Adding numeric filters
Fields with decimal or int data types are considered numeric fields. You create filters on numeric fields by specifying a comparison type, for example Greater than or Between, and a comparison value or values as appropriate to the comparison type. Comparison values must be positive integers and can't contain commas.
You can use the following comparison types in numeric filters:
Does not equal
Greater than
Greater than or equal to
Less than
Less than or equal to
To use a top and bottom filter for numeric data (analyses only), first change the field from a measure to a dimension. Doing this converts the data to text. Then you can use a text filter. For more information, see Adding text filters.
In analyses, for datasets based on database queries, you can also optionally apply an aggregate function to the comparison value or values, for example Sum or Average.
You can use the following aggregate functions in numeric filters:
Count distinct
Standard deviation
Standard deviation - population
Variance - population
Creating numeric filters
Use the following procedure to create a numeric field filter.
To create a numeric field filter
Create a new filter using a text field. For more information about creating filters, see Adding filters.
In the Filters pane, choose the new filter to expand it.
(Optional) For Aggregation, choose an aggregation. No aggregation is applied by default. This option is available only when creating numeric filters in an analysis.
For Filter condition, choose a comparison type.
Do one of the following:
If you chose a comparison type other than Between, enter a comparison value.
If you chose a comparison type of Between, enter the beginning of the value range in Minimum value and the end of the value range in Maximum value.
(Analyses only) To use an existing parameter, enable Use parameters, then choose your parameter from the list.
For parameters to appear in this list, create your parameters first. Usually, you create a parameter, add a control for it, and then add a filter for it. For more information, see Parameters in Amazon QuickSight. The values display alphabetically in the control, unless there are more than 1,000 distinct values. Then the control displays a search box instead. Each time you search for the value that you want to use, it initiates a new query. If the results contain more than 1,000 values, you can scroll through the values with pagination.
(Analyses only) For Null options choose Exclude nulls, Include nulls, or Nulls only.
When finished, choose Apply.