Cell formatting - Amazon QuickSight
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Cell formatting

Row height

You can customize table row height.

To customize the height of rows in a table or pivot table
  1. In the Properties pane, choose Cells.

    The Cells section expands to show options for customizing cells.

  2. For Row height, enter a number in pixels. You can enter a whole number from 8 through 500.

Cell text

You can customize the formatting for cell text within a table.

To format the cell text in a table or pivot table
  1. In the Properties pane, choose Cells.

    The Cells section expands to show options for customizing cells.

  2. For Text, do one or more of the following:

    • To change the color of the cell text, choose the color swatch underneath Text styling, and then choose the color that you want the table text to be.

    • To change the font or font size of the cell text, open the Font or Font size dropdown and choose the font or font size that you want.

    • To bold, italicize, or underline the cell text, choose the appropriate icon from the style bar.

    • To wrap text in headers that are too long to fit, select Wrap text. Wrapping text in cells doesn't automatically increase the row height. Follow the previous procedure for increasing row height.

    • To change the horizontal alignment of text in cells, choose a horizontal alignment icon. You can choose left alignment, center alignment, right alignment, or automatic alignment. Horizontal alignment can only be configured for the Rows fields of a hierarchy pivot table.

    • To change the vertical alignment of text in cells, choose a vertical alignment icon. You can choose top alignment, middle alignment, bottom alignment, or automatic. For tabular pivot tables, the value for Automatic is vertical. For hierarchy pivot tables, the value for Automatic is middle.

      Vertical and horizontal cell alignment options in the Format visual menu.

Cell background color

You can customize table cells' background color.

To customize the background color of cells in a table or pivot table
  1. In the Properties pane, choose Cells.

    The Cells section expands to show options for customizing cells.

  2. For Background, do one or more of the following:

    • To alternate background colors between rows, select Alternate row colors. Clearing this option means that all cells have the same background color.

    • If you choose to alternate background colors between rows, choose a color for Odd rows and a color for Even rows by choosing the background color icon for each and selecting a color. You can choose one of the provided colors, reset the background color to the default color, or create a custom color.

    • If you choose not to alternate background colors between rows, choose the background color icon and select a color for all cells. You can choose one of the provided colors, reset the background color to the default color, or create a custom color.

Cell borders

You can customize table cells' borders.

To customize the borders for cells in a table or pivot table
  1. In the Properties pane, choose Cells.

    The Cells section expands to show options for customizing cells.

  2. For Borders, do one or more of the following:

    • To customize the type of border that you want, choose a border type icon. You can choose no borders, horizontal borders only, vertical borders only, or all borders.

    • To customize the border thickness, choose a border thickness.

    • To customize the border color, choose the border color icon, and then choose a color. You can choose one of the provided colors, reset the border color to the default color, or create a custom color.