ListLexicon - Amazon Polly
Services or capabilities described in Amazon Web Services documentation might vary by Region. To see the differences applicable to the China Regions, see Getting Started with Amazon Web Services in China (PDF).


The following Python code example uses the Amazon SDK for Python (Boto) to list the lexicons in your account in the region specified in your local Amazon configuration. For information about creating the configuration file, see Step 2.1: Set up the Amazon CLI.

For more information on this operation, see the reference for the ListLexicons API.

import sys from boto3 import Session from botocore.exceptions import BotoCoreError, ClientError # Create a client using the credentials and region defined in the adminuser # section of the Amazon credentials and configuration files session = Session(profile_name="adminuser") polly = session.client("polly") try: # Request the list of available lexicons response = polly.list_lexicons() except (BotoCoreError, ClientError) as error: # The service returned an error, exit gracefully print(error) sys.exit(-1) # Get the list of lexicons in the response lexicons = response.get("Lexicons", []) print("{0} lexicon(s) found".format(len(lexicons))) # Output a formatted list of lexicons with some of the attributes for lexicon in lexicons: print((u" - {Name} ({Attributes[LanguageCode]}), " "{Attributes[LexemesCount]} lexeme(s)").format(**lexicon))