, not to the actual executable. To see where the symlink points, run ls -al.

$ ls -al $(which python) /usr/local/bin/python -> ~/.local/Python/3.6/bin/python3.6

If this is the same folder that you added to the path in step 3 in Installing Amazon ParallelCluster, you're done with the installation. Otherwise, you must perform steps 3a – 3c again, adding this additional folder to the path.