Deactivating user accounts
Deactivating a QuickSight group or user account removes that group or user's access to Amazon QuickSight resources, like analyses or data sets. IAM Identity Center or Active Directory users that are removed from a group that grants them access to QuickSight lose access to QuickSight. These users appear in the Inactive users list in QuickSight until the first day of the following month. After that, the deactivated users are automatically removed from the Inactive users list. Before you deactivate a user, you can reassign their resources to another user with the asset management console.
If you later need to reactivate a QuickSight user's account, put the user into a group with access to Amazon QuickSight. Doing this restores their access to Amazon QuickSight and to any existing resources that are still associated with that user.
With IAM Identity Center integrated into your QuickSight account or Active Directory users, you can change a user's role type by moving them to a group that is associated with a different QuickSight role. If a user is in multiple groups that are mapped to different QuickSight role types, the user is able to access QuickSight with the role that offers the broadest level of access. Accounts that use other identity types can't upgrade or downgrade a user by transferring them between groups. For more information, see Changing a user's role.
You can activate or deactivate multiple users at once by adding or removing one or more IAM Identity Center or Active Directory groups that are associated with a role in Amazon QuickSight.