pcluster createami - Amazon ParallelCluster
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pcluster createami

(Linux/macOS) Creates a custom AMI to use with Amazon ParallelCluster.

pcluster createami [ -h ] -ai BASE_AMI_ID -os BASE_AMI_OS [ -i INSTANCE_TYPE ] [ -ap CUSTOM_AMI_NAME_PREFIX ] [ -cc CUSTOM_AMI_COOKBOOK ] [--no-public-ip] [ -post-install POST_INSTALL_SCRIPT ] [ -c CONFIG_FILE ] [-t CLUSTER_TEMPLATE] [--vpc-id VPC_ID] [--subnet-id SUBNET_ID] [ -r REGION ]

Required dependencies

In addition to the Amazon ParallelCluster CLI, the following dependency is required to run pcluster createami:


Before Amazon ParallelCluster version 2.8.0, Berkshelf (installed using gem install berkshelf) was required to use pcluster createami.

Named arguments

-h, --help

Shows the help text for pcluster createami.

-ai BASE_AMI_ID, --ami-id BASE_AMI_ID

Specifies the base AMI to use for building the Amazon ParallelCluster AMI.


Specifies the OS of the base AMI. Valid options are: alinux2, ubuntu1804, ubuntu2004, and centos7.


OS support changes in different Amazon ParallelCluster versions:

  • Support for centos8 was removed in Amazon ParallelCluster version 2.10.4.

  • Support for centos8 was added, and support for centos6 was removed in Amazon ParallelCluster version 2.10.0.

  • Support for alinux2 was added in Amazon ParallelCluster version 2.6.0.

  • Support for ubuntu1804 was added in Amazon ParallelCluster version 2.5.0.


Specifies the instance type to use to create the AMI.

Defaults to t2.xlarge.


Support for the --instance-type argument was added in Amazon ParallelCluster version 2.4.1.


Specifies the prefix name of the resulting Amazon ParallelCluster AMI.

Defaults to custom-ami-.


Specifies the cookbook to use to build the Amazon ParallelCluster AMI.

--post-install POST_INSTALL_SCRIPT

Specifies the path to the post-install script. Paths must use a s3://, https://, or file:// URL scheme. Examples include the following:

  • https://bucket-name.s3.region.amazonaws.com/path/post_install.sh

  • s3://bucket-name/post_install.sh

  • file:///opt/project/post_install.sh


Support for the --post-install argument was added in Amazon ParallelCluster version 2.10.0.


Do not associate a public IP address to the instance used to create the AMI. By default, a public IP address is associated with the instance.


Support for the --no-public-ip argument was added in Amazon ParallelCluster version 2.5.0.


Specifies the alternative configuration file to use.

Defaults to ~/.parallelcluster/config.


Specifies the [cluster] section of the CONFIG_FILE to use to retrieve the VPC and subnet settings.


Support for the --cluster-template argument was added in Amazon ParallelCluster version 2.4.0.

--vpc-id VPC_ID

Specifies the ID of the VPC to use to build the Amazon ParallelCluster AMI.


Support for the --vpc-id argument was added in Amazon ParallelCluster version 2.5.0.

--subnet-id SUBNET_ID

Specifies the ID of the subnet to use to build the Amazon ParallelCluster AMI.


Support for the --vpc-id argument was added in Amazon ParallelCluster version 2.5.0.

-r REGION, --region REGION

Specifies the Amazon Web Services Region to use. Defaults to the Amazon Web Services Region specified by using the pcluster configure command.