Setting a default theme for Amazon QuickSight analyses with the QuickSight APIs - Amazon QuickSight
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Setting a default theme for Amazon QuickSight analyses with the QuickSight APIs

To set a default theme by using the API
  1. Identify the custom theme that you want to use as the default, and locate its theme ID. If you want to use one of the QuickSight starter themes, skip this step.

    To get the theme ID of a custom theme, use the ListThemes API operation for the Region where the theme is. Make sure that the theme is in the same Region with the users or groups that need to use it.

    The following example shows a shell script that uses the list-themes command in the Amazon CLI. It sets the Amazon account ID and the Amazon Web Services Region as variables. If you previously used aws configure to set a default Region, adding the --region variable to your command overrides your default setting.

    #declare variables awsacct1='111122223333' region='us-west-2' aws quicksight list-themes \ --region $region \ --aws-account-id $awsacct1 \ --type 'CUSTOM'

  2. Use the ListUsers or ListGroups API operation to collect the Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) for users or groups that need to use the theme as a default. You need only the top-level ARN. If all your users are part of the same group, use the group ARN.

    For more information on QuickSight ARNs, see ARN formats in the Amazon QuickSight API Reference.

  3. If you're using a custom theme, grant access to the theme for the ARNs that you collected in the previous step. If you're using a starter theme, skip this step because all users have access to starter themes.

    The following example shows a shell script that uses the update-theme-permissions command The grant-permissions parameter is shown using shorthand syntax. You can use JSON or YAML instead. For more information, see Specifying parameter values in the Amazon Command Line Interface User Guide.

    #declare variables awsacct1='111122223333' namespace='default' region='us-west-2' theme-id='bdb844d0-0fe9-4d9d-b520-0fe602d93639' #Find this with list-themes aws quicksight update-theme-permissions \ #Specify region if necessary: --region $region \ --aws-account-id $awsacct1 \ --theme-id $theme-id \ --grant-permissions Principal="arn:aws-cn:quicksight:$region:$awsacct1:group/$namespace/QuickSight_Group_Name",Actions="quicksight:DescribeTheme","quicksight:ListThemeVersions","quicksight:ListThemeAliases","quicksight:DescribeThemeAlias"
  4. Assign the theme as the default for the same ARN or ARNs.

    #declare variables awsacct1='111122223333' namespace='default' region='us-west-2' theme-id='bdb844d0-0fe9-4d9d-b520-0fe602d93639' aws quicksight create-account-customization \ #Specify region if necessary: --region $region \ --aws-account-id $awsacct1 \ --namespace $namespace \ --account-customization DefaultTheme="arn:aws-cn:quicksight:$region:$awsacct1:theme/$theme-id"

Currently, there are three starter themes: Classic, Midnight, and Seaside. Their ARNs are the capitalized spelling of their theme name. If you are using a starter theme instead of a custom theme, use one of the following theme ARNs:

  • arn:aws-cn:quicksight::aws:theme/CLASSIC

  • arn:aws-cn:quicksight::aws:theme/MIDNIGHT

  • arn:aws-cn:quicksight::aws:theme/SEASIDE

  • arn:aws-cn:quicksight::aws:theme/RAINIER