Using Amazon OpenSearch Service with Amazon QuickSight
Following, you can find how to connect to your Amazon OpenSearch Service data using Amazon QuickSight.
Creating a new QuickSight data source connection for OpenSearch Service
Following, you can find how to connect to OpenSearch Service
Before you can proceed, Amazon QuickSight needs to be authorized to connect to Amazon OpenSearch Service. If connections aren't enabled, you get an error when you try to connect. A QuickSight administrator can authorize connections to Amazon resources.
To authorize QuickSight to initiate a connection to OpenSearch Service
Open the menu by clicking on your profile icon at top right, then choose Manage QuickSight. If you don't see the Manage QuickSight option on your profile menu, ask your QuickSight administrator for assistance.
Choose Security & permissions, Add or remove.
Enable the option for OpenSearch.
Choose Update.
After OpenSearch Service is accessible, you create a data source so people can use the specified domains.
To connect to OpenSearch Service
Begin by creating a new dataset. Choose Datasets from the navigation pane at left, then choose New Dataset.
Choose the Amazon OpenSearch data source card.
For Data source name, enter a descriptive name for your OpenSearch Service data source connection, for example
OpenSearch Service ML Data
. Because you can create many datasets from a connection to OpenSearch Service, it's best to keep the name simple. -
For Connection type, choose the network you want to use. This can be a virtual private cloud (VPC) based on Amazon VPC or a public network. The list of VPCs contains the names of VPC connections, rather than VPC IDs. These names are defined by the QuickSight administrator.
For Domain, choose the OpenSearch Service domain that you want to connect to.
Choose Validate connection to check that you can successfully connect to OpenSearch Service.
Choose Create data source to proceed.
For Tables, choose the one you want to use, then choose Select to continue.
Do one of the following:
To import your data into the QuickSight in-memory engine (called SPICE), choose Import to SPICE for quicker analytics. For information about how to enable importing OpenSearch data, see Authorizing connections to Amazon OpenSearch Service.
To allow QuickSight to run a query against your data each time you refresh the dataset or use the analysis or dashboard, choose Directly query your data.
To enable autorefresh on a published dashboard that uses OpenSearch Service data, the OpenSearch Service dataset needs to use a direct query.
Choose Edit/Preview and then Save to save your dataset and close it.
Managing permissions for OpenSearch Service data
The following procedure describes how to view, add, and revoke permissions to allow access to the same OpenSearch Service data source. The people that you add need to be active users in QuickSight before you can add them.
To edit permissions on a data source
Choose Datasets at left, then scroll down to find the data source card for your Amazon OpenSearch Service connection. An example might be
US Amazon OpenSearch Service Data
. -
Choose the Amazon OpenSearch dataset.
On the dataset details page that opens, choose the Permissionstab.
A list of current permissions appears.
To add permissions, choose Add users & groups, then follow these steps:
Add users or groups to allow them to use the same dataset.
When you're finished adding everyone that you want to add, choose the Permissions that you want to apply to them.
(Optional) To edit permissions, you can choose Viewer or Owner.
Choose Viewer to allow read access.
Choose Owner to allow that user to edit, share, or delete this QuickSight dataset.
(Optional) To revoke permissions, choose Revoke access. After you revoke someone's access, they can't create new datasets from this data source. However, their existing datasets still have access to this data source.
When you are finished, choose Close.
Adding a new QuickSight dataset for OpenSearch Service
After you have an existing data source connection for OpenSearch Service, you can create OpenSearch Service datasets to use for analysis.
To create a dataset using OpenSearch Service
From the start page, choose Datasets, New dataset.
Scroll down to the data source card for your OpenSearch Service connection. If you have many data sources, you can use the search bar at the top of the page to find your data source with a partial match on the name.
Choose the Amazon OpenSearch data source card, and then choose Create data set.
For Tables, choose the OpenSearch Service index that you want to use.
Choose Edit/Preview.
Choose Save to save and close the dataset.
Adding OpenSearch Service data to an analysis
After you have an OpenSearch Service dataset available, you can add it to a QuickSight analysis. Before you begin, make sure that you have an existing dataset that contains the OpenSearch Service data that you want to use.
To add OpenSearch Service data to an analysis
Choose Analyses at left.
Do one of the following:
To create a new analysis, choose New analysis at right.
To add to an existing analysis, open the analysis that you want to edit.
Choose the pencil icon near at top left.
Choose Add data set.
Choose the OpenSearch Service dataset that you want to add.
For information on using OpenSearch Service in visualizations, see Limitations for using OpenSearch Service.
For more information, see Working with analyses.
Limitations for using OpenSearch Service
The following limitations apply to using OpenSearch Service datasets:
OpenSearch Service datasets support a subset of the visual types, sort options, and filter options.
To enable autorefresh on a published dashboard that uses OpenSearch Service data, the OpenSearch Service dataset needs to use a direct query.
Multiple subquery operations aren't supported. To avoid errors during visualization, don't add multiple fields to a field well, use one or two fields per visualization, and avoid using the Color field well.
Custom SQL isn't supported.
Crossdataset joins and self joins aren't supported.
Calculated fields aren't supported.
Text fields aren't supported.
The "other" category isn't supported. If you use an OpenSearch Service dataset with a visualization that supports the "other" category, disable the "other" category by using the menu on the visual.