Aggregate metrics - Amazon QuickSight
Services or capabilities described in Amazon Web Services documentation might vary by Region. To see the differences applicable to the China Regions, see Getting Started with Amazon Web Services in China (PDF).

Aggregate metrics

The Amazon/QuickSight namespace includes the following aggregate metrics for monitoring traffic and latency of your Amazon QuickSight dashboards and ingestions.

Aggregate dashboard metrics

The following metrics track view counts and load times of all dashboards in a QuickSight account and region. You can find these metrics under the Amazon/QuickSight/Aggregate Metrics group in CloudWatch.

Metric Description Unit


The number of times that all QuickSight dashboards have been viewed across the entire QuickSight account in the region. This number is an aggregate that includes all access patterns such as web, mobile, and embedded.

The most useful statistic for this metric is SUM, which represents the total number of QuickSight dashboard views during a set period of time.



The amount of time that it takes for all QuickSight dashboards to load. The measurement begins when a user navigates to the QuickSight dashboard and ends when all of the dashboard's visuals finish rendering.

The most useful statistic for this metric is AVERAGE, which represents the average load time of all QuickSight dashboard during a set period of time.


Aggregate ingestion metrics

The following metrics track all ingestions associated with a QuickSight account and Amazon Web Services Region. You can find these metrics under the Amazon/QuickSight/Aggregate Metrics group in CloudWatch.

Metric Description Unit


The number of failed ingestions.

The most useful statistic for this metric is SUM, which represents the total number of failed ingestion during a set period.



The number of ingestions that have been initiated. This includes scheduled and manual ingestions that are initiated through the console and the QuickSight API operations.

The most useful statistic for this metric is SUM, which represents the total number of ingestions initiated during a set period of time.



The time period between the initiation of an ingestion to the completion of the ingestion.

The most useful statistic for this metric is AVERAGE, which represents the average runtime of ingestions during a set period of time.



The number of successful row ingestions.

The most useful statistic for this metric is SUM, which represents the total amount of data ingested during a set period of time.


Aggregate visual metrics

The following metrics track load times and error counts of all visuals on a dashboard and in a QuickSight account in a Region. You can find these metrics under the Amazon/QuickSight/Aggregate Metrics group for CloudWatch.

Metric Description Unit


The time that it takes for all QuickSight visuals to receive the necessary query data for an initial paint of the visuals. This includes the round-trip query time from the client, to the QuickSight service, and then back to the client.

The most useful statistic for this metric is AVERAGE, which represents the average load time of all visuals during a set period of time.



The number of times that all QuickSight visuals that belong to the QuickSight account fail to complete a data query for an initial paint.

The most useful statistic for this metric is SUM, which represents the total number of failed visuals during a set period.
