Create a custom email template - Amazon QuickSight
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Create a custom email template

Use the procedure below to create a custom email template in Amazon QuickSight.

To create a custom email report template
  1. In QuickSight, choose your user name at upper right, and then choose Manage QuickSight.

    This is an image of the user menu.
  2. In the toolbar at left, choose Account customization.

  3. On the Account customization page that opens, under Email report template, choose Update.

    This is an image of the account customization page.

    The Customize email template page opens with the following options for customizing dashboard reports.

    • Customizing the "Sent from" display name

    • Customizing the logo to display in the email

    • Customizing where the linked dashboard opens

    • Customizing text in the email footer

  4. For Select "Sent from" email address, choose the "Sent from" option that you want to use. If you choose the Custom email address within the Simple Email Service (SES) Amazon account #111122223333 option, follow the substeps below.

    1. For STEP 1, enter a verified SES email address in the text box, and then choose Verify.

      If you choose this option, QuickSight sends email reports for the email address that you provide.

      To use a custom email address, you first confirm that the email address is a verified SES identity. Then you create a custom policy for that identity using the provided authorization policy code in SES, and then verify the authorization policy in QuickSight. You can also provide a user friendly display name (optional) for the email. For more information, see following.For more information, see Verifying an email address in the Amazon Simple Email Service Developer Guide.

    2. For STEP 2, choose Copy authorization policy, and then choose Go to SES.

      Sign in to your SES account and create a custom policy for the email address that you verified in the previous step. You can paste the authorization policy code that you copied from QuickSight in the SES policy editor.

      For more information about creating identity policies in SES, see Creating a custom policy in the Amazon Simple Email Service Developer Guide.

    3. For STEP 3, choose Verify Authorization to verify that the SES identity has authorized QuickSight to send emails on its behalf.

      If it's verified, a verification message appears.

    4. (Optional) For STEP 4, enter a user-friendly name to display in the "Sent from" line in email reports, and then choose Save.

  5. (Optional)For Select logo choose one of the following options.

    • Custom logo – The logo must be a JPG, JPEG, or PNG format and be no larger than 1 MB. After you upload a custom logo to QuickSight, the logo automatically resizes to a maximum height of 32px.

    • QuickSight logo

    • No logo

  6. For Select where the dashboard opens, choose one of the following options:

    • Open in custom application – When you choose this option, users are redirected to your application when they click on the link to the dashboard in the email report.

      • To open the dashboard in your application, enter the URL for your application. You can use parameters in the URL. Any parameters that you add are replaced at runtime with the appropriate information. The following parameters are supported: <<$accountId>>, <<$dashboardId>>, and <<$awsRegion>>.

        For example, let's say that you enter the following URL with parameters:<<$accountId>>&dashboard-id=<<$dashboardId>>&region=<<$awsRegion>>.

        When the email report is sent to subscribers, QuickSight replaces the parameters with the appropriate values at runtime. The URL in the dashboard report email might be similar to the following:

      • To enter a custom call to action for the dashboard link in the email, enter text for Enter custom call to action text.

    • Open in – When you choose this option, users are redirected to QuickSight when they click on the link to the dashboard in the email report.

    • Hide dashboard link in email – When you choose this option, a link to view the dashboard isn't shown.

  7. For Select footer, choose one of the following options:

    • Custom footer – Enter a custom footer in the text box. A custom email footer can contain up to 500 characters.

    • QuickSight footer

    • No footer