Arithmetics - Amazon QuickSight
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The following table shows arithmetic expressions that can be used with JSON expression language.

Operation Expression Input Output
Addition ["+", operand1, operand2] { sum: ["+", 2, 4] } { sum: 6 }
Subtraction ["-", operand1, operand2] { difference: ["-", 10, 3] } { difference: 7 }
Multiplication ["*", operand1, operand2] { product: ["*", 5, 6] } { product: 30 }
Division ["/", operand1, operand2] { quotient: ["/", 20, 4] } { quotient: 5 }
Modulo ["%", operand1, operand2] { remainder: ["%", 15, 4] } { remainder: 3 }
Exponentiation ["**", base, exponent] { power: ["**", 2, 3] } { power: 8 }
Absolute Value ["abs", operand] { absolute: ["abs", -5] } { absolute: 5 }
Square Root ["sqrt", operand] { sqroot: ["sqrt", 16] } { sqroot: 4 }
Logarithm (base 10) ["log10", operand] { log: ["log10", 100] } { log: 2 }
Natural Logarithm ["ln", operand] { ln: ["ln", Math.E] } { ln: 1 }
Round ["round", operand] { rounded: ["round", 3.7] } { rounded: 4 }
Floor ["floor", operand] { floor: ["floor", 3.7] } { floor: 3 }
Ceiling ["ceil", operand] { ceiling: ["ceil", 3.2] } { ceiling: 4 }
Sine ["sin", operand] { sine: ["sin", 0] } { sine: 0 }
Cosine ["cos", operand] { cosine: ["cos", 0] } { cosine: 1 }
Tangent ["tan", operand] { tangent: ["tan", Math.PI] } { tangent: 0 }