Tutorial: Modify Amazon QuickSight visuals - Amazon QuickSight
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Tutorial: Modify Amazon QuickSight visuals

Use the following procedures to modify the visuals that you created using the procedures in Tutorial: Create an Amazon QuickSight analysis.

Modify the line chart visual

Modify your line chart visual by making it show an additional measure by date, and also by changing the chart color.

To modify your line chart visual
  1. In your analysis, select the line chart visual.

  2. Add another measure to the visual.

    Select the New visitors SEO field in the Fields list pane. This measure is added to the Value field well, and the line chart updates with a line to represent it. The visual title also updates.

    Line chart showing increasing trends for return visitors and new visitors SEO over time.
  3. Change the color of the line used to represent the Return visitors measure.

    Choose the line on the chart that represents Return visitors. To do this, choose the end of the line, not the middle of the line.

    Choose Color Return visitors, and then choose the red icon from the color selector.

    Two graphs showing visitor data trends over time and device usage comparison.
  4. Choose the Date field in the X axis field well, choose Aggregate, and then choose Month.

    Date field dropdown showing Aggregate options with Month highlighted.

Modify the scatter plot visual

Modify your scatter plot visual by changing the data granularity.

To modify your scatter chart visual
  1. In the analysis, select the scatter plot visual.

  2. Choose the Group/Color field well, choose Aggregate, and then choose Month.

    Date field dropdown showing aggregation options with 'Month' highlighted.

    The scatter plot updates to show the measures by month, rather than by the default of by year.

    Scatter plot showing correlation between desktop and mobile unique visitors across months in 2013-2014.

Modify both visuals by changing visual layout and adding a filter

Modify both visuals by changing visual size and location, and by adding a filter and applying it to both of them.

Change the visual layout

Modify both visuals by changing visual size and location.

To modify both visuals
  1. In your analysis, select the line chart visual.

  2. Choose the resize handle in the lower right corner of the visual and drag up and to the left, until the visual is half its former size both horizontally and vertically.

    Line graph showing increasing trends for new and return visitors over time from 2013 to 2016.
  3. Repeat this procedure on the scatter plot visual.

  4. Choose the move handle on the scatter plot visual, and drag it up to the right of the line chart visual so that they are side by side.

    Two charts showing visitor trends: line graph of new vs. return visitors and scatter plot of desktop vs. mobile uniques.

Modify both visuals by adding a filter

Modify both visuals by adding a filter and applying it to both of them.

To add a filter to both visuals
  1. In the analysis, choose the scatter plot visual.

  2. Choose Filter at left.

  3. On the Filters pane, choose the plus icon, and then choose the Date field to filter on.

    Filters pane showing plus icon and Date field option for filtering.
  4. Choose the new filter to expand it.

    Date filter option with "Between - none" displayed and expandable menu.
  5. In the Edit filter pane, for Filter type, choose the After comparison type.

    Filter type dropdown menu showing Time range and Between options with After highlighted.
  6. Enter a start date value of 1/1/2014.

    Choose Date, choose 2014 for the year, January for the month, and then choose 1 on the calendar.

    Calendar interface showing January 2014 with the 1st day selected.
  7. In the Edit filter pane, choose Apply to apply the filter to the visual.

    The filter is applied to the scatter plot visual. This is indicated with a filter icon on the visual drop-down menu.

    Scatter plot showing Sum of Desktop Uniques vs Mobile Uniques by date from Jul 2014 to Oct 2015.
  8. Apply the filter to the line chart visual.

    In the Filter pane at left, choose the Date filter again and choose Single visual, and then choose All visuals of this dataset.

    Filter pane showing options to select visuals, with "All visuals of this dataset" highlighted.

    The filter is applied to the line chart visual as well.

Next steps

Create a dashboard from your analysis by using the procedure in Tutorial: Create an Amazon QuickSight dashboard.