Creating a batch inference job (Amazon CLI) - Amazon Personalize
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Creating a batch inference job (Amazon CLI)

After you have completed Preparing input data for batch recommendations, you are ready to create a batch inference job with the CreateBatchInferenceJob operation.

Creating a batch inference job

You can use the create-batch-inference-job command to create a batch inference job. Specify a job name, replace Solution version ARN with the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of your solution version, and replace the IAM service role ARN with the ARN of the IAM service role you created for Amazon Personalize during set up. This role must have read and write access to your input and output Amazon S3 buckets respectively. Optionally provide a filter ARN to filter recommendations. If your filter uses placeholder parameters, make sure the values for the parameters are included in your input JSON. For more information see Filtering batch recommendations and user segments (custom resources).

Replace S3 input path and S3 output path with the Amazon S3 path to your input file and output locations. We recommend using a different location for your output data (either a folder or a different Amazon S3 bucket). Use the following syntax for input and output locations: s3://<name of your S3 bucket>/<folder name>/<input JSON file name>.json and s3://<name of your S3 bucket>/<output folder name>/.

The example includes optional User-Personalization recipe specific itemExplorationConfig hyperparameters: explorationWeight and explorationItemAgeCutOff. Optionally include explorationWeight and explorationItemAgeCutOff values to configure exploration. For more information, see User-Personalization recipe.

aws personalize create-batch-inference-job \ --job-name Batch job name \ --solution-version-arn Solution version ARN \ --filter-arn Filter ARN \ --job-input s3DataSource={path=s3://S3 input path} \ --job-output s3DataDestination={path=s3://S3 output path} \ --role-arn IAM service role ARN \ --batch-inference-job-config "{\"itemExplorationConfig\":{\"explorationWeight\":\"0.3\",\"explorationItemAgeCutOff\":\"30\"}}"

Creating a batch inference job that generates themes

To generate themes for similar items, you must use the Similar-Items recipe and your Items dataset must have a textual field and a column of item name data. For more information about recommendations with themes, see Batch recommendations with themes from Content Generator.

The following code creates a batch inference job that generates recommendations with themes. Leave the batch-inference-job-mode set to THEME_GENERATION. Replace COLUMN_NAME with the name of the column that stores your item name data.

aws personalize create-batch-inference-job \ --job-name Themed batch job name \ --solution-version-arn Solution version ARN \ --filter-arn Filter ARN \ --job-input s3DataSource={path=s3://S3 input path} \ --job-output s3DataDestination={path=s3://S3 output path} \ --role-arn IAM service role ARN \ --batch-inference-job-mode THEME_GENERATION \ --theme-generation-config "{\"fieldsForThemeGeneration\": {\"itemName\":\"COLUMN_NAME\"}}"