The configuration for a section-based layout.
In the following list, the required parameters are described first.
- BodySections
A list of body section configurations.
Type: Array of BodySectionConfiguration objects
Array Members: Maximum number of 28 items.
Required: Yes
- CanvasSizeOptions
The options for the canvas of a section-based layout.
Type: SectionBasedLayoutCanvasSizeOptions object
Required: Yes
A list of footer section configurations.
Type: Array of HeaderFooterSectionConfiguration objects
Array Members: Maximum number of 1 item.
Required: Yes
- HeaderSections
A list of header section configurations.
Type: Array of HeaderFooterSectionConfiguration objects
Array Members: Maximum number of 1 item.
Required: Yes
See Also
For more information about using this API in one of the language-specific Amazon SDKs, see the following: