Getting real-time recommendations
Real-time recommendations are recommendations you request and show your user as they use your application. You can get real-time recommendations from Amazon Personalize with a recommender (for Domain dataset groups) or a custom campaign.
For domain recommenders, you can get real-time recommendations with the GetRecommendations operation. Or you can test your recommender with the Amazon Personalize console.
For custom resources, depending on the recipe you used to create the solution version backing the campaign, you get recommendations for your users with the GetRecommendations, GetActionRecommendations, or GetPersonalizedRanking API operations. Or you can test your campaign with the Amazon Personalize console.
If you use domain use cases or recipes that provide real-time personalization, such as the Top picks for you use case or the User-Personalization recipe, Amazon Personalize updates recommendations based on your user's most recent activity as you record their interactions with your catalog. For more information on recording real-time events and personalization, see Recording real-time events to influence recommendations.
If you configured your campaign to return metadata for recommended items, you can specify the columns to include in your GetRecommendations or GetPersonalizedRanking API operations. Or you can specify the columns when you test the campaign with the Amazon Personalize console.
For some use cases and recipes, you can specify a promotion in your request. A promotion defines additional business rules that apply to a configurable subset of recommended items. For more information, see Promoting items in recommendations.