Marker clustering on geospatial point maps in QuickSight
Use marker clustering to improve readability of collocated points on a map. Geospatial locations on point maps are represented using markers. Usually, there is one marker per data point. However, if there are too many markers close together, the map becomes difficult to read. To make it easier to interpret the map, you can enable marker clustering to represent groupings of locations on the map. As the reader zooms in on the map, the clustered markers leave the area marker to display separately.

To add cluster points to a map
Open your analysis, and choose the geospatial map that you want to format. When you select a visual, it displays with a highlight around it.
To open the formatting pane, select Format visual from the on-visual menu.
On the formatting pane at left, choose Points.
Choose one of the following options:
Basic – use the default display setting for map points.
Cluster points – cluster map points together when there are many in one area.