Adding a title and description to an analysis - Amazon QuickSight
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Adding a title and description to an analysis

In addition to the analysis name, you can add a title and description to an analysis. A useful title and description provides context about the information in the analysis.

Add a title and description

Use the following procedure to add a title and description to an analysis. Titles and descriptions can contain up to 1,024 characters. Titles and descriptions are not supported for paginated reports.

To add a title and description to an analysis
  1. On the analysis page, choose Sheets in the application bar and then choose Add title. The image below shows the open Sheets menu in the application bar.

    Sheets menu options including Add Sheet, Duplicate Sheet, Rename Sheet, and Layout Settings.
  2. For Sheet title, enter a title and press Enter. To remove a title, choose Sheets in the application bar and then choose Delete title. Or, to remove the title, you can select the title and then choose the x-shaped delete icon.

    To create a dynamic sheet title, you can add existing parameters to the sheet title. For more information, see Using parameters in titles and descriptions in Amazon QuickSight.

  3. Choose Sheets in the application bar, and then choose Add description.

  4. In the description space that appears on the sheet, enter the description that you want and press Enter. To remove a description, choose Sheets in the application bar and then choose Delete description. Or, to remove the description, you can select the description and then choose the x-shaped delete icon.