Embedded analytics for Amazon QuickSight
Amazon QuickSight has new API operations for embedding analytics: GenerateEmbedUrlForAnonymousUser
and GenerateEmbedUrlForRegisteredUser
You can still use the GetDashboardEmbedUrl
API operations to embed dashboards and the QuickSight
console, but they don't contain the latest embedding capabilities. For more information
about embedding using the old API operations, see Embedding analytics using the GetDashboardEmbedURL and GetSessionEmbedURL API operations.
Applies to: Enterprise Edition |
Intended audience: Amazon QuickSight developers |
With Amazon QuickSight embedded analytics, you can seamlessly integrate data-driven experiences into your software applications. You can style the embedded components to match your brand. This capability brings the power of QuickSight to your end users, where they can analyze and interact with data without ever leaving the application. Improving the user experience by reducing cognitive complexity gives users a better opportunity for deeper understanding and effectiveness.
QuickSight supports embedding for these elements:
QuickSight console (full authoring experience for registered users )
QuickSight dashboards and visuals (for registered users, anonymous users, public end users)
QuickSight Q search bar (for registered users and anonymous users)
With an embedded QuickSight console, you embed the full QuickSight experience. Doing this makes it possible to use QuickSight authoring tools as part of your application, rather than in the context of the Amazon Web Services Management Console or a standalone website. Users of an embedded QuickSight console need to be registered as QuickSight authors or admins in your Amazon Web Services account. They also need to be authenticated into the same Amazon Web Services account, using any of the QuickSight-supported authentication methods.
With an embedded QuickSight dashboard or visual, readers get the same functionality and interactivity as they do in a published dashboard or visual. To use an embedded dashboard or visual, readers (viewers) can include any of the following:
QuickSight users authenticated in your Amazon Web Services account by any method supported by QuickSight.
Unauthenticated visitors to a website or application – This option requires session packs with capacity pricing
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Multiple end users viewing a display on monitors or large screens by programmatic access.
If your app also resides in Amazon, the app doesn't need to reside on the same Amazon Web Services account as the QuickSight subscription. However, the app needs to be able to assume the Amazon Identity and Access Management (IAM) role that you use for the API calls.
Before you can embed content, make sure that you're using QuickSight Enterprise edition in the Amazon Web Services account where you plan to use embedding.
QuickSight embedding is available in all supported Amazon Web Services Regions.