Intel Select Solutions - Amazon ParallelCluster
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Intel Select Solutions

Amazon ParallelCluster is available as an Intel Select Solution for simulation and modeling. Configurations are verified to meet the standards set by the Intel HPC Platform Specification, use specific Intel instance types, and are configured to use the Elastic Fabric Adapter (EFA) networking interface. Amazon ParallelCluster is the first cloud solution to meet the requirements for the Intel Select Solutions program. Supported instance types include c5n.18xlarge, m5n.24xlarge, and r5n.24xlarge. A sample configuration compatible with the Intel Select Solutions standard is provided below.

Example Intel Select Solutions configuration
[global] update_check = true sanity_check = true cluster_template = intel-select-solutions [aws] aws_region_name = <Your Amazon Web Services Region> [scaling demo] scaledown_idletime = 5 [cluster intel-select-solutions] key_name = <Your SSH key name> base_os = centos7 scheduler = slurm enable_intel_hpc_platform = true master_instance_type = c5.xlarge vpc_settings = <Your VPC section> scaling_settings = demo queue_settings = c5n,m5n,r5n master_root_volume_size = 200 compute_root_volume_size = 80 [queue c5n] compute_resource_settings = c5n_i1 enable_efa = true placement_group = DYNAMIC [compute_resource c5n_i1] instance_type = c5n.18xlarge max_count = 5 [queue m5n] compute_resource_settings = m5n_i1 enable_efa = true placement_group = DYNAMIC [compute_resource m5n_i1] instance_type = m5n.24xlarge max_count = 5 [queue r5n] compute_resource_settings = r5n_i1 enable_efa = true placement_group = DYNAMIC [compute_resource r5n_i1] instance_type = r5n.24xlarge max_count = 5

For more information about Amazon ParallelCluster and the Intel HPC Platform Specification, see Intel HPC Platform Specification.